Police shoot man with stun gun to stop him from saving step son in burning house

I will fucking call who I like.
That thing I pay , property tax , makes cops and firefighters my employees.
If they won't do the job I pay them to, I will do it myself.
What, they afraid to look bad in the press?
Not my lookout.
Pig murdered the kid.

Both the child and the step father would have died. That was the situation based on the knowledge and experience of the professionals. If you think you 'pay' people to do what you think they should do, you are wrong. You are paying for their professional training and experience, which makes them know better than you how to deal with these situations. How funny it would be for you to tell engineers how you think a bridge or airplane should be built, for you to tell a surgeon how to operate on you. You'd soon be dead as a doornob; of course, you are obviously already half brain dead.

If they don't do their job, what right have they to prevent me from doing it?
They should walk away.

How dim can you be? Their job is to prevent loss of life, if possible. To also try to preserve property. But first priority is to prevent loss of life. To throw one life away in an attempt to save another life that cannot be saved, so that both lives are lost, is not them doing their job. Get it?
Another case of the police forming a perimeter and waiting for people to die.
The father dared to defy the authorities and they tazed him for that effort.
The cops were totally out of control since they tazed him 3 times all after he was already in handcuffs?

Lori Miller said she witnessed two officers use their stun guns on her son a total of three times, twice after Ryan Miller had been handcuffed.
The final time, he was in a police squad car
, she said.
Ryan Miller Stun Gunned By Police Trying To Save Stepson, Riley, From Fire
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Both the child and the step father would have died. That was the situation based on the knowledge and experience of the professionals. If you think you 'pay' people to do what you think they should do, you are wrong. You are paying for their professional training and experience, which makes them know better than you how to deal with these situations. How funny it would be for you to tell engineers how you think a bridge or airplane should be built, for you to tell a surgeon how to operate on you. You'd soon be dead as a doornob; of course, you are obviously already half brain dead.

It is sort of like this. CPR saves 1 out of 5. Is it because it doesn't work that we should not do it?

Look at it the other way, how do you know the fireman couldn't have saved the child unless he put himself in the statistics and went out and tried to save the child?

What is the probability that the suit would have saved him? Good chance. Would he have gotten burned? Maybe. Maybe, He or his department didn't want the firefighter to get burned so maybe that is why they don't let them go in and do their job.

I believe the fireman had the experience to make the call. If it wasn't safe for him clad in all his gear then it wasn't safe for a man in pajamas.

Yeah, well. We had security guards at our school and there was a food fight with a subsequent stabbing. The security guards were told not to get involved. Just because they say they have the experience to make the call doesn't mean it was the right call. I've seen enough bad calls watching baseball and they can't be overturned.

Jerry Meals says he was safe.

Umpire Jerry Meals: Braves-Pirates call 'might have' been wrong | MLB.com: News
Another case of the police forming a perimeter and waiting for people to die.
The father dared to defy the authorities and they tazed him for that effort.
The cops were totally out of control since they tazed him 3 times all after he was already in handcuffs?

Lori Miller said she witnessed two officers use their stun guns on her son a total of three times, twice after Ryan Miller had been handcuffed.
The final time, he was in a police squad car
, she said.
Ryan Miller Stun Gunned By Police Trying To Save Stepson, Riley, From Fire

The man was not thinking clearly. His emotions were getting the better of him and the police used non-lethal force to control him. If you think handcuffs alone are sufficient in controlling a person hell-bent on doing himself harm then you too are not thinking clearly.
It is sort of like this. CPR saves 1 out of 5. Is it because it doesn't work that we should not do it?

Look at it the other way, how do you know the fireman couldn't have saved the child unless he put himself in the statistics and went out and tried to save the child?

What is the probability that the suit would have saved him? Good chance. Would he have gotten burned? Maybe. Maybe, He or his department didn't want the firefighter to get burned so maybe that is why they don't let them go in and do their job.

I believe the fireman had the experience to make the call. If it wasn't safe for him clad in all his gear then it wasn't safe for a man in pajamas.

