Police shoot man with stun gun to stop him from saving step son in burning house

In contrast, the fire department and police department have very specific guidelines about what they can and cannot do. They are highly trained and experienced professionals (as opposed to the school security guards who are probably not highly trained or experienced). They know what their limits are, the police and fire department. Anyone who would ignore their advice is an idiot and a fool. I wouldn't anymore think I could tell a fireman how to do his job than I would tell a pilot how to fly a plane or a doctor how to perform surgery.

Like climbing up the twin towers on 9-11 and all dying? Is that the meaning of "highly trained" and "professional"? It lacks common sense from hindsight and what they did was wrong.

Your answer is really stupid. No one predicted the towers would collapse. The fire fighters did what they would normally do in a highrise fire. This was not a typical situation. It is not comparable to a house fire where they have a lot of experience. In the 9/11 incident, they were not familiar with how a building would react under those circumstances, so they did what they normally did in a highrise fire. Common sense is making the best prediction you can based on training and experience. That's what they did on 9/11, and that's what they did in the situation the OP describes. If you think you are so fucking smart and know better than the fire department, when your house catches on fire, don't bother calling them, just take care of the whole situation yourself. You are obviously so much smarter. (not)
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In contrast, the fire department and police department have very specific guidelines about what they can and cannot do. They are highly trained and experienced professionals (as opposed to the school security guards who are probably not highly trained or experienced). They know what their limits are, the police and fire department. Anyone who would ignore their advice is an idiot and a fool. I wouldn't anymore think I could tell a fireman how to do his job than I would tell a pilot how to fly a plane or a doctor how to perform surgery.

Like climbing up the twin towers on 9-11 and all dying? Is that the meaning of "highly trained" and "professional"? It lacks common sense from hindsight and what they did was wrong.

Your answer is really stupid. No one predicted the towers would collapse. The fire fighters did what they would normally do in a highrise fire. This was not a typical situation. It is not comparable to a house fire where they have a lot of experience. In the 9/11 incident, they were not familiar with how a building would react under those circumstances, so they did what they normally did in a highrise fire. Common sense is making the best prediction you can based on training and experience. That's what they did on 9/11, and that's what they did in the situation the OP describes. If you think you are so fucking smart and know better than the fire department, when your house catches on fire, don't bother calling them, just take care of the whole situation yourself. You are obviously so much smarter. (not)

Safety is based on "I didn't see, I didn't think, I didn't know." However heroic, they weren't thinking, they didn't have foresight and they didn't know. I bet there are new directions in the firefighter's manual now because now they are professional. Now they know. What do you think the enemy was trying to do on 9-11? Play it safe?
In contrast, the fire department and police department have very specific guidelines about what they can and cannot do. They are highly trained and experienced professionals (as opposed to the school security guards who are probably not highly trained or experienced). They know what their limits are, the police and fire department. Anyone who would ignore their advice is an idiot and a fool. I wouldn't anymore think I could tell a fireman how to do his job than I would tell a pilot how to fly a plane or a doctor how to perform surgery.

Like climbing up the twin towers on 9-11 and all dying? Is that the meaning of "highly trained" and "professional"? It lacks common sense from hindsight and what they did was wrong.

Your answer is really stupid. No one predicted the towers would collapse. The fire fighters did what they would normally do in a highrise fire. This was not a typical situation. It is not comparable to a house fire where they have a lot of experience. In the 9/11 incident, they were not familiar with how a building would react under those circumstances, so they did what they normally did in a highrise fire. Common sense is making the best prediction you can based on training and experience. That's what they did on 9/11, and that's what they did in the situation the OP describes. If you think you are so fucking smart and know better than the fire department, when your house catches on fire, don't bother calling them, just take care of the whole situation yourself. You are obviously so much smarter. (not)

Then shouldn't you be defending the man who wanted to run in the building? You've been tricked into taking his side by defending the firefighters who ran into the WTC.
Like climbing up the twin towers on 9-11 and all dying? Is that the meaning of "highly trained" and "professional"? It lacks common sense from hindsight and what they did was wrong.

