POLICE STATE WATCH: Trump To Sign Prison Reform Bill That Could Free Thousands...

Most receive long sentences for minor repeat offenses. Judges don't like repeat-offenders. But these folks have problems. They need help. They don't need to be thrown in cages with brutal murderers and rapists. There are other more logical humane options.
That is exactly where they belong.

No, they don't belong in cages with brutal murderers and rapists. They're non-violent folks who just need some help.

Help is what made them addicts. They might be in prison for a non violent offense, but they are not non violent people. We don't know how many violent crimes they committed and not been caught.

Well, most haven't been charged with violent crimes. Like i said, non-violent folks should be treated differently than dangerous violent folks. Our Justice System needs to evolve. It's time.
You don't know. You have no idea who is violent but in prison for a non violent offense.

There's other more logical humane ways to treat folks with drug and alcohol problems. If they haven't been convicted of a violent crime, we should consider those other options.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

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Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands
Police departments across the nation became militarized after 9/11.

They became extensions of the DHS after the passage of the Patriot Act and the newly revised NDA act. Once that was done, surplus military equipment from our never ending undeclared war on the rest of the world was to be sold to local police departments, and different types of civilians were to be classified as potential terrorists.

Once someone is then classified as a terrorist, they no longer are subject to the protections of the Constitution, and are thus subject to the draconian measures of the Police state. Thus, the photos of what the modern police force and the new brutal mentality of the STATIST.

Hollywood has helped propagandize and normalized this attitude in much of the public, we can see this in Tipsycatlovers attitude. This is the attitude of someone who watches A LOT of movies and TV on Netflix and Amazon etc. People no longer have Constitutional rights if they are at all seen as a potential threat to the state.

Naturally, that is bullocks, regualar folks aren't, this only happens in the movies and on TV, but it gives the state a pretext for violating the 4th amendment, (we're all aware of the truth of what Snowden told us, everyone is a target,) which then gives them a pretext for violating all the rest.

Hence, the reason you hear of the state being paranoid and shooting people and locking them up for the least little cause.

If you even have contraband, they will use it as an excuse, especially if you are hostile to the State and it's apparatchiks.

Don't look for it to get any better unless the Patriot Act and the NDAA are repealed.

The thing we have to come to terms with, is that when Bush said, "The terrorists hate us for our freedoms?"

Well, they won, we no longer live in that free society we once used to, we did it to ourselves. Especially whenever you look at a police car and you don't think they are here to protect you, but they are here to give you a ticket for god knows what, or to lock you up.

These were my clients. For 35 years I protected their "rights" before I finally figured out they should be locked up for life, and a short life it should be. I got how many back on the streets? I don't know, hundreds, thousands. I need to pay for that karma.

We need a star chamber, an extrajudicial force that will smother these criminals in their beds.

Wow, you sound like a deranged Nazi. What happened to you? That's not what our nation is about. You need to start distancing yourself from Neocon Republicans. They're not good folks. They've polluted your brain with Nazi trash.
Yes, they are sent to prison for being alcoholics and drug users.
No they are not. They should be, but they are not. What does happen is that a drunk who kills a family of five on the freeway will loudly claim that they are in prison because they had one drink too many.

Boy, can't tell if you're being serious or not. Citizens are sent to prison for being drug addicts every day in this country. You should probably read up some on current drug laws.
No they aren't. I defended plenty of them. They have committed crimes in addition to being addicts. Not that addiction isn't enough. They will sell their children for a single fix and many times that's just what they are in prison for.

If they commit a crime, they'll be prosecuted. But it's how we deal with them after they're prosecuted.
They go to prison where they belong. Having proved that they are not able to live among the civilized, they are sent to live among their own kind.

Most are non-violent and just need some help. They don't belong locked away in cages for years.
I really dislike the militarization of police. I have no problem with a well armed, and trained law enforcement, but now they sometimes seem like armed, paid tax collectors. Our judicial system has become a money making scheme.

Yeah, we need to start dismantling this Police State.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands
Police departments across the nation became militarized after 9/11.

They became extensions of the DHS after the passage of the Patriot Act and the newly revised NDA act. Once that was done, surplus military equipment from our never ending undeclared war on the rest of the world was to be sold to local police departments, and different types of civilians were to be classified as potential terrorists.