Yeah, well. We had security guards at our school and there was a food fight with a subsequent stabbing. The security guards were told not to get involved. Just because they say they have the experience to make the call doesn't mean it was the right call. I've seen enough bad calls watching baseball and they can't be overturned.

Jerry Meals says he was safe.

Umpire Jerry Meals: Braves-Pirates call 'might have' been wrong | MLB.com: News

Yes lets compare a professional firefighter, a person who's primary job is to save lives and property, to an umpire who's primary job is to make calls in a game.

Nice comparison!

The security guard story sounds just like that..... a story. And like all stories there are more than one side to them and I naturally assume you're unable to provide a link that supports it.
It is sort of like this. CPR saves 1 out of 5. Is it because it doesn't work that we should not do it?

Look at it the other way, how do you know the fireman couldn't have saved the child unless he put himself in the statistics and went out and tried to save the child?

What is the probability that the suit would have saved him? Good chance. Would he have gotten burned? Maybe. Maybe, He or his department didn't want the firefighter to get burned so maybe that is why they don't let them go in and do their job.

I believe the fireman had the experience to make the call. If it wasn't safe for him clad in all his gear then it wasn't safe for a man in pajamas.

Yeah, well. We had security guards at our school and there was a food fight with a subsequent stabbing. The security guards were told not to get involved. Just because they say they have the experience to make the call doesn't mean it was the right call. I've seen enough bad calls watching baseball and they can't be overturned.

Jerry Meals says he was safe.

Umpire Jerry Meals: Braves-Pirates call 'might have' been wrong | MLB.com: News

This is not a similar circumstance. The security guards at your school probably cannot get involved in a ruckas because of insurance issues. If one of them gets injured, or if a student gets injured when the security guards have intervened, the school is liable and can be sued. They have security guards to keep their eye on things and try to prevent problems, but if those people get physically involved in situations, they can get physically injured, which causes a legal and insurance problem. Or, if they physically intervene and a child gets hurt, again the school can be held liable for legal and/or insurance problems.

In contrast, the fire department and police department have very specific guidelines about what they can and cannot do. They are highly trained and experienced professionals (as opposed to the school security guards who are probably not highly trained or experienced). They know what their limits are, the police and fire department. Anyone who would ignore their advice is an idiot and a fool. I wouldn't anymore think I could tell a fireman how to do his job than I would tell a pilot how to fly a plane or a doctor how to perform surgery.
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Wars are unsafe and non combatants are not told to go on the battlefield. Whatever the margin for error might have been, the man in the pajamas wasn't authorized to judge what the margin for error would have been. That was the job of the supervising fire and police authority. Real life is not television or the movies and the man in the pajamas wasn't Bruce Willis with a stand by stunt man. Whether or not there was a risk that a stun gun could have "popped" his heart was a risk calculated against the certainty of the man being burned to death if he was allowed to go in the building.
You don't need permission to go into your own home, he was authorized by law.
Freedom of choice.
Freedom of movement.
Freedom of association.
Rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The fact that he is EQUAL to the cop is too a point worth considering.

If the police say you can't go in your own home, you can't go in your own home. You can be REMOVED from your home if there is a danger. He wasn't equal to the cops. The cops were charged with the authority to make the decisions as to who goes where. The man had no such authority.

You are so wrong, that it's just pathetic. Really pathetic. He had no freedom of choice nor freedom of movement. He had no more freedom of movement than if he was trying to run a police roadblock. He had no right to "associate" with a blazing fire either.

Is this really the level of ignorance we have sunk to? Seriously? Is this it?

Show me, in the constitution where a cop can arbitrarily remove your constitutional rights?
It's not the same as running a police roadblock.
That would endanger others.
This fathers actions endangered who?
What justified the use of potentially deadly force?
Power happy pig in a police state.

I hope the father gets his revenge for the murder of his child.
I believe the fireman had the experience to make the call. If it wasn't safe for him clad in all his gear then it wasn't safe for a man in pajamas.

Yeah, well. We had security guards at our school and there was a food fight with a subsequent stabbing. The security guards were told not to get involved. Just because they say they have the experience to make the call doesn't mean it was the right call. I've seen enough bad calls watching baseball and they can't be overturned.

Jerry Meals says he was safe.

