Police State: Under Obama American Personal Freedom Now Ranks Below 20 Other Nations...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Thank you Obama. You're awesome. Oh, and thanks for Ebola too.

Study: Under Obama, U.S. personal freedom ranking slips below France

Americans' assessments of their personal freedom have significantly declined under President Obama, according to a new study from the Legatum Institute in London, and the United States now ranks below 20 other countries on this measure.

The research shows that citizens of countries including France, Uruguay, and Costa Rica now feel that they enjoy more personal freedom than Americans.

As the Washington Examiner reported this morning, representatives of the Legatum Institute are in the U.S. this week to promote the sixth edition of their Prosperity Index. The index aims to measure aspects of prosperity that typical gross domestic product measurements don’t include, such as entrepreneurship and opportunity, education, and social capital.

The freedom scores are based on polling data from 2013 indicating citizens’ satisfaction with their nation's handling of civil liberties, freedom of choice, tolerance of ethnic minorities, and tolerance of immigrants. Polling data were provided by Gallup World Poll Service. The index is notable for the way it measures how free people feel, unlike other freedom indices that measure freedom by comparing government policies.


Under Obama U.S. personal freedom ranking slips below France WashingtonExaminer.com

Thank you Obama. You're awesome. Oh, and thanks for Ebola too.

Study: Under Obama, U.S. personal freedom ranking slips below France

Americans' assessments of their personal freedom have significantly declined under President Obama, according to a new study from the Legatum Institute in London, and the United States now ranks below 20 other countries on this measure.

The research shows that citizens of countries including France, Uruguay, and Costa Rica now feel that they enjoy more personal freedom than Americans.

As the Washington Examiner reported this morning, representatives of the Legatum Institute are in the U.S. this week to promote the sixth edition of their Prosperity Index. The index aims to measure aspects of prosperity that typical gross domestic product measurements don’t include, such as entrepreneurship and opportunity, education, and social capital.

The freedom scores are based on polling data from 2013 indicating citizens’ satisfaction with their nation's handling of civil liberties, freedom of choice, tolerance of ethnic minorities, and tolerance of immigrants. Polling data were provided by Gallup World Poll Service. The index is notable for the way it measures how free people feel, unlike other freedom indices that measure freedom by comparing government policies.


Under Obama U.S. personal freedom ranking slips below France WashingtonExaminer.com

yeah someone else posted that as well on another thread not too long ago.no surprise since obomination expanded and accelerated what bushwacker got started.as long as we have this corrupt two party system it will get worse and worse each year.
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Thank you Obama. You're awesome. Oh, and thanks for Ebola too.

Study: Under Obama, U.S. personal freedom ranking slips below France

Americans' assessments of their personal freedom have significantly declined under President Obama, according to a new study from the Legatum Institute in London, and the United States now ranks below 20 other countries on this measure.

The research shows that citizens of countries including France, Uruguay, and Costa Rica now feel that they enjoy more personal freedom than Americans.

As the Washington Examiner reported this morning, representatives of the Legatum Institute are in the U.S. this week to promote the sixth edition of their Prosperity Index. The index aims to measure aspects of prosperity that typical gross domestic product measurements don’t include, such as entrepreneurship and opportunity, education, and social capital.

The freedom scores are based on polling data from 2013 indicating citizens’ satisfaction with their nation's handling of civil liberties, freedom of choice, tolerance of ethnic minorities, and tolerance of immigrants. Polling data were provided by Gallup World Poll Service. The index is notable for the way it measures how free people feel, unlike other freedom indices that measure freedom by comparing government policies.


Under Obama U.S. personal freedom ranking slips below France WashingtonExaminer.com

Do you read your own sources?

The Legatum Institute's Prosperity Index is one example of a new trend on the Right to employ emotional or moral language in its defense of economic enterprise
Welcome to America in the 21st century. Get used to it. You ain't seen nothing yet.

don't be surprised if out next election has hellary running against another bushwacker and those are our only two choices we have. that's like the same as being offered the choice of hitler or stalin,okay which mass murdererer would you rather have be your leader is your choice they always give us.
Welcome to America in the 21st century. Get used to it. You ain't seen nothing yet.

don't be surprised if out next election has hellary running against another bushwacker and those are our only two choices we have. that's like the same as being offered the choice of hitler or stalin,okay which mass murdererer would you rather have be your leader is your choice they always give us.

