Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

They are already hiding his manifesto...where he admits to being a leftist authoritarian/populist and eco-fascist, who believes in socialism....... Dont taz me bro lied about me and this guys left leaning beliefs......
"They are already hiding his manifesto"...........OOooooooo, a con-spiracy!
Running away from cops in a high-speed chase?


The man accused of slamming into a Wisconsin Christmas parade, killing six people, posted a slew of racist messages targeting white people on social media, according to reports.
The Daily Mail reported that a now-deleted Facebook account belonging to Darrell Brooks Jr., 39, urged readers to take “white ppl (the f***) out.”
In a post from June 9, 2020, Brooks wrote: “LEARNED ND (sic) TAUGHT BEHAVIOR!! so when we start bakk knokkin white people TF out ion wanna hear it … the old white ppl 2, KNOKK DEM TF OUT!! PERIOD…”
In addition, he pointed to a story about “white privilege” and a white police officers being “violent towards peaceful protesters.” Brooks also posted a meme on Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and “real Jews.”

It claimed Blacks are “the true Hebrews” and the U.S. had moved “false white Jews into a state of Israel.”

The fact that this spineless motherfucker was allowed to surrender peacefully and not given a massive dose of lead poisoning by the responding officers PROVES that there is no JUSTICE in this country.,
No send him to Gitmo and waterboard him for all his racist contacts.
You're the one fabricating claims of him being a leftist. The onus is on you to provide that evidence, not on me to prove a negative, so either post your evidence or stop making shit up.

Shit head..........from twitter posts about the manifesto........

The suspect expressed many anti-Semitic views, from what screenshots and excerpts are available.

(From twitter posts at the link)......

The manifesto of the terrorist who killed people today contains the following: - He did a chart of Jewish people and included me under “troll Jew.” - Rejection of Christianity. - An admission that he is is “authoritarian left wing.” - Hybrid Nazi and “green nationalism.”
The killer's manifesto attacks Fox News but feel free to continue exploiting people being murdered for some likes and retweets
The 180 page "manifesto" left by the shooter shows zero "Tucker" "Tucker Carlson," or "Carlson" mentions. The document is sick, and the shooter claims to be an authoritarian leftist.
The shooter explicitly attacks Fox News in his deranged manifesto, you despicable liar.

Hey....don't taz me bro....I will await your apology, you doofus.
Because the link I supplied last night is now broken, I have split crazy boy's manifesto into 4 parts (that's what it took to get them small enough to upload) and will upload them here so that anyone interested in reading this asshole's own words unfiltered will be able to do so...


  • PG Manifesto Pt 1.pdf
    17.4 MB · Views: 15
  • PG Manifesto Pt 2.pdf
    9.2 MB · Views: 49
  • PG Manifesto Pt 3.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 16
  • PG Manifesto Pt 4.pdf
    504.3 KB · Views: 7
Because the link I supplied last night is now broken, I have split crazy boy's manifesto into 4 parts (that's what it took to get them small enough to upload) and will upload them here so that anyone interested in reading this asshole's own words unfiltered will be able to do so...
Couldnt open it
Because the link I supplied last night is now broken, I have split crazy boy's manifesto into 4 parts (that's what it took to get them small enough to upload) and will upload them here so that anyone interested in reading this asshole's own words unfiltered will be able to do so...

Thanks....the manifesto is going the way of leftist jeffery epstein...
Public school system
And a huge loss of cultural direction in this COUNTRY... This is all due to a push towards extremism that many aren't ready to accept or deal with, otherwise a culture clash in the extreme now, but how is it being fueled or who exactly has been fueling it as far as the elite's go ? Is our government a partaker in the division ? I think everyone knows the answer to that, so all anyone can do is hope that a more moderate government gets back in power, and is one that doesn't lean to hard therefore disrupting the balance between everything.
And he believed in eco-fascism and socialism......just like all the big mass murderers since 1917

He wasn't there redistributing wealth, he was there shooting "replacers" just like Tucker tells you guys every night.

He's one of yours. Own him. Embrace him. Maybe think about the shit you say every day.
three quarters of killers in mass shootings obtain their guns LEGALLY. we need stricter gun regulations, my friends

half of the killers end their attack in suicide. they all act in worrisome ways prior to attacking, yet the media routinely quote folks who know these murderers and are surprised they murdered
The democrat party of today is just as racist....they simply have the racists of all skin colors all working toward increasing their own power.
The Republican Party of today is the openly racist party, they have fooled a couple of black folks. You see one or two on this forum.
Okay, he talks about white genocide, replacement, has a Gadsen flag...

He's one of yours.
He wasn't there redistributing wealth, he was there shooting "replacers" just like Tucker tells you guys every night.

He's one of yours. Own him. Embrace him. Maybe think about the shit you say every day.
These Negro assholes are "one of you".


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