Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Excellent. Glad we agree that leftists aren’t the ones pushing the dangers of white genocide or racism against black people. It’s perfectly obvious.

SUre. The vast majority of leftist I've run into support seeing whites "die out" or some such shit.

Of course, none of that means that this specific individual lunatic, was not an except to the rule.

I mean, it is perfectly obvious that leftists can be racist. Indeed, most of them seem to be racist against whites.

That this one person seems to be a leftist who is racist against blacks, is well within bounds of possibility.
SUre. The vast majority of leftist I've run into support seeing whites "die out" or some such shit.

Of course, none of that means that this specific individual lunatic, was not an except to the rule.

I mean, it is perfectly obvious that leftists can be racist. Indeed, most of them seem to be racist against whites.

That this one person seems to be a leftist who is racist against blacks, is well within bounds of possibility.
I can’t think of the last time I heard democrats talking about killing black people to ensure that white genocide doesn’t happen.
Yet white people in this country have a longer average life expectancy..if you want to talk about genetics...

Because of white supremacy.

Frankly, this guys crazy race rants don't sound much different than your crazy race rants.

It's because of ppl like you is why I always side eye white people in mostly black areas unless they work or live there. They are usually begging for $ from black folks like they don’t have a whole white community to ask or plotting like in this situation.

But because too many black people are so welcoming they don’t even question their presence. We tend to not give whites trouble for being in our spaces (the opposite of how they are quick to call cops or follow black people around in mostly white spaces).

Here's the thing. What white people are seeing that they don't have it as good as their parents or grandparents.

That's like saying "In my grandfathers day. they could shoot blk ppl four times. Now we can only shoot black ppl three time. We have it so bad"

Payton Gendron: murders 10—calmly arrested
Nikolas Cruz: murders 17—calmly arrested
Dylan Roof: murders 9—calmly arrested
Patrick Crusius: murders 23—calmly arrested

But white dudes have it so bad.

The video of him pulling up to the store you can tell he was hyping himself up like his ass about to go you war when in reality he ambushed people like a coward.

The middle class is shrinking, the good union job that you could get out of High School is no more. They find themselves being crushed on all sides by debt, reduced job opportunities... and then some twit tries to blame him for stuff that happened hundreds of years ago. Yeah, I can see where the resentment comes in..


All you are telling me is that white dudes lack coping skills when a bit of stress hits them

You would think that dealing with poverty, racism, crumbling schools and dilapidated housing, as is common for blk ppl, would be pretty stressful. Yet, it's whites and who are more likely to drink alcohol, use drugs, or smoke cigarettes.

See black people are tough. So all the sh*t you describe is light work for black people. We learn to deal with these conditions from an early age, whites who have been pampered and provided for don’t learn the same lessons because they never have to.

If their grades drop, they pay for tutors; if they wreck their car, they get it fixed or get another one; when they screw up, someone is usually there to bail them out, But all that cushioning leaves them vulnerable to dysfunction. Not that I'm gonna romanticize racism, of course, but what many studies have shown like is that the folks you have been taught to fear often have more self-control than those in our own families.

Too much money, too much power, and a mentality of entitlement and expectation can leave a person ill-equipped to deal with the real world.

None of this is to say that I'll pity these cowardly white supremacists but if we are going to truthfully analyze what is wrong with our culture, we should begin with the folks at the top, not the bottom, for as the old saying goes, the fish tends to rot from the head down.

First, if we didn't have the current racial issues, this clown would have probably found some other excuse to do harm.

No. We have racial issue because of white people and white supremacists. Because you allow these guys in your community.

We live in a country where it is too easy for get guns and too hard to get mental health treatment.

He ain't mentally ill.

White people always try this mentally ill thing with whites who kill blacks. Like Travis Reinking, the white supremacist who did a premeditated mass murder of Black people at a Waffle House, was NOT standing trial because they ruled he was mentally unstable.


The judge ruled that this guy was too mentally incompetent to stand trial. So they're are already setting it up for this guy to talk or get a slap on the wrist.

and too hard to get mental health treatment.

He ain't mentally ill.

Again they did the mentally ill angle with White man (Brandon Cory Lecroy) tried to hire hit man to kill black man


The federal judge sent him to a prison hospital for psychological evaluation They gave him the "He's mentally ill " defense.

The only thing that scares these mayonnaise monkeys more than black men is being made to take any personal responsibility for their behavior.

We live in a country where it is too easy for get guns

And whose fault is that ? White people. You make the guns and distribute them.
I can’t think of the last time I heard democrats talking about killing black people to ensure that white genocide doesn’t happen.

Is your position that all lefties are in lock step on all issues, and no individual differences of opinion exist?
Yeah, we need another Dodge City at a supermarket....
You totally missed my point. That was maybe a perp might think that the risk of being shot would dissuade him from doing his dastardly deed. Also, blacks who die at the hand of other blacks are just as important as those killed by whites. If you believe that black lives matter (I do) then black killers should be prosecuted with the same zeal as those killed by (possibly) racist whites. (Not all blacks killed by whites are the result of racism)
Did I say that?
Did I say that?

The issues is a specific individual that self identifies as a lefty, and all you keep doing is harping on what lefties, as a group, generally do.

The implication seems to be, that you are arguing that this individual CANNOT be a "leftist" because he disagrees with the group on a single issue.

That seems a radical position, and a stupid one, so I asked you directly is that is your position.

I am waiting for you to say yes or no, and if no, then explain what hte point of talking about the general group of lefties was.
None of those people are still alive, so it doesn't count.

At least, that was the justification given me for George Takei supporting the party that put him, personally, in a camp.
It does count. None of the so-called founders are alive, but we live with the impact of their ideas now.
Your sources are questionable. Citing information from a gun organization is not going to state that guns don't help. Other countries with gun control do not have this problem.
Mexico has gun control. Their murder problem is 3x worse than ours.
You teach hate. End of story
You don't get to end the story. You don't know what CRT is and the race hustled version you are taught is supported by the documented acts of whites for 245 years.
It does count. None of the so-called founders are alive, but we live with the impact of their ideas now.
And if not for them, this country would be the largest third world dictatorship on the planet, if it even existed anymore, at all.

Without private gun ownership, this country will turn into a free for all

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