Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

CRT does not say that and I presented one topic CRT does cover. The facts of history show that whites have oppressed citizens of color. That's a hard truth you don't want to face, but CRT doesn't teach that. You have been race pimped. There's no way to argue otherwise.
You just repeated what I said...lol
I linked to studies. The first thing you have to realize is that if a law passed banning all firearms a fairly large segment of the public would not comply. In that group are criminals.Armed criminals love gun control — the more the better.

This time I will link to videos.

If you are a criminal your occupation is a lot more fun if your victims are disarmed. Your workplace is much safer.

Nothing was stopping the Obama administration from cleaning up Chicago gun violence when they had the power to do so, but he didn't want certain group's to think that he was picking on them instead of him going out and stopping all that out of control violence all across urban working class America, you know where all those soccer mom's were sitting back in wait to burn the public school system to the ground, and set bon-fires all throughout their communities to protest violently if necessary when their children came home with a D on their report card.. ROTFLMBO.
The republicans in congress opposed everything he did and Chicago is not in the top 20 of dangerous cities. There is violence across America period. Most of it is suburban and rural.

Another silly racist screed.
You just repeated what I said...lol
No I didn't. CRT is not history. And historical documents show white oppression of people of color. The 3/5th's compromise is not CRT. Dred Scott v. Sandford is not CRT. The 1790 and other Naturalization Act giving whites citizenship and nobody else is not CRT. Redlining is not CRT. Restrictive Covenants are not CRT. So the facts of history have you whining about what you think is racist.
I linked to studies. The first thing you have to realize is that if a law passed banning all firearms a fairly large segment of the public would not comply. In that group are criminals.Armed criminals love gun control — the more the better.

This time I will link to videos.

If you are a criminal your occupation is a lot more fun if your victims are disarmed. Your workplace is much safer.

Your sources are questionable. Citing information from a gun organization is not going to state that guns don't help. Other countries with gun control do not have this problem.

Further proof that ‘good guy with a gun’ is a myth, particularly with regard to mass shootings.
Actually it shows wearing bullet proof clothing can save you.


The gunman wore body armor and military-style clothing during the attack in the supermarket in Buffalo, New York, where mostly Blacks shoppers and workers at Tops Friendly Market were present. He even aired the shooting live on Twitch


The gunman shot four people outside the store, three fatally, said Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia. Inside the store, a security guard who was a retired Buffalo police officer fired multiple shots, but a bullet that hit the gunman's bulletproof vest had no effect, Gramaglia added.

Here is one case where a mass murder was stopped by an armed cicialian.

Twitch removed the Buffalo shooter's livestream in 2 minutes. Seems ideal to give platforms much flexibility to moderate content like this, but the trend—as evidenced by Texas's social media law, HB 20—is for the government to prohibit such things.
Your sources are questionable. Citing information from a gun organization is not going to state that guns don't help. Other countries with gun control do not have this problem.
In my first post #1244 you replied to, the studies were from Harvard University, Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), The Foundation for Economic Education and The Western Journal.

You will argue that the Harvard Study was on a pro gun website so therefore is totally unreliable. Therefore I will link to the actual study. Harvard University is not a “gun organization.” The other studies also were not from gun organizations either.


This Article has reviewed a significant amount of evidence from a wide variety of international sources. Each individual portion of evidence is subject to cavil—at the very least the general objection that the persuasiveness of social scientific evidence cannot remotely approach the persuasiveness of conclusions in the physical sciences. Nevertheless, the bur‐ den of proof rests on the proponents of the more guns equal more death and fewer guns equal less death mantra, espe‐ cially since they argue public policy ought to be based on that mantra.149 To bear that burden would at the very least require showing that a large number of nations with more guns have more death and that nations that have imposed stringent gun controls have achieved substantial reductions in criminal violence (or suicide). But those correlations are not observed when a large number of nations are compared across the world.
They did....there's an EXCELLENT anthology of all their speeches praising Hitler and Mussolini called The Illustrious Dunderheads....edited by Rex Stout.
None of those people are still alive, so it doesn't count.

At least, that was the justification given me for George Takei supporting the party that put him, personally, in a camp.

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