Once someone is then classified as a terrorist, they no longer are subject to the protections of the Constitution, and are thus subject to the draconian measures of the Police state. Thus, the photos of what the modern police force and the new brutal mentality of the STATIST.

Hollywood has helped propagandize and normalized this attitude in much of the public, we can see this in Tipsycatlovers attitude. This is the attitude of someone who watches A LOT of movies and TV on Netflix and Amazon etc. People no longer have Constitutional rights if they are at all seen as a potential threat to the state.

Naturally, that is bullocks, regualar folks aren't, this only happens in the movies and on TV, but it gives the state a pretext for violating the 4th amendment, (we're all aware of the truth of what Snowden told us, everyone is a target,) which then gives them a pretext for violating all the rest.

Hence, the reason you hear of the state being paranoid and shooting people and locking them up for the least little cause.

If you even have contraband, they will use it as an excuse, especially if you are hostile to the State and it's apparatchiks.

Don't look for it to get any better unless the Patriot Act and the NDAA are repealed.

The thing we have to come to terms with, is that when Bush said, "The terrorists hate us for our freedoms?"

Well, they won, we no longer live in that free society we once used to, we did it to ourselves. Especially whenever you look at a police car and you don't think they are here to protect you, but they are here to give you a ticket for god knows what, or to lock you up.

These were my clients. For 35 years I protected their "rights" before I finally figured out they should be locked up for life, and a short life it should be. I got how many back on the streets? I don't know, hundreds, thousands. I need to pay for that karma.

We need a star chamber, an extrajudicial force that will smother these criminals in their beds.

Wow, you sound like a deranged Nazi. What happened to you? That's not what our nation is about. You need to start distancing yourself from Neocon Republicans. They're not good folks. They've polluted your brain with Nazi trash.

Nazi - anyone who disagrees with you.
I really dislike the militarization of police. I have no problem with a well armed, and trained law enforcement, but now they sometimes seem like armed, paid tax collectors. Our judicial system has become a money making scheme.

Yeah, we need to start dismantling this Police State.
Replace it with individual responsibility and universal open carry.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands
Police departments across the nation became militarized after 9/11.

They became extensions of the DHS after the passage of the Patriot Act and the newly revised NDA act. Once that was done, surplus military equipment from our never ending undeclared war on the rest of the world was to be sold to local police departments, and different types of civilians were to be classified as potential terrorists.

Once someone is then classified as a terrorist, they no longer are subject to the protections of the Constitution, and are thus subject to the draconian measures of the Police state. Thus, the photos of what the modern police force and the new brutal mentality of the STATIST.

Hollywood has helped propagandize and normalized this attitude in much of the public, we can see this in Tipsycatlovers attitude. This is the attitude of someone who watches A LOT of movies and TV on Netflix and Amazon etc. People no longer have Constitutional rights if they are at all seen as a potential threat to the state.

Naturally, that is bullocks, regualar folks aren't, this only happens in the movies and on TV, but it gives the state a pretext for violating the 4th amendment, (we're all aware of the truth of what Snowden told us, everyone is a target,) which then gives them a pretext for violating all the rest.

Hence, the reason you hear of the state being paranoid and shooting people and locking them up for the least little cause.

If you even have contraband, they will use it as an excuse, especially if you are hostile to the State and it's apparatchiks.

Don't look for it to get any better unless the Patriot Act and the NDAA are repealed.

The thing we have to come to terms with, is that when Bush said, "The terrorists hate us for our freedoms?"

Well, they won, we no longer live in that free society we once used to, we did it to ourselves. Especially whenever you look at a police car and you don't think they are here to protect you, but they are here to give you a ticket for god knows what, or to lock you up.

These were my clients. For 35 years I protected their "rights" before I finally figured out they should be locked up for life, and a short life it should be. I got how many back on the streets? I don't know, hundreds, thousands. I need to pay for that karma.

We need a star chamber, an extrajudicial force that will smother these criminals in their beds.

Wow, you sound like a deranged Nazi. What happened to you? That's not what our nation is about. You need to start distancing yourself from Neocon Republicans. They're not good folks. They've polluted your brain with Nazi trash.

Nazi - anyone who disagrees with you.

Your views are very Nazi-like. Sorry, but i just call it like i see it.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Well done Pres Trump, I hope you can get this to your desk to sign.
I really dislike the militarization of police. I have no problem with a well armed, and trained law enforcement, but now they sometimes seem like armed, paid tax collectors. Our judicial system has become a money making scheme.

