Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

CRY claims that whites are the oppressers and blacks are the oppressed. There's no way to argue otherwise.
CRT does not say that and I presented one topic CRT does cover. The facts of history show that whites have oppressed citizens of color. That's a hard truth you don't want to face, but CRT doesn't teach that. You have been race pimped. There's no way to argue otherwise.
To the white run media:

Payton Gendron is not a…

gunman, shooter, assailant, or any other adjective y’all use to diminish the savagery of his crime.

He’s a…

white supremacist, murderer, terrorist, a rapacious, barbaric, monster.

Get the language right.
That lasted hours , CHAZ/ CHOP lasted months
CHAZ/CHOP has nothing to do with this. You argue a false equivalence. 1-6 happened for nothing. There was no stolen election people were shown that and they still rioted. What you described happened due to a real police murder, that set off protests because of decades of police murder and brutality.
To the white run media:

Payton Gendron is not a…

gunman, shooter, assailant, or any other adjective y’all use to diminish the savagery of his crime.

He’s a…

white supremacist, murderer, terrorist, a rapacious, barbaric, monster.

Get the language right.
He is a thug.
There will be a visit to the presidential podium soon with Joe Biteme once again calling for all guns to be banned.

If there is a potential race war developing I want to be able to DEFEND my white ass if necessary. If I was black I would want to be able to DEFEND my black ass.

If my attackers are trying to kill me with their firearms, I damn sure want to have firearms to defend myself and my family.

Note: I have no plans to ATTACK anyone. I hope and pray no race war ever happens.

Why have so many mass shootings occurred in the United States?
Because we are a country of self absorbed ass holes with no manners. Wealth and fame or in thus case infamy are all that matters to most people. Funny how when manners go out the window people start dying

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