POLICE STATE WATCH: Trump To Sign Prison Reform Bill That Could Free Thousands...

Yes, the elderly and terminally ill prisoners should be dying on the streets like innocent citizens.

If prisoners can be released under these conditions, what does that do to sentences "for life". It doesn't really mean life any more.
Ain't it a bitch when assholes don't get to see something really humiliating?
What do you know? You are a pothead drug addict.
yet still a human, while you are a human that thrives of the morte of others and then festoons her room with the entrails, don't forget to paint your walls in their blood, two coats..

In your head you are still a human. That's your opinion, in other words, the opinion of a drug addict filtered through a pot bong. In a better world, you would have been given a hot shot by now.

Many just need help. They don't belong in cages. Our Justice System has become so archaic and barbaric.
The states have already learned that addiction counseling is cheaper and more effective than incarceration...Thus the creation of drug courts...
I attended several sessions with the new and improved method of addiction counseling and it's the best in the forty years I've been associated with it.
Ain't it a bitch when assholes don't get to see something really humiliating?
What do you know? You are a pothead drug addict.
yet still a human, while you are a human that thrives of the morte of others and then festoons her room with the entrails, don't forget to paint your walls in their blood, two coats..

In your head you are still a human. That's your opinion, in other words, the opinion of a drug addict filtered through a pot bong. In a better world, you would have been given a hot shot by now.

Many just need help. They don't belong in cages. Our Justice System has become so archaic and barbaric.
The states have already learned that addiction counseling is cheaper and more effective than incarceration...Thus the creation of drug courts...

It's cheaper because it doesn't work. Rehab doesn't work. Counseling doesn't work. Addicts are the walking dead. There is now encouragement to get everyone to carry Narcan. Fuck that shit. If I had it, I'd stand over the addicts watching as they breathed their last enjoying every second of seeing yet another addict remove itself.
Ain't it a bitch when assholes don't get to see something really humiliating?
What do you know? You are a pothead drug addict.
yet still a human, while you are a human that thrives of the morte of others and then festoons her room with the entrails, don't forget to paint your walls in their blood, two coats..

In your head you are still a human. That's your opinion, in other words, the opinion of a drug addict filtered through a pot bong. In a better world, you would have been given a hot shot by now.

Many just need help. They don't belong in cages. Our Justice System has become so archaic and barbaric.
The states have already learned that addiction counseling is cheaper and more effective than incarceration...Thus the creation of drug courts...

There's a reason we now rank #1 in the world in imprisoning Citizens. We've been on a rapid march towards Police State madness for years. We're throwing folks in cages who don't belong in them. Our Prisons have become over-crowded torture chambers.

Non-violent folks should be treated differently than dangerous violent folks. And no one should be thrown in a cage for merely having a drug or alcohol problem. We need to seek logical humane alternatives.
What do you know? You are a pothead drug addict.
yet still a human, while you are a human that thrives of the morte of others and then festoons her room with the entrails, don't forget to paint your walls in their blood, two coats..

In your head you are still a human. That's your opinion, in other words, the opinion of a drug addict filtered through a pot bong. In a better world, you would have been given a hot shot by now.

Many just need help. They don't belong in cages. Our Justice System has become so archaic and barbaric.
The states have already learned that addiction counseling is cheaper and more effective than incarceration...Thus the creation of drug courts...

It's cheaper because it doesn't work. Rehab doesn't work. Counseling doesn't work. Addicts are the walking dead. There is now encouragement to get everyone to carry Narcan. Fuck that shit. If I had it, I'd stand over the addicts watching as they breathed their last enjoying every second of seeing yet another addict remove itself.
They pass the test the courts put them under and it's working just fine don't be so bloodthirsty..
What do you know? You are a pothead drug addict.
yet still a human, while you are a human that thrives of the morte of others and then festoons her room with the entrails, don't forget to paint your walls in their blood, two coats..

In your head you are still a human. That's your opinion, in other words, the opinion of a drug addict filtered through a pot bong. In a better world, you would have been given a hot shot by now.

Many just need help. They don't belong in cages. Our Justice System has become so archaic and barbaric.
The states have already learned that addiction counseling is cheaper and more effective than incarceration...Thus the creation of drug courts...

There's a reason we now rank #1 in the world in imprisoning Citizens. We've been on a rapid march towards Police State madness for years. We're throwing folks in cages who don't belong in them. Our Prisons have become over-crowded torture chambers.

Non-violent folks should be treated differently than dangerous violent folks. And no one should be thrown in a cage for merely having a drug or alcohol problem. We need to seek logical humane alternatives.
No one is sent to prison for being an addict or an alcoholic. They must have committed a crime in addition to being an addict or alcoholic.
I attended several sessions with the new and improved method of addiction counseling and it's the best in the forty years I've been associated with it.
40 years huh? Doesn't work does it?
I am not an addict and never have been...But as far as for others treating addiction is like treating patients with cancer, not all respond the same way to the treatment, so a more another treatment must be tried.
But humans are valuable unlike what you summarize.
yet still a human, while you are a human that thrives of the morte of others and then festoons her room with the entrails, don't forget to paint your walls in their blood, two coats..

In your head you are still a human. That's your opinion, in other words, the opinion of a drug addict filtered through a pot bong. In a better world, you would have been given a hot shot by now.

Many just need help. They don't belong in cages. Our Justice System has become so archaic and barbaric.
The states have already learned that addiction counseling is cheaper and more effective than incarceration...Thus the creation of drug courts...

It's cheaper because it doesn't work. Rehab doesn't work. Counseling doesn't work. Addicts are the walking dead. There is now encouragement to get everyone to carry Narcan. Fuck that shit. If I had it, I'd stand over the addicts watching as they breathed their last enjoying every second of seeing yet another addict remove itself.
They pass the test the courts put them under and it's working just fine don't be so bloodthirsty..

