Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'


Did you always hold these views?
When I was 12 I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old highschool and ask about me and you will hear that. From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right.

On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist
Are you a conservative?
No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.

Are you a socialist?
Depending on the definition. Worker ownership of the means of production? It depends on who those workers are, their intentions, who currently owns the means of production, their intentions and who currently owns the state, and their intentions.

What are your views?
I would prefer to call myself a populist. But you can call me an ethno-nationalist eco-fascist national socialist if you want, I wouldn’t disagree with you.

Like the New Zealand and El Paso Shooters, the Buffalo Mass Public Shooter was another environmentalist extremist who worried about the damage that minorities did to the environment

Yes you are....you are a "fine" representative of today's Right.
No! Without the Second Amendment we would no longer be free.

Americans have rights. The courts will not allow him to do that.

The Second Amendment has nothing to do with ‘keeping us free’ – that’s the First Amendment.

And the thread topic is not about the Second Amendment, it’s about yet another manifestation of rightwing fear, racism, and hate.
That's exactly what it says.
Not it is not. The bullshit you idiots got fed by Chris Rufo is a bunch of race baited crap.

I have a book. It is a book I read 35 years ago for a paper I was writing in college. I got a B on the paper, and the paper was about Critical Race Theory. Since everybody on the right mumbles about CRT based on an idiots race baiting, perhaps we look at this theory as it really is.

So lets look at Critical Race Theory Pt.1 for the next few days

Pt. 1 Chapter 1- Serving Two Masters: Integration Ideals and Client Interests in School Desegregation Litigation.

In "Serving Two Masters" the position Bell took was that the legal team that took on the Brown case were more interested in integration than what might have been the best educational solution for black communities. Now that is far from the garbage I keep getting told by right wing members of this forum when they make claims about CRT.

And we can be sure, this is not being taught to children. Nor does it teach that all whites are racist. I took this from the book titled "Critical Race Theory, The Key Writings the Formed the Movement" Not some crap written by right wing race hustlers.
When it served their purposes the democrats also oppose immigration.....

I love when you guys rewrite history.

At the time, you guys complained Clinton was too soft on Crime... even though he was going with the flow that had started under Nixon of creating the Prison-Industrial Complex.
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If those Blacks killed in the grocery store by this White guy had not been killed by him they probably would have been killed by a Black street thug sooner or later.

The great majority of Black homicides are Black on Black crime.

There is a mass killing of Blacks by other Blacks every weekend in Chicago and twice if it is a three day weekend.
I love when you guys rewrite history.

At the time, you guys complained Clinton was too soft on Crime... even though he was going with the flow that had started under Nixon of creating the Prison-Industrial Complex.

Joe, you are such a pathetic piece of libtard shit I bet you lay away at night praying that some White guy will kill a goddamn Negro just so you will have something to bitch about on the internet. Am I right or am I right?
The important fact to realize is that this sort of racist, hateful rhetoric is not ‘far right’ – it’s part of mainstream conservativism.

It’s the rhetoric that got Trump elected.

Quite right. The only thing that separated Trump from the other 10 bags of bad ideas in 2016 was that he was willing to trade in the racist dogwhistle for a racist bullhorn.

The Buffalo Shooter was just the manifestation of these talking points of misdirected white anxiety.
i’m not the one that opposed Brown v Board of Education out of free if a racial jungle or told people they aren’t really black if they don’t fall in line.
Yea your party just opposes the Voting Rights Act and Police Reform, both which affect black folks greatly.
If this guy was Black he would have been let out of jail already on $200 bail.
If those Blacks killed in the grocery store by this White guy had not been killed by him they probably would have been killed by a Black street thug sooner or later.

The great majority of Black homicides are Black on Black crime.

There is a mass killing of Blacks by other Blacks every weekend in Chicago and twice if it is a three day weekend.
You are the lowest of the low, what a racist POS. See it is post like this that Struth will ignore because she doesn't want to step on the toes of white folks.
Joe, you are such a pathetic piece of libtard shit I bet you lay away at night praying that some White guy will kill a goddamn Negro just so you will have something to bitch about on the internet. Am I right or am I right?

Uh, no, guy.

I'm the one who has been on here saying that it's easier for crazy people to get guns than treatment. This is just another crazy person with a gun, who never should have had one.
Yea your party just opposes the Voting Rights Act and Police Reform, both which affect black folks greatly.

more lies. The Voting Rights act was only opposed by dems

and the dems blocked any discussion of police reform after George Flyod’s murder by a agent of a dem govt in Minn
From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right.

Oh, so he's Donald Trump. Not sure you've done yourself any favors here

Yes, you are lying. He says conservatism is corporatism in disguise. He rejects conservatism on the basis of what he considers to be corporatist roots, however, he fully embraces white replacement theory and supremacy, which is an extremist right wing position. He also doesn't fully embrace the left either; he embraces populism, which is an economic ideology embraced by Trump and the Trumpeteers. It appears he carries a broad spectrum of ideas here, both right and left. You lied because you tried to conclusively paint him as a far left winger, which your own quoted passages prove he isn't. The bigger question is, why did right or left matter to you anyway?
bro, a whole bunch of folks are erroneously claiming this was a false flag operation, from Nic Fuentes to Mike Cernovich to Arizona Trump-endorsed State Sen Wendy Rogers. these people are sick

at least folks like Ann Coulter admit what's happened!



more lies. The Voting Rights act was only opposed by dems.
Republicans are the ones who are opposing the Voting Rights Bill that was introduced by Democrats. Smfh.
and the dems blocked any discussion of police reform after George Flyod’s murder by a agent of a dem govt in Minn
Get a new argument, because that bullshit has been debunked over and over again. Nobody wants a bill of recommendations and what ifs, that is all Uncle Tim's bill was.

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