Yeah, we need to start dismantling this Police State.
Replace it with individual responsibility and universal open carry.

You're supporting a Police State that's likely gonna move to disarm you at some point. Supporting the 2nd Amendment could get you deemed a 'Criminal.' You may end up in one of those horrific prisons you wanna send so many to.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Well done Pres Trump, I hope you can get this to your desk to sign.

It'll be a big chore getting the Neocon Republicans onboard, but it could still get done. I hope it does.
Yes, the elderly and terminally ill prisoners should be dying on the streets like innocent citizens.

If prisoners can be released under these conditions, what does that do to sentences "for life". It doesn't really mean life any more.
Ain't it a bitch when assholes don't get to see something really humiliating?
What do you know? You are a pothead drug addict.

Indeed,the guy smokes crack everyday,he cant come to grips with reality that FDR was a traiter to america same as reagan was.LOL
40 years huh? Doesn't work does it?
I am not an addict and never have been...But as far as for others treating addiction is like treating patients with cancer, not all respond the same way to the treatment, so a more another treatment must be tried.
But humans are valuable unlike what you summarize.
You remind us every day that you are a drug addict and quite proud of it too.

Why are you so hostile and express such hatred for folks who have problems? Are you a Christian? Just curious.

yeah it is one thing for drug PUSHERS to be there but for people that have drug problems,thats wrong.

Decriminalize most Drugs. Prohibition doesn't work. Caging non-violent drug users is what's led to our prisons becoming over-crowded torture chambers. They don't belong in those cages.

I say legalize them, let pharmacies dispense them and tax the hell out of them and put the tax money into rehab facilities.
Yes, the elderly and terminally ill prisoners should be dying on the streets like innocent citizens.

If prisoners can be released under these conditions, what does that do to sentences "for life". It doesn't really mean life any more.
Ain't it a bitch when assholes don't get to see something really humiliating?
What do you know? You are a pothead drug addict.

Indeed,the guy smokes crack everyday,he cant come to grips with reality that FDR was a traiter to america same as reagan was.LOL
How does he smoke it?


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands
the question in the photo askes "when did these guys become these guys"

as soon as leftists started asking for more government

this is what they got
I am not an addict and never have been...But as far as for others treating addiction is like treating patients with cancer, not all respond the same way to the treatment, so a more another treatment must be tried.
But humans are valuable unlike what you summarize.
You remind us every day that you are a drug addict and quite proud of it too.

Why are you so hostile and express such hatred for folks who have problems? Are you a Christian? Just curious.

yeah it is one thing for drug PUSHERS to be there but for people that have drug problems,thats wrong.

Decriminalize most Drugs. Prohibition doesn't work. Caging non-violent drug users is what's led to our prisons becoming over-crowded torture chambers. They don't belong in those cages.

I say legalize them, let pharmacies dispense them and tax the hell out of them and put the tax money into rehab facilities.

I hear ya, but i don't trust the Government or Big Pharm. There's always a catch when dealing with them. It's always about control. But i definitely agree Prohibition should be ended. It doesn't work.
I really dislike the militarization of police. I have no problem with a well armed, and trained law enforcement, but now they sometimes seem like armed, paid tax collectors. Our judicial system has become a money making scheme.

Yeah, we need to start dismantling this Police State.
Replace it with individual responsibility and universal open carry.

You're supporting a Police State that's likely gonna move to disarm you at some point. Supporting the 2nd Amendment could get you deemed a 'Criminal.' You may end up in one of those horrific prisons you wanna send so many to.
With out a doubt.

Folks like this don't understand at all how the system works. If they did, none of them would advertise that they own a gun.
This is a watered down version of a comprehensive prison reform bill that was gaining momentum in 2016 under President Obama. It suddenly vanished from the consideration just after tRump took over. The only credit he deserves is for weakening it.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands
Replace it with individual responsibility and universal open carry.

Or at least universal Constitutional Carry where if you are not legally prohibited from owning a firearm you can carry it either concealed, or open. Twelve States have done this already, and there have been no "blood baths" there.
This is a watered down version of a comprehensive prison reform bill that was gaining momentum in 2016 under President Obama. It suddenly vanished from the consideration just after tRump took over. The only credit he deserves is for weakening it.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Poor butt hurt baby.

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