Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Ever read hitler? He was a leftist who murdered Jews and hated people with non-white skin color, as did marx, you dumb ass....
I've got a copy of mein kampf, couldn't get past the first chapter.
I've got a copy of mein kampf, couldn't get past the first chapter.

Leftists are vile...their racism and hatred of Jewish people is disgusting......and it always ends with them murdering people based on their skin color and Jewish heritage...
Leftists are vile...their racism and hatred of Jewish people is disgusting......and it always ends with them murdering people based on their skin color and Jewish heritage...
Leftists…. LOL

You are a special kind of stupid.
And anyone who has watched the 2000 Mules documentary knows that from collected cellphone data that some of the people who were at the J6 rally were also BLM and Antifa members.
And anyone who knows anything about you knows that:

1) You're Russian
2) You're a paid troll
Leftists are vile...their racism and hatred of Jewish people is disgusting......and it always ends with them murdering people based on their skin color and Jewish heritage...
"Jews will not replace us." was NOT chanted by Leftists.
(((SOROS))) anti-semitic dog-whistles are not used by Leftists.
Swastikas are not used as avis by Leftists.
Excellent. Glad we agree that leftists aren’t the ones pushing the dangers of white genocide or racism against black people. It’s perfectly obvious.

Yes...leftists are......the democrat party pushes the lie that whites are racists and that blacks are victims...the left always divides people by groups, in particular by race, and wealth, which is where their Jew hatred comes in...
White Supremacy garbage.

The Gas Lighting of America. Appears the shooter was a left leaner.

They are already hiding his manifesto...where he admits to being a leftist authoritarian/populist and eco-fascist, who believes in socialism....... Dont taz me bro lied about me and this guys left leaning beliefs......

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