Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

More gun nut Rambo fantasy

How has that concealed carry done at stopping massacres in Texas?
How about this.
Actually it shows wearing bullet proof clothing can save you.


The gunman wore body armor and military-style clothing during the attack in the supermarket in Buffalo, New York, where mostly Blacks shoppers and workers at Tops Friendly Market were present. He even aired the shooting live on Twitch


The gunman shot four people outside the store, three fatally, said Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia. Inside the store, a security guard who was a retired Buffalo police officer fired multiple shots, but a bullet that hit the gunman's bulletproof vest had no effect, Gramaglia added.

Here is one case where a mass murder was stopped by an armed cicialian.

What a wonderful country we live in! Bullet proof clothing....bullet proof school backpacks.....
And if not for them, this country would be the largest third world dictatorship on the planet, if it even existed anymore, at all.

Without private gun ownership, this country will turn into a free for all
No it wouldn't. The country is a free for all now.
How about this.
Lets see…

Texas has the most armed citizens in the country
Did it stop?

Killing JFK
Texas Tower
Luby Massacre
Ft Hood
El Paso Walmart
Sutherland Springs

All those guns only lead to more massacres
He’s concerned with white genocide and he hates black people. That’s why he carried out the attack.

Your desperation is noted.
You know, way back in the early years of the 2000s, I remember leftist talk segment's on leftist talk shows saying things like "white folks are mad because soon black people will replace them as they become the new minorities in America". Now if this type of talk was going on way back in the early 2000s or late 90s, then who has been pumping this stuff over the year's ??? I also remember the "it takes a village to raise the children now", and the "children are no longer belonging to the parent's" rhetoric, and so on and so forth it went. So who exactly has been pumping society into a frenzy for the last longest now ? All anyone has to do is probably go back and research organizations like MSNBC or NPR commentaries from those early year's, and well whatta ya know.
You know, way back in the early years of the 2000s, I remember leftist talk segment's on leftist talk shows saying things like "white folks are mad because soon black people will replace them as they become the new minorities in America". Now if this type of talk was going on way back in the early 2000s or late 90s, then who has been pumping this stuff over the year's ??? I also remember the "it takes a village to raise the children now", and the "children are no longer belonging to the parent's" rhetoric, and so on and so forth it went. So who exactly has been pumping society into a frenzy for the last longest now ? All anyone has to do is probably go back and research organizations like MSNBC or NPR commentaries from those early year's, and well whatta ya know.
Looks like Right Wing Terrorists have been pumping people into a frenzy

We saw it yesterday
In this nation if you take away the Second Amendment rights then more people will die.

Many honest citizens will turn in their firearms like good sheeple. Home invasions by armed criminals, store robberies and street muggings will skyrocket.

The second amendment has never kept us safe

Just the opposite
It does count. None of the so-called founders are alive, but we live with the impact of their ideas now.
Yes. Freedom, a document that prevents government from arbitrarily removing human rights, and a means of the citizenry to change that document and, if that fails, to fight against tyranny.

How awful.

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