Your answer is really stupid. No one predicted the towers would collapse. The fire fighters did what they would normally do in a highrise fire. This was not a typical situation. It is not comparable to a house fire where they have a lot of experience. In the 9/11 incident, they were not familiar with how a building would react under those circumstances, so they did what they normally did in a highrise fire. Common sense is making the best prediction you can based on training and experience. That's what they did on 9/11, and that's what they did in the situation the OP describes. If you think you are so fucking smart and know better than the fire department, when your house catches on fire, don't bother calling them, just take care of the whole situation yourself. You are obviously so much smarter. (not)

Then shouldn't you be defending the man who wanted to run in the building? You've been tricked into taking his side by defending the firefighters who ran into the WTC.

These fanatical statists believe that a stormtrooper has the power to make an arbitrary decision and act on it, pigs are above the law in the statist mindset.
The pig broke the law when he used potentially lethal force against the father.
No one was at risk because of the fathers actions.
How would a cop be put in jeopardy by a father going into his house to save his kid?
This pig should be fired.

It is a judgment call and if the officer was right then the man couldn't have done anything other than harmed himself. Some people ignore the consequences and don't act rational. People who are in a state of denial may go in for a sense of duty, guilt or regret.
It's the mans CHOICE!!
Not the tyrannical stormtroopers.

One, you are not a patriot.

Two, the cops and firefighters were in charge, not the man.
Yes there is.
There is also freedom of movement, assembly, religion.
The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
All breached in this case.

"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

This phrase is commonly attributed to the Constitution, but it comes from the Declaration of Independence. The 5th Amendment does offer protections to our "life, liberty, or property," noting we cannot be deprived of any of them without due process of law.

Is the arbitrary decision of a stormtrooper due process?

It could be. Do not enter that building, pretty much means do not enter that building.

There is no freedom to engage in the happiness of entering a burning building.
How long before Dad shows up at the cop's house with a 12-bore and blasts him (or HIS son) to doll rags?
It is a judgment call and if the officer was right then the man couldn't have done anything other than harmed himself. Some people ignore the consequences and don't act rational. People who are in a state of denial may go in for a sense of duty, guilt or regret.
It's the mans CHOICE!!
Not the tyrannical stormtroopers.

One, you are not a patriot.

Two, the cops and firefighters were in charge, not the man.

So what?
And so what.
It was his house, his child , his responsibility and his fucking right to protect/rescue his family.
What harm could possibly come of it?
The cop used potentially murderous force to prevent the man from saving a life , what justification is there?
Your life is your own, not a fucking stormtroopers.

Reminds me of the time in Texas where pigs watched a man drowning , threatened to shoot a bystander who went to the assistance of the drowning man ( pigs too chicken shit ) he successfully saved the mans life and was promptly arrested for interference !!
Fuck you and your statist bullshit.
Pigs should do their jobs, arresting criminals, let people live their life unfettered.
"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

This phrase is commonly attributed to the Constitution, but it comes from the Declaration of Independence. The 5th Amendment does offer protections to our "life, liberty, or property," noting we cannot be deprived of any of them without due process of law.

Is the arbitrary decision of a stormtrooper due process?

It could be. Do not enter that building, pretty much means do not enter that building.

There is no freedom to engage in the happiness of entering a burning building.

Yes there is, freedom is a birthright .
The pig murdered that child.
He should stick to doing his fucking job.
How long before Dad shows up at the cop's house with a 12-bore and blasts him (or HIS son) to doll rags?

An eye for an eye ?
I think pig should be charged with murder.
The father could display pictures of his dead son outside the pigs house or the pigs place of work.
Having a badge does not say you can murder with impunity.
Why did the firemen take their jobs if they were unwilling to try to save a 3 year old?
Amen to all of this!!! Their refusal to try and save the child is what made his dad spring into action anyways! His dad did what I would have done if I had been in the spot and saw no one else going in there to try and get what is mine for me!