Umpire Jerry Meals: Braves-Pirates call 'might have' been wrong | MLB.com: News

This is not a similar circumstance. The security guards at your school probably cannot get involved in a ruckas because of insurance issues. If one of them gets injured, or if a student gets injured when the security guards have intervened, the school is liable and can be sued. They have security guards to keep their eye on things and try to prevent problems, but if those people get physically involved in situations, they can get physically injured, which causes a legal and insurance problem. Or, if they physically intervene and a child gets hurt, again the school can be held liable for legal and/or insurance problems.

In contrast, the fire department and police department have very specific guidelines about what they can and cannot do. They are highly trained and experienced professionals (as opposed to the school security guards who are probably not highly trained or experienced). They know what their limits are, the police and fire department. Anyone who would ignore their advice is an idiot and a fool. I wouldn't anymore think I could tell a fireman how to do his job than I would tell a pilot how to fly a plane or a doctor how to perform surgery.
The father was not telling anyone how to do a goddamned thing you dozy fat assed ugly bint.
He was going into his house, to bring his child out.
A pig had a hard in for throwing his weight around, so he tased the dad.
The kid died, winter born is laughing and you are refusing to accept reality.! !
You don't need permission to go into your own home, he was authorized by law.
Freedom of choice.
Freedom of movement.
Freedom of association.
Rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The fact that he is EQUAL to the cop is too a point worth considering.

If the police say you can't go in your own home, you can't go in your own home. You can be REMOVED from your home if there is a danger. He wasn't equal to the cops. The cops were charged with the authority to make the decisions as to who goes where. The man had no such authority.

You are so wrong, that it's just pathetic. Really pathetic. He had no freedom of choice nor freedom of movement. He had no more freedom of movement than if he was trying to run a police roadblock. He had no right to "associate" with a blazing fire either.

Is this really the level of ignorance we have sunk to? Seriously? Is this it?

Show me, in the constitution where a cop can arbitrarily remove your constitutional rights?
It's not the same as running a police roadblock.
That would endanger others.
This fathers actions endangered who?
What justified the use of potentially deadly force?
Power happy pig in a police state.

I hope the father gets his revenge for the murder of his child.

Using a taser isn't considered deadly force you stupid fuck!

But why let facts get in your way. It's never stopped you before.
I believe the fireman had the experience to make the call. If it wasn't safe for him clad in all his gear then it wasn't safe for a man in pajamas.

Yeah, well. We had security guards at our school and there was a food fight with a subsequent stabbing. The security guards were told not to get involved. Just because they say they have the experience to make the call doesn't mean it was the right call. I've seen enough bad calls watching baseball and they can't be overturned.

Jerry Meals says he was safe.

Umpire Jerry Meals: Braves-Pirates call 'might have' been wrong | MLB.com: News

Yes lets compare a professional firefighter, a person who's primary job is to save lives and property, to an umpire who's primary job is to make calls in a game.

Nice comparison!

The security guard story sounds just like that..... a story. And like all stories there are more than one side to them and I naturally assume you're unable to provide a link that supports it.

The firefighter decides it's too risky for him.
His choice.

The pig had no right to infringe on the fathers right to go into his own home.
This is not nazi germany .
If the police say you can't go in your own home, you can't go in your own home. You can be REMOVED from your home if there is a danger. He wasn't equal to the cops. The cops were charged with the authority to make the decisions as to who goes where. The man had no such authority.

You are so wrong, that it's just pathetic. Really pathetic. He had no freedom of choice nor freedom of movement. He had no more freedom of movement than if he was trying to run a police roadblock. He had no right to "associate" with a blazing fire either.

Is this really the level of ignorance we have sunk to? Seriously? Is this it?

Show me, in the constitution where a cop can arbitrarily remove your constitutional rights?
It's not the same as running a police roadblock.
That would endanger others.
This fathers actions endangered who?
What justified the use of potentially deadly force?
Power happy pig in a police state.

I hope the father gets his revenge for the murder of his child.

Using a taser isn't considered deadly force you stupid fuck!

But why let facts get in your way. It's never stopped you before.
Go and re read the post you stupid fuck.
Potentially deadly force.
Are you denying that a taser can Kill?

