Police officer uses "civil forfeiture" to take all of the money out of a hot dog vendor's wallet

The police have no right to go through your wallet

Actually ... not true. A police officer can go through your wallet if you're under arrest to ...

1. Confirm ID
2. Catalog currency and valuables
3. Search for drugs

Anything they find needs to be accounted for and documented, then stored in an evidence bag.

That only applies if there is an arrest made. If they just gave an appearance ticket it was a 4th amendment violation. And a violation of the takings clause.

That cop is awesome...."this is law and order" I love it. Dirty beaner in the background says: "you must have voted for Trump" hahaha
Selling food and or wares without proper permitting is illegal....monies from sales is illegally acquired...monies and equipment should be seized.
Welcome to the United States folks....this is LAW AND ORDER working.
Now you know why US nationals prefer welfare to getting arrested for practicing a work ethic from the Age of Iron.

Oh Danny...four in ten of your Mexican Nationals are on welfare and need access to my checking account to eat compared to one in ten White Trash "US Nationals".
Why do you LefTards continue to believe that laws aren't made for you to follow?

Laws are made to control criminal activity, which can, do to time and place, include hate speech, so the question to you is:

Who or what made you into the criminal your are?

True...criminals sell shit without permits. It's just another way the human cockroaches fuck over REAL Americans....but you love that...you're happier when Gustavo is able to buy that Modello and new pit bull....you don't want to protect REAL Americans and American owned businesses.

Americans who hire young men outside of Home Depot, or who own small and sometimes very large businesses, hire employees who, by law, are not employable. These Americans can pay the many hard working men and women under the table and avoid paying payroll taxes.

Without these criminals the hard working and mostly Asians and Latino/Latina workers, who lack green cards, would not be able to come to the US to work.

Face this fact and demand that Trump and Sessions stop the racist attacks, and begin to put Americans who hire these people seeking a better future into the CJS; jail them, then put them on probation until they pay restitution to SS and medicare for their law violations.

Your post kinda has that "if you leave your keys in your car you deserve for it to be stolen" sort of feeling.
Look, no doubt employers should be hanged for hiring illegals...but tell me this; what about the Cockroaches that provide phony documents or the documents of a barely American family member?
The police have no right to go through your wallet

Actually ... not true. A police officer can go through your wallet if you're under arrest to ...

1. Confirm ID
2. Catalog currency and valuables
3. Search for drugs

Anything they find needs to be accounted for and documented, then stored in an evidence bag.

That only applies if there is an arrest made. If they just gave an appearance ticket it was a 4th amendment violation. And a violation of the takings clause.

They know the guy is illegal and will never show up to get his money back
Forfeiture laws are ridiculous anyway....an invitation to police corruption

For a misdemeanor like not having a vendors license. A ticket and a fine should suffice

Yet you believe in ridiculously big gov. When the government gets too big corruption is the consequences.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Forfeiture laws are ridiculous anyway....an invitation to police corruption

For a misdemeanor like not having a vendors license. A ticket and a fine should suffice

Yet you believe in ridiculously big gov. When the government gets too big corruption is the consequences.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Actually, our forfeiture laws were an outgrowth of the War on Drugs....a Conservative favorite
Liberal policy in action.......LOL Vendor must be one of those "Super Predators" that Bill and Hill wanted "Off our streets". ...........LOL

This is actually Trump/Republican party, enforcement.
Most of you moonbats really do live in opposite land

REALITY CHECK: Berkley is not some Republican party stronghold.

Grow up and quit smoking so damn much wacky tobacky.

REALITY CHECK: Sessions supports civil forfeiture laws.
The soon to be fired AG Sessions has nothing to do with it, jackass. The federal government is simply not involved in the case.
Is it alleged that the Police Officer kept the money? This crap is typical of the ignorant angry borderline psychotic left these days. The police Officer represents the government and the government represents the Constitution. Who ya gonna call when you hear a bump in the night, the Police or a hot dog vendor? About 80 Police Officers were killed in the line of duty last year to ensure the right of idiots to post this stuff. Change the freaking law instead of posting angry junk designed to incite hatred for the Police.
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Later, the cops will decry the absence of support from the citizenry, and wonder why. They'll decry the "war on police" which doesn't exist, for the understandable animosity that exists when cops steal the money from a guy and tell him to hire a lawyer to get it back knowing the lawyer will cost a hundred times more than the money they stole, and it was stolen.
Now you know why US nationals prefer welfare to getting arrested for practicing a work ethic from the Age of Iron.

Oh Danny...four in ten of your Mexican Nationals are on welfare and need access to my checking account to eat compared to one in ten White Trash "US Nationals".
Why do you LefTards continue to believe that laws aren't made for you to follow?