God bless you and the child's family always!!!


P.S. And may the little one be with the Lord now.
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Why did the firemen take their jobs if they were unwilling to try to save a 3 year old?
Amen to all of this!!! Their refusal to try and save the child is what made his dad spring into action anyways! His dad did what I would have done if I had been in the spot and saw no one else going in there to try and get what is mine for me!

God bless you and the child's family always!!!


P.S. And may the little one be with the Lord now.

According to the articles that have been posted, the step-father was in the house and left without the child before he was eventually restrained. I don't think he 'sprang into action'.

I think he should have been allowed to go back in, but this situation seems a bit more complex than you make it sound.
^^^ Okay, that man is a dingbat, but still when he tried to correct his mistake, look what happened. :( :( :(

God bless you and the child's family always!!!

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It's the mans CHOICE!!
Not the tyrannical stormtroopers.

One, you are not a patriot.

Two, the cops and firefighters were in charge, not the man.

So what?
And so what.
It was his house, his child , his responsibility and his fucking right to protect/rescue his family.
What harm could possibly come of it?
The cop used potentially murderous force to prevent the man from saving a life , what justification is there?
Your life is your own, not a fucking stormtroopers.

Reminds me of the time in Texas where pigs watched a man drowning , threatened to shoot a bystander who went to the assistance of the drowning man ( pigs too chicken shit ) he successfully saved the mans life and was promptly arrested for interference !!
Fuck you and your statist bullshit.
Pigs should do their jobs, arresting criminals, let people live their life unfettered.

Don't you think you should provide a link for that?

Isn't this what really happened?
Florida lifeguard is fired for saving a life; uproar ensues - Los Angeles Times

Lifeguards are supposed to save lives, right? Well, several lifeguards in Florida were temporarily out of jobs this week after one of them saved a man from drowning on a stretch of beach north of Miami -- and then was fired for doing so.

That lifeguard apparently left his station to save a swimmer in distress outside his designated zone. Tomas Lopez, 21, said he was dismissed after Monday's near-drowning, with his supervisor citing liability issues.

Be honest, didn't you adjust the story to suit your agenda?
^^^ A lifeguard was fired for saving a life? This is a sick world! :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and the guard and who he saved always!!!

Remember, it's not real.
I drove home from work and saw the house on fire, kids are inside with their mother.
My home.
My family.
My legally protected FREEDOM OF CHOICE to go in and save my family.
If a stormtrooper tries to stop me he is breaking the law.

Oh, so you can change the scenario from the OP, but everything I say must be exactly like the OP? Nice double standard there, sparky.

The man in the OP was in pajamas. He was not coming home from work.

Pyjama party?
Across st at his cousins house.

And you get upset and call me a liar?

I'm sorry you don't understand the rules. Perhaps someday you will catch on.
I think the man should have been allowed to re-enter the house, but I understand why he was not. Liability may be a concern, and certainly it's possible there was no way for him to get to his stepson. It's a bit of a morality vs practicality situation.

On the other hand, as WinterBorn brought up, I wonder WTF the step-father and grandmother were doing leaving the burning house without the child? GET THE 3-YEAR-OLD OUT FIRST!

Maybe it was just being woken up in a confusing situation, but the article said the two adults left the back of the house after being unable to get to the child. Why did they leave? Was there a different path to the room from the front door they thought would work? If the man was willing to run through the fire to get to the boy from the front door, what prevented that from the back door?

It sounds a bit strange to me.

Handcuffing and tasing the man seems unnecessarily harsh, but I can imagine someone being next to impossible to restrain in such a situation, handcuffed or not, so it may well have been justified (if the restraint is justified in the first place).

Why they left is not the point.
Why the stormtrooper allowed the child to burn because he had a hard on for tasing the father is the issue.
Pig killed the kid by denying the dad his constitutional right to choose!

Please show me where the US Constitution guarantees you the right to commit suicide?

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