The term is less lethal.
Because people died when they called them non lethal.
You stupid illiterate, statist fuckwit.
There is no "constitutionally protected right to CHOOSE".

Yes there is.
There is also freedom of movement, assembly, religion.
The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
All breached in this case.

"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

This phrase is commonly attributed to the Constitution, but it comes from the Declaration of Independence. The 5th Amendment does offer protections to our "life, liberty, or property," noting we cannot be deprived of any of them without due process of law.

Is the arbitrary decision of a stormtrooper due process?
Yeah, well. We had security guards at our school and there was a food fight with a subsequent stabbing. The security guards were told not to get involved. Just because they say they have the experience to make the call doesn't mean it was the right call. I've seen enough bad calls watching baseball and they can't be overturned.

Jerry Meals says he was safe.

Umpire Jerry Meals: Braves-Pirates call 'might have' been wrong | MLB.com: News

This is not a similar circumstance. The security guards at your school probably cannot get involved in a ruckas because of insurance issues. If one of them gets injured, or if a student gets injured when the security guards have intervened, the school is liable and can be sued. They have security guards to keep their eye on things and try to prevent problems, but if those people get physically involved in situations, they can get physically injured, which causes a legal and insurance problem. Or, if they physically intervene and a child gets hurt, again the school can be held liable for legal and/or insurance problems.

In contrast, the fire department and police department have very specific guidelines about what they can and cannot do. They are highly trained and experienced professionals (as opposed to the school security guards who are probably not highly trained or experienced). They know what their limits are, the police and fire department. Anyone who would ignore their advice is an idiot and a fool. I wouldn't anymore think I could tell a fireman how to do his job than I would tell a pilot how to fly a plane or a doctor how to perform surgery.
The father was not telling anyone how to do a goddamned thing you dozy fat assed ugly bint.
He was going into his house, to bring his child out.
A pig had a hard in for throwing his weight around, so he tased the dad.
The kid died, winter born is laughing and you are refusing to accept reality.! !

I didn't suggest the father was telling anyone anything. You are the one mouthing off about how you pay these public servants their salary and will tell them how to do their jobs. Jesus. It is impossible to have a sane conversation with your type. On ignore. :cuckoo:
This is not a similar circumstance. The security guards at your school probably cannot get involved in a ruckas because of insurance issues. If one of them gets injured, or if a student gets injured when the security guards have intervened, the school is liable and can be sued. They have security guards to keep their eye on things and try to prevent problems, but if those people get physically involved in situations, they can get physically injured, which causes a legal and insurance problem. Or, if they physically intervene and a child gets hurt, again the school can be held liable for legal and/or insurance problems.

In contrast, the fire department and police department have very specific guidelines about what they can and cannot do. They are highly trained and experienced professionals (as opposed to the school security guards who are probably not highly trained or experienced). They know what their limits are, the police and fire department. Anyone who would ignore their advice is an idiot and a fool. I wouldn't anymore think I could tell a fireman how to do his job than I would tell a pilot how to fly a plane or a doctor how to perform surgery.
The father was not telling anyone how to do a goddamned thing you dozy fat assed ugly bint.
He was going into his house, to bring his child out.
A pig had a hard in for throwing his weight around, so he tased the dad.
The kid died, winter born is laughing and you are refusing to accept reality.! !

I didn't suggest the father was telling anyone anything. You are the one mouthing off about how you pay these public servants their salary and will tell them how to do their jobs. Jesus. It is impossible to have a sane conversation with your type. On ignore. :cuckoo:

Not what I said you butt ugly shit eating liar.
I said IF they are too chicken to do their job , they should step aside and let the dad try.
It is his house after all.

Wouldn't expect a lying cum dumpster like you to be honest though!!
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I believe the fireman had the experience to make the call. If it wasn't safe for him clad in all his gear then it wasn't safe for a man in pajamas.

Yeah, well. We had security guards at our school and there was a food fight with a subsequent stabbing. The security guards were told not to get involved. Just because they say they have the experience to make the call doesn't mean it was the right call. I've seen enough bad calls watching baseball and they can't be overturned.

