Police officer uses "civil forfeiture" to take all of the money out of a hot dog vendor's wallet

He was not under arrest

I don't have the facts of this case and I'm not commenting on it. On the face of it, it would seem the officer acted improperly. However, I can't even begin to count the number of times that officers have been accused of the most heinous crimes in the media before the facts were known.

I was correcting the blanket comment that police don't have the right to go through your wallet. That statement is completely wrong.

They can also go through your wallet if you are dead

The vendor did not appear to be dead
Liberal policy in action.......LOL Vendor must be one of those "Super Predators" that Bill and Hill wanted "Off our streets". ...........LOL

This is actually Trump/Republican party, enforcement.
Most of you moonbats really do live in opposite land

REALITY CHECK: Berkley is not some Republican party stronghold.

Grow up and quit smoking so damn much wacky tobacky.
Authoritarian fascist governments do that. In the USA that means Democrat controlled government.

Why are you extreme leftists who bitch and whine the loudest about oppressive government almost exclusively vote for Democrats? Go to the fucking library once in a while and read about the history of the Democratic party.
Forfeiture laws are ridiculous anyway....an invitation to police corruption

For a misdemeanor like not having a vendors license. A ticket and a fine should suffice

That cop is awesome...."this is law and order" I love it. Dirty beaner in the background says: "you must have voted for Trump" hahaha
Selling food and or wares without proper permitting is illegal....monies from sales is illegally acquired...monies and equipment should be seized.
Welcome to the United States folks....this is LAW AND ORDER working.
The police have no right to go through your wallet

Actually ... not true. A police officer can go through your wallet if you're under arrest to ...

1. Confirm ID
2. Catalog currency and valuables
3. Search for drugs

Anything they find needs to be accounted for and documented, then stored in an evidence bag.
You are describing the booking process. All the police have the right to look for is weapons and contraband.
Authoritarian fascist governments do that. In the USA that means Democrat controlled government.

Why are you extreme leftists who bitch and whine the loudest about oppressive government almost exclusively vote for Democrats? Go to the fucking library once in a while and read about the history of the Democratic party.
I did. There are plenty of videos on YouTube regarding the Civil War and its aftermath.

I also read Robert Novack's, Prince of Darkness.
The video isn't conclusion of anything, though it looks bad. A warrant would be needed to search the wallet as thoroughly as pictured unless exigent circumstances existed.

If booked the jail personnel would, in the presence of the subject, catalog everything within the wallet and/or on the person, and have the detainee sign off that what is cataloged is true and correct.
All the police have the right to look for is weapons and contraband.

Not true. When I arrest someone and they have a wallet, I can search that wallet for ID. If I find currency, I must remove it and document the amount and denomination of the bills and show that to the arrested to concur after placing it in an evidence bag. I make a record of this in my notebook and if I have a partner then he will initial my notebook. In that way, it's difficult for the arrested to claim that police have taken his money.
I don't know but I do know it used to be you didn't take any more cash than what was actually needed to go across the border back years ago. So much of that has moved north nothing would surprise me at this point.
Forfeiture laws are ridiculous anyway....an invitation to police corruption

For a misdemeanor like not having a vendors license. A ticket and a fine should suffice

That cop is awesome...."this is law and order" I love it. Dirty beaner in the background says: "you must have voted for Trump" hahaha
Selling food and or wares without proper permitting is illegal....monies from sales is illegally acquired...monies and equipment should be seized.
Welcome to the United States folks....this is LAW AND ORDER working.
Now you know why US nationals prefer welfare to getting arrested for practicing a work ethic from the Age of Iron.
I don't know but I do know it used to be you didn't take any more cash than what was actually needed to go across the border back years ago. So much of that has moved north nothing would surprise me at this point.
Our Founding Fathers wisely omitted a Prohibition clause from our federal Constitution.

Our experiment of last millennium, should have been sufficient proof of their wisdom.
Forfeiture laws are ridiculous anyway....an invitation to police corruption

For a misdemeanor like not having a vendors license. A ticket and a fine should suffice

That cop is awesome...."this is law and order" I love it. Dirty beaner in the background says: "you must have voted for Trump" hahaha
Selling food and or wares without proper permitting is illegal....monies from sales is illegally acquired...monies and equipment should be seized.
Welcome to the United States folks....this is LAW AND ORDER working.
Now you know why US nationals prefer welfare to getting arrested for practicing a work ethic from the Age of Iron.
Back when we would go down to TJ from time to time dad got to talking to the local police chief. They had taken a car down there to get the seats recovered. The P.C.'s cousin ran the local upholstery shop. While waiting for the car to get done we were directed to all sorts of other places that the P.C.s cousins and families owned. Permitting processes in a communist style setting is only for family members and those connected to the local governance bodies.

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