Yeah, i hear ya. If Jeb Bush gets nominated, it will be confirmation that the whole thing really is rigged. The Clintons and Bush's are Royal Ruling-Class Elites. If either of em become President, we're doomed.
Welcome to America in the 21st century. Get used to it. You ain't seen nothing yet.

don't be surprised if out next election has hellary running against another bushwacker and those are our only two choices we have. that's like the same as being offered the choice of hitler or stalin,okay which mass murdererer would you rather have be your leader is your choice they always give us.

Yeah, i hear ya. If Jeb Bush gets nominated, it will be confirmation that the whole thing really is rigged. The Clintons and Bush's are Royal Ruling-Class Elites. If either of em become President, we're doomed.

Well, we WILL become England, to say the least. This "Royal family" bullshit needs to stop. Fuck the Bush family. Fuck the Clinton family. Go the hell away, dry up and blow away.
Welcome to America in the 21st century. Get used to it. You ain't seen nothing yet.

don't be surprised if out next election has hellary running against another bushwacker and those are our only two choices we have. that's like the same as being offered the choice of hitler or stalin,okay which mass murdererer would you rather have be your leader is your choice they always give us.

Yeah, i hear ya. If Jeb Bush gets nominated, it will be confirmation that the whole thing really is rigged. The Clintons and Bush's are Royal Ruling-Class Elites. If either of em become President, we're doomed.

Well, we WILL become England, to say the least. This "Royal family" bullshit needs to stop. Fuck the Bush family. Fuck the Clinton family. Go the hell away, dry up and blow away.

The fact Jeb Bush is even being considered, proves that the System is rigged a bit. The Bush Family is probably the most influential and powerful leader of the NWO. They're at the top. Elites of the Elites. And so are the Clintons. Voting for either, is a vote for the evil Ruling-Class Elite cabal.
Welcome to America in the 21st century. Get used to it. You ain't seen nothing yet.

don't be surprised if out next election has hellary running against another bushwacker and those are our only two choices we have. that's like the same as being offered the choice of hitler or stalin,okay which mass murdererer would you rather have be your leader is your choice they always give us.

Yeah, i hear ya. If Jeb Bush gets nominated, it will be confirmation that the whole thing really is rigged. The Clintons and Bush's are Royal Ruling-Class Elites. If either of em become President, we're doomed.

Well, we WILL become England, to say the least. This "Royal family" bullshit needs to stop. Fuck the Bush family. Fuck the Clinton family. Go the hell away, dry up and blow away.

The fact Jeb Bush is even being considered, proves that the System is rigged a bit. The Bush Family is probably the most influential and powerful leader of the NWO. They're at the top. Elites of the Elites. And so are the Clintons. Voting for either, is voting for evil Ruling-Class Globalist Elites.

some people just don't get that.that was why Clinton got elected was he was very good friends with Bush.if you recall,Bush wasn't unhappy at all when he lost the election to him.No reason for him to be he had been running the country his whole time when Reagan was the president.after being president for 12 years,he was ready to do it behind the scenes.

btw,i know this is off topic but I also know you are into NFL football.hope you can visit this thread of mine and read the posts there on the rams coming back to LA in 2015.they were my favorite team growing up so this is kind of a big deal to me.

expect Rams to be back in LA next year. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The Bush's and Clintons are now being treated like Ruling-Class Royalty. Personally, i will never support either. They're the leaders of a NWO Globalist Elite cabal. I see them as pure evil.
Police state: Republicans kill bill to reign in NSA.

NSA bill defeated by Republicans - POLITICO

So, by Paulitician logic, because Republicans did it, it's Obama's fault.

And yes, Rand Paul also voted to kill freedom, but excused it by claiming the bill didn't go far enough. Which makes one wonder, why not pass this bill and then pass further reform bills later? Alas, such logic is beyond poor befuddled Rand.
How many countries were we under in 2008?

Oh, look. I can write in all big bold text, too!
Police state: Republicans kill bill to reign in NSA.

NSA bill defeated by Republicans - POLITICO

So, by Paulitician logic, because Republicans did it, it's Obama's fault.

And yes, Rand Paul also voted to kill freedom, but excused it by claiming the bill didn't go far enough. Which makes one wonder, why not pass this bill and then pass further reform bills later? Alas, such logic is beyond poor befuddled Rand.

This 'Reform' Bill is watered-down nonsense. It's a joke. It shouldn't be supported. Good on Rand for opposing it. And this has all happened on your guy's watch. So you can try to blame others, but it is all on your guy. It is what it is.
How many countries were we under in 2008?

Oh, look. I can write in all big bold text, too!

Yes we know, Obama is awesome and he's good friends with Beyonce and Jay Z.

God, you Obamabots have lost it. Celebrating having less personal freedom? Ok, whatever. :cuckoo:

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