Police Officer Shooting of Black Suspect with Baseball Bat at Wal-Mart

baseball bat can fracture the human skull...or a defensive wound of a broken arm...no different than a lead pipe

True, and if they shot him when he was still holding the bat, they might have been justified, but you can clearly see and hear when he dropped the bat before the shot that brought him down. They killed an unarmed man.
That was a taser gun they hit him with when he was on the ground. He only got shot once with a real gun.

Not according to reports. The cop is trying to blame the 2 additional hots on some form of PTSD
He was tasered at least one, maybe twice before he was shot once, he never backed off or dropped the bat as requested.

East Bay Times

Video: Police shoot and kill bat-wielding man in San Leandro Walmart

By Paul Rogers

April 18, 2020


“Get back!” “Get back!” they yell several times, as a person in the background can be heard shouting “Put it down! Put it down!”

At least one officer fires his Taser weapon at the suspect, who staggers back and then continues advancing. When the man is about five feet from the lead officer, the video shows, the officer fires his gun, striking the man in the chest.

The man staggers back, drops the bat, and bleeding on the floor, collapses as horrified shoppers look on. One yells “Don’t shoot him no more.” Another yells “Call an ambulance!”


One witness claims he was begging to die BEFORE the Police arrived.
baseball bat can fracture the human skull...or a defensive wound of a broken arm...no different than a lead pipe

True, and if they shot him when he was still holding the bat, they might have been justified, but you can clearly see and hear when he dropped the bat before the shot that brought him down. They killed an unarmed man.
That was a taser gun they hit him with when he was on the ground. He only got shot once with a real gun.

Not according to reports. The cop is trying to blame the 2 additional hots on some form of PTSD
Im fine with it, as long as he is dead.
Police appear to have a shoot to death policy in such circumstances probably based on the concept that a dead man cannot be a witness. If this was a suicide by police, the police were very willing to service the suspect as he wished.

One report claims he was shot three times. It is arguable that if that is so then it was murder because the first shot appeared to have disabled the victim and that further shots were not necessary.
Yeah, because nobody invented Video Cameras yet...WAIT!
Re tasing, the reason it doesn't always work is because some police depts. and local laws limit the voltages one can set them on. They can easily kill people with certain medical conditions above certain power levels, and the dept. bureaucrats would rather limit lawsuits then have safer officers. Don't know what the case is there in this story, but my guess is they need to get themselves some more powerful tasers.
Re tasing, the reason it doesn't always work is because some police depts. and local laws limit the voltages one can set them on. Don't know what the case is there in this story, but my guess is they need to get themselves some more powerful tasers.
Many officers don't want to get that close because then they're accused of assault and lose their careers.
Re tasing, the reason it doesn't always work is because some police depts. and local laws limit the voltages one can set them on. Don't know what the case is there in this story, but my guess is they need to get themselves some more powerful tasers.
Many officers don't want to get that close because then they're accused of assault and lose their careers.

Yep, that too. Me? I would do the Indiana Jones in the Kasbah thing, rather than wrestle around with vermin.
You can't move towards the police with a weapon in your hand. In fact, don't move towards them at all. For all the people complaining about the shooting (which is still tragic even though it appears to be justified), which part about don't threaten police do you not fucking understand??? This man would still be alive today if he didn't have some dumb idea that it was OK to move at police with a weapon. I blame this man's death on Liberals and the race baiting motherfuckers out there.

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