Police Officer Shooting of Black Suspect with Baseball Bat at Wal-Mart

Police appear to have a shoot to death policy in such circumstances probably based on the concept that a dead man cannot be a witness. If this was a suicide by police, the police were very willing to service the suspect as he wished.

One report claims he was shot three times. It is arguable that if that is so then it was murder because the first shot appeared to have disabled the victim and that further shots were not necessary.

I thought the officer responded in text book fashion. He was responding to a man who tried to hit customers in the store as well as threatening to kill the door greeter. We may never know why he was swinging the bat at people. The officer was going to tase him, but it didn't do much good as he may have been under the influence of drugs. He tried to attack the officer with the bat so he pulled out his pistol and told the suspect to drop the bat. Instead, he came toward him and he backed up, but the suspect kept coming, so he got shot. He continued to hold the bat and was trying to escape or hit others, so he may have gotten shot again.

There was the key witness who told his story, an employee who took the video, other witnesses, too. It was a justified shooting. The officer escalated his use of force because the suspect wouldn't obey his commands, drop the lethal weapon, and acted in an aggressive manner.
baseball bat can fracture the human skull...or a defensive wound of a broken arm...no different than a lead pipe

True, and if they shot him when he was still holding the bat, they might have been justified, but you can clearly see and hear when he dropped the bat before the shot that brought him down. They killed an unarmed man.
True, and if they shot him when he was still holding the bat, they might have been justified, but you can clearly see and hear when he dropped the bat before the shot that brought him down. They killed an unarmed man.

No, they didn't kill an unarmed man. Look at the blood trail in the video. He dropped the bat after he was shot. One can clearly see it.

He was leaking all over the place with the bat still in hand.

In fact, the video clearly shows that they tased him twice and he was still raising the baseball bat toward them prior to being shot.

They either tazed him again or shot him again after he dropped the baseball bat.

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Some reports say he was shot once and hit in the chest. You can see him attack the officer first.

Here's another view of the incident -- Video: Police shoot and kill bat-wielding man in San Leandro Walmart.

He's leaking blood all over the floor prior to dropping the bat. He'd already been shot prior to dropping the bat. It's as clear as day in the video.

People don't always stop their behavior when they're bleeding. Often, they don't realize they're bleeding.
I think it’s time for the slave ships to return some cargo, enough is enough
Al Sharpton will be showing up for a photo op soon, and a visit with the family explaining to them the Bling Potential of their situation, and how he and his staff will only want a 70% + cut of the future settlements.
Is Sharpton still a FOX news bogeyman? Hopefully the loons haven`t discarded George Soros who pays me to come here to ridicule nitwit MAGAs. Outside of my SS and steelworker`s pension, my check from George is my only other source of income. :(
Police appear to have a shoot to death policy in such circumstances probably based on the concept that a dead man cannot be a witness. If this was a suicide by police, the police were very willing to service the suspect as he wished.

One report claims he was shot three times. It is arguable that if that is so then it was murder because the first shot appeared to have disabled the victim and that further shots were not necessary.
It's obvious you know nothing about guns, bullet calibers and their effect on crazy ass humans.

You have bullet holes in you?
baseball bat can fracture the human skull...or a defensive wound of a broken arm...no different than a lead pipe

True, and if they shot him when he was still holding the bat, they might have been justified, but you can clearly see and hear when he dropped the bat before the shot that brought him down. They killed an unarmed man.

lol ... sure, sure, that's it ... keep up the good work, and you'll soon have your own daytime show host gig on The Real, that show that seems to be run by 10 year old girls and other assorted haflwits with high self-esteem.
The officer was interviewed by experts that afternoon and it is determined that he suffered an "adrenaline burst" causing the repeat discharges due to fear of being killed. He is now suffering PTSD from the event and will be taking an early retirement due to the damage done to him. His P.D. issued attorney preferred not to comment.
The bat wielder was found to have Hydroxichloroquine in his backpack.
C.O.D. Covid-19 related
If you're gonna walk around society swingin a baseall bat, you're probably gonna get deleted eventually.
But not if you're white and carrying an AR-15. Funny that.
Walk around with a AR-15 and point it at someone then you're dead. It doesn't matter what skin color you are.
There WILL BE surveillance footage and police reports and drug tests done on the person who was swinging the baseball bat.
Of course the negroes won't believe the facts if they are against the person with the bat.

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