POLICE STATE WATCH: Trump To Sign Prison Reform Bill That Could Free Thousands...

This is a watered down version of a comprehensive prison reform bill that was gaining momentum in 2016 under President Obama. It suddenly vanished from the consideration just after tRump took over. The only credit he deserves is for weakening it.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

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Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Poor butt hurt baby.
That the only sentence you know how to type?
I really dislike the militarization of police. I have no problem with a well armed, and trained law enforcement, but now they sometimes seem like armed, paid tax collectors. Our judicial system has become a money making scheme.

Yeah, we need to start dismantling this Police State.
Replace it with individual responsibility and universal open carry.

You're supporting a Police State that's likely gonna move to disarm you at some point. Supporting the 2nd Amendment could get you deemed a 'Criminal.' You may end up in one of those horrific prisons you wanna send so many to.
With out a doubt.

Folks like this don't understand at all how the system works. If they did, none of them would advertise that they own a gun.

Yeah, they especially should oppose this Police State. They're very confused folks.
This is a watered down version of a comprehensive prison reform bill that was gaining momentum in 2016 under President Obama. It suddenly vanished from the consideration just after tRump took over. The only credit he deserves is for weakening it.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

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Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Nah, he's moving in the right direction. I don't get how you can hate on Trump for this. I also supported Obama when he pursued it.
This is a watered down version of a comprehensive prison reform bill that was gaining momentum in 2016 under President Obama. It suddenly vanished from the consideration just after tRump took over. The only credit he deserves is for weakening it.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

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Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Poor butt hurt baby.

Yeah, i don't get hating on Trump for this. He's doing the right thing. It wasn't Trump's fault Obama was opposed on it. Trump's doing the right thing. That's all that should matter.
he needs them to staff his reelection campaign

Aw come on, this is a good thing. You don't have to be a butthurt wanka all the time. There's no rule stating you have to be. ;)
Finally a republican that doesn't block a democratic idea, trivial as it is... If he would just start reading newspaper or something instead of Fox & Friends misinformation and hate.
It's time to get back to rehabilitation and reintegration into society. That was the right path. Sadly, our prisons have become horrific torture chambers. We've stopped focusing on successfully reintegrating them back into society. Most can't escape the Police State System. Once they've been convicted, their lives are over. It's time to evolve.
he needs them to staff his reelection campaign

Aw come on, this is a good thing. You don't have to be a butthurt wanka all the time. There's no rule stating you have to be. ;)
Finally a republican that doesn't block a democratic idea, trivial as it is... If he would just start reading newspaper or something instead of Fox & Friends misinformation and hate.

Yeah, i supported Obama when he pursued this. Trump's got the right idea. Good on em.
This is a watered down version of a comprehensive prison reform bill that was gaining momentum in 2016 under President Obama. It suddenly vanished from the consideration just after tRump took over. The only credit he deserves is for weakening it.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Nah, he's moving in the right direction. I don't get how you can hate on Trump for this. I also supported Obama when he pursued it.
He's moving in the right direction by going backwards?

Conservatives are weird.
This is a watered down version of a comprehensive prison reform bill that was gaining momentum in 2016 under President Obama. It suddenly vanished from the consideration just after tRump took over. The only credit he deserves is for weakening it.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Poor butt hurt baby.

Yeah, i don't get hating on Trump for this. He's doing the right thing. It wasn't Trump's fault Obama was opposed on it. Trump's doing the right thing. That's all that should matter.
It's weak compared to the original bill. Go back to that, which had bipartisan support at the time, and I'll give him some kudos. But for backing up he gets nothing.
This is a watered down version of a comprehensive prison reform bill that was gaining momentum in 2016 under President Obama. It suddenly vanished from the consideration just after tRump took over. The only credit he deserves is for weakening it.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Poor butt hurt baby.
That the only sentence you know how to type?

The only sentence one needs to know when dealing with partisan nut jobs such as yourself. Hope it doesn’t hurt to bad. Lol!
Thank goodness someone is finally dismantling the totalarist regime laws from Reagan through Bushed jr.
Fuck the govt. pig army also.
What will all those trumpanzees who invested in private prisons do for money?
This is a watered down version of a comprehensive prison reform bill that was gaining momentum in 2016 under President Obama. It suddenly vanished from the consideration just after tRump took over. The only credit he deserves is for weakening it.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Poor butt hurt baby.
That the only sentence you know how to type?

The only sentence one needs to know when dealing with partisan nut jobs such as yourself. Hope it doesn’t hurt to bad. Lol!
Ok, you are dismissed as below average intelligence and unable to carry on actual discussion.

Have a nice day!
This is a watered down version of a comprehensive prison reform bill that was gaining momentum in 2016 under President Obama. It suddenly vanished from the consideration just after tRump took over. The only credit he deserves is for weakening it.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Poor butt hurt baby.
That the only sentence you know how to type?

The only sentence one needs to know when dealing with partisan nut jobs such as yourself. Hope it doesn’t hurt to bad. Lol!
Ok, you are dismissed as below average intelligence and unable to carry on actual discussion.

Have a nice day!

Coming from a butt hurt crybaby, I take it as a compliment, thank you.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Anyone convicted of violating drug laws or any other victimless crime ought to be freed,

I really dislike the militarization of police. I have no problem with a well armed, and trained law enforcement, but now they sometimes seem like armed, paid tax collectors. Our judicial system has become a money making scheme.

Yeah, we need to start dismantling this Police State.
Replace it with individual responsibility and universal open carry.

You're supporting a Police State that's likely gonna move to disarm you at some point. Supporting the 2nd Amendment could get you deemed a 'Criminal.' You may end up in one of those horrific prisons you wanna send so many to.
With out a doubt.

Folks like this don't understand at all how the system works. If they did, none of them would advertise that they own a gun.

Yeah, they especially should oppose this Police State. They're very confused folks.
Get the government out. Completely. No food, housing, medical care and the police stop carrying narcan. Enforcement is citizen by citizen. No government, no penalty for helping one along to his great reward.

Would you go for that no government position?


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Anyone convicted of violating drug laws or any other victimless crime ought to be freed,


Yeah, it's time to evolve. Personally, i'd like to see most drugs decriminalized. Prohibition creates more problems. I mean, the US now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. Something's very wrong.
Yeah, we need to start dismantling this Police State.
Replace it with individual responsibility and universal open carry.

You're supporting a Police State that's likely gonna move to disarm you at some point. Supporting the 2nd Amendment could get you deemed a 'Criminal.' You may end up in one of those horrific prisons you wanna send so many to.
With out a doubt.

Folks like this don't understand at all how the system works. If they did, none of them would advertise that they own a gun.

Yeah, they especially should oppose this Police State. They're very confused folks.
Get the government out. Completely. No food, housing, medical care and the police stop carrying narcan. Enforcement is citizen by citizen. No government, no penalty for helping one along to his great reward.

Would you go for that no government position?

Not sure i follow. Elaborate some.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Anyone convicted of violating drug laws or any other victimless crime ought to be freed,


Yeah, it's time to evolve. Personally, i'd like to see most drugs decriminalized. Prohibition creates more problems. I mean, the US now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. Something's very wrong.
Vote democratic then... Too bad Republicans are clueless. Change the channel.

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