Laws are made to control criminal activity, which can, do to time and place, include hate speech, so the question to you is:

Who or what made you into the criminal your are?

True...criminals sell shit without permits. It's just another way the human cockroaches fuck over REAL Americans....but you love that...you're happier when Gustavo is able to buy that Modello and new pit bull....you don't want to protect REAL Americans and American owned businesses.

Americans who hire young men outside of Home Depot, or who own small and sometimes very large businesses, hire employees who, by law, are not employable. These Americans can pay the many hard working men and women under the table and avoid paying payroll taxes.

Without these criminals the hard working and mostly Asians and Latino/Latina workers, who lack green cards, would not be able to come to the US to work.

Face this fact and demand that Trump and Sessions stop the racist attacks, and begin to put Americans who hire these people seeking a better future into the CJS; jail them, then put them on probation until they pay restitution to SS and medicare for their law violations.

Your post kinda has that "if you leave your keys in your car you deserve for it to be stolen" sort of feeling.
Look, no doubt employers should be hanged for hiring illegals...but tell me this; what about the Cockroaches that provide phony documents or the documents of a barely American family member?

a. Counterfeiters of documents should be arrested and if found guilty serve a prison sentence, and upon parole be supervised by an agent for life; if a non citizen is so arrested and convicted, they should be imprisoned and any property they own within our country should be confiscated and sold for the their keep, upon their release they should be deported with only the clothes on their back.

b. What is a "barely American family member"?
Government corruption of the first order, seize your assets then squeeze you like a loan shark if you try to recover your property.
Later, the cops will decry the absence of support from the citizenry, and wonder why. They'll decry the "war on police" which doesn't exist, for the understandable animosity that exists when cops steal the money from a guy and tell him to hire a lawyer to get it back knowing the lawyer will cost a hundred times more than the money they stole, and it was stolen.
They are all obviously innocent lil' creatures.....


I thought only police in the Third World, did that.
Welcome to Mehico.....
Our, municipales, in action?
I don't know but I do know it used to be you didn't take any more cash than what was actually needed to go across the border back years ago. So much of that has moved north nothing would surprise me at this point.
Our Founding Fathers wisely omitted a Prohibition clause from our federal Constitution.

Our experiment of last millennium, should have been sufficient proof of their wisdom.
Wisdom has been on vacation in California for many years now.

"It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year"

Truman Capote
Welcome to Mehico.....
Our, municipales, in action?
I don't know but I do know it used to be you didn't take any more cash than what was actually needed to go across the border back years ago. So much of that has moved north nothing would surprise me at this point.
Our Founding Fathers wisely omitted a Prohibition clause from our federal Constitution.

Our experiment of last millennium, should have been sufficient proof of their wisdom.
Wisdom has been on vacation in California for many years now.

"It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year"

Truman Capote
I love my home state. I just do not love what has been done to it over the years.
What was the charge? Never mentioned in the video.

The guy taking the video said the cops could find other people drinking in public on the campus, if they bothered to look. Was this hot-dog vendor drinking in public? Was he dealing drugs? What's the charge?

The U.S. Constitution says that the cops can't search OR SIEZE anything from a citizen unless they have a warrant. If that makes it more difficult for cops to apprehend or charge a person legitimately suspected of committing a crime, too bad. That part of the Constitution was written very carefully, and for very good reason, and in 200 years the American people have seen fit to not change it even a little.

If cops don't like it, or even if Congressmen don't like it, that doesn't mean they can violate it. By cops taking his money (that's property too), or by congressmen enacting a Federal law saying "asset forfeiture" is OK. Both acts are flatly illegal, even if the cops have a legitimate reason (aka "probable cause") to think the guy committed a crime, whether drinking in public, or dealing drugs, or whatever.

Maybe for all I know, the vendor is a slimebag drug dealer, and this cop caught him in the act. I don't know, I didn't see that in the video. But even if the cop did catch him in the act, it's flagrantly unconstitutional for the cop to confiscate his money. Money isn't illegal. And without a warrant, the cops can't even take the guy's hat off his head.

BTW, the cops' job is NOT to arrest bad guys. It's to enforce the law. And that includes the 4th amendment. And if the cops violate the 4th (as it looks to me this cop did), they aren't doing their job. In fact, they are committing a crime themselves.

It seems the guy did not have a permit to sell hot dogs

He was making a fortune selling hot dogs to rich white kids on campus
Anybody know if there have ever been court cases where some guy got his property seized under these "civil forfeiture laws", and sued on 4th amendment grounds? Maybe even a Supreme Court case about that?

Hard to imagine there has NEVER been such a case. Anyone know of one?

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