Jerry Meals says he was safe.

Umpire Jerry Meals: Braves-Pirates call 'might have' been wrong | MLB.com: News

Yes lets compare a professional firefighter, a person who's primary job is to save lives and property, to an umpire who's primary job is to make calls in a game.

Nice comparison!

The security guard story sounds just like that..... a story. And like all stories there are more than one side to them and I naturally assume you're unable to provide a link that supports it.

My school's online newspaper only goes back to 2011.
They do have copies inside the student library but you have to leave them your student I.D. or Driver's License and go research it.
It did happen. I am an eyewitness to what they printed.
I probably threw out the issue because no one cared but what is it worth to you to see it?
Do you think unarmed guards are going to break up a fight when one has a knife? No. They are going to call police and the police arrived after it was over.
Yes there is.
There is also freedom of movement, assembly, religion.
The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
All breached in this case.

"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

This phrase is commonly attributed to the Constitution, but it comes from the Declaration of Independence. The 5th Amendment does offer protections to our "life, liberty, or property," noting we cannot be deprived of any of them without due process of law.

Is the arbitrary decision of a stormtrooper due process?

Did the Firefighter try entering the back or just the front? If he didn't try all avenues, he didn't try.
If the police say you can't go in your own home, you can't go in your own home. You can be REMOVED from your home if there is a danger. He wasn't equal to the cops. The cops were charged with the authority to make the decisions as to who goes where. The man had no such authority.

You are so wrong, that it's just pathetic. Really pathetic. He had no freedom of choice nor freedom of movement. He had no more freedom of movement than if he was trying to run a police roadblock. He had no right to "associate" with a blazing fire either.

Is this really the level of ignorance we have sunk to? Seriously? Is this it?

Show me, in the constitution where a cop can arbitrarily remove your constitutional rights?
It's not the same as running a police roadblock.
That would endanger others.
This fathers actions endangered who?
What justified the use of potentially deadly force?
Power happy pig in a police state.

I hope the father gets his revenge for the murder of his child.

Using a taser isn't considered deadly force you stupid fuck!

But why let facts get in your way. It's never stopped you before.

The condition for using a taser in departments is that you have to allow yourself to be tazed and you have to sign an agreement not to sue if it pops your heart.
If the police say you can't go in your own home, you can't go in your own home. You can be REMOVED from your home if there is a danger. He wasn't equal to the cops. The cops were charged with the authority to make the decisions as to who goes where. The man had no such authority.

You are so wrong, that it's just pathetic. Really pathetic. He had no freedom of choice nor freedom of movement. He had no more freedom of movement than if he was trying to run a police roadblock. He had no right to "associate" with a blazing fire either.

Is this really the level of ignorance we have sunk to? Seriously? Is this it?

Show me, in the constitution where a cop can arbitrarily remove your constitutional rights?
It's not the same as running a police roadblock.
That would endanger others.
This fathers actions endangered who?
What justified the use of potentially deadly force?
Power happy pig in a police state.

I hope the father gets his revenge for the murder of his child.

Using a taser isn't considered deadly force you stupid fuck!

But why let facts get in your way. It's never stopped you before.

They are illegal where I lived and they carry the same legal charges as if you used a gun.
In contrast, the fire department and police department have very specific guidelines about what they can and cannot do. They are highly trained and experienced professionals (as opposed to the school security guards who are probably not highly trained or experienced). They know what their limits are, the police and fire department. Anyone who would ignore their advice is an idiot and a fool. I wouldn't anymore think I could tell a fireman how to do his job than I would tell a pilot how to fly a plane or a doctor how to perform surgery.

Like climbing up the twin towers on 9-11 and all dying? Is that the meaning of "highly trained" and "professional"? It lacks common sense from hindsight and what they did was wrong.
Is that their fucking choice to make? So you can have an abortion, but you can't save your child?

From what I read in the article, a trained fighter determined it was unsafe. He probably saved this man's life and spared the family losing two people.

I agree with both sides. Sounds like the firefighters in protective clothing couldn't do a thing, so a man in PJs surely would have died. However, as a father myself, I would have wanted that choice and to make the choice!

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