It never worked with you. You are still a drug addict.


Good on Trump. It's time to dismantle this Police State we've become. If they're non-violent offenders, their sentences shouldn't be so long-term. The next step for Trump should be releasing all non-violent folks who've been incarcerated on drug charges. Our Prisons are horrifically over-crowded with non-violent drug offenders.

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Who would have thought that could ever happen here? I applaud Trump on this move. But it's only a good start. Much more needs to be done. We need to reverse this Police State trend.

The bill, which could immediately release 4,000 federal prisoners, is likely to be brought up for a vote early next week.

“My administration strongly supports these efforts and I urge the House and Senate to get together … work out their differences [and] get a bill to my desk. I will sign it,” Trump said at an event the White House described as a prison reform summit.

Trump called prison reform an issue “that unites people from across the spectrum”, as he thanked progressive commentator Van Jones and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner for their involvement in pushing for the bill.

The bill would also expand compassionate release, giving elderly and terminally ill inmates a path home, and invest tens of millions in re-entry programs. It would also end the shackling of women giving birth behind bars and provide them with necessary hygiene items at no charge...

Read More:
Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands

Dont count on the police state being reversed.I have given trump the benefit of the doubt up till now even defending him when the military bombed Syria a few months ago that it was the deep state being rogue doing it without the donalds permission but then HE even came out and said they were going into syria not too long ago before the military went in so what the donald is doing I am afraid is he IS fixing america but at the same time pleasing the establishment by continuing their wars. He said he would get us out of the middle east war same as Obama did and same as Obama,he is contiuning it.

I am afraid as long as we have this corrupt two party system in place,the deep state will always be there. The Donald has yet to show he is serious about it.
yet still a human, while you are a human that thrives of the morte of others and then festoons her room with the entrails, don't forget to paint your walls in their blood, two coats..

In your head you are still a human. That's your opinion, in other words, the opinion of a drug addict filtered through a pot bong. In a better world, you would have been given a hot shot by now.

Many just need help. They don't belong in cages. Our Justice System has become so archaic and barbaric.
The states have already learned that addiction counseling is cheaper and more effective than incarceration...Thus the creation of drug courts...

There's a reason we now rank #1 in the world in imprisoning Citizens. We've been on a rapid march towards Police State madness for years. We're throwing folks in cages who don't belong in them. Our Prisons have become over-crowded torture chambers.

Non-violent folks should be treated differently than dangerous violent folks. And no one should be thrown in a cage for merely having a drug or alcohol problem. We need to seek logical humane alternatives.
No one is sent to prison for being an addict or an alcoholic. They must have committed a crime in addition to being an addict or alcoholic.
Yes, they are sent to prison for being alcoholics and drug users.
I attended several sessions with the new and improved method of addiction counseling and it's the best in the forty years I've been associated with it.
40 years huh? Doesn't work does it?
I am not an addict and never have been...But as far as for others treating addiction is like treating patients with cancer, not all respond the same way to the treatment, so a more another treatment must be tried.
But humans are valuable unlike what you summarize.
You remind us every day that you are a drug addict and quite proud of it too.
In your head you are still a human. That's your opinion, in other words, the opinion of a drug addict filtered through a pot bong. In a better world, you would have been given a hot shot by now.

Many just need help. They don't belong in cages. Our Justice System has become so archaic and barbaric.
The states have already learned that addiction counseling is cheaper and more effective than incarceration...Thus the creation of drug courts...

It's cheaper because it doesn't work. Rehab doesn't work. Counseling doesn't work. Addicts are the walking dead. There is now encouragement to get everyone to carry Narcan. Fuck that shit. If I had it, I'd stand over the addicts watching as they breathed their last enjoying every second of seeing yet another addict remove itself.
They pass the test the courts put them under and it's working just fine don't be so bloodthirsty..

It never worked with you. You are still a drug addict.
You can't evaluate that from your seat on the terlit.
I attended several sessions with the new and improved method of addiction counseling and it's the best in the forty years I've been associated with it.
40 years huh? Doesn't work does it?
I am not an addict and never have been...But as far as for others treating addiction is like treating patients with cancer, not all respond the same way to the treatment, so a more another treatment must be tried.
But humans are valuable unlike what you summarize.
You remind us every day that you are a drug addict and quite proud of it too.
I am such a drug addict I get into trouble from my doctors for not taking my meds...I am such an addict..(well to porn)(shh).
yet still a human, while you are a human that thrives of the morte of others and then festoons her room with the entrails, don't forget to paint your walls in their blood, two coats..

In your head you are still a human. That's your opinion, in other words, the opinion of a drug addict filtered through a pot bong. In a better world, you would have been given a hot shot by now.

Many just need help. They don't belong in cages. Our Justice System has become so archaic and barbaric.
The states have already learned that addiction counseling is cheaper and more effective than incarceration...Thus the creation of drug courts...

There's a reason we now rank #1 in the world in imprisoning Citizens. We've been on a rapid march towards Police State madness for years. We're throwing folks in cages who don't belong in them. Our Prisons have become over-crowded torture chambers.

Non-violent folks should be treated differently than dangerous violent folks. And no one should be thrown in a cage for merely having a drug or alcohol problem. We need to seek logical humane alternatives.
No one is sent to prison for being an addict or an alcoholic. They must have committed a crime in addition to being an addict or alcoholic.

Most receive long sentences for minor repeat offenses. Judges don't like repeat-offenders. But these folks have problems. They need help. They don't need to be thrown in cages with brutal murderers and rapists. There are other more logical humane options.
In your head you are still a human. That's your opinion, in other words, the opinion of a drug addict filtered through a pot bong. In a better world, you would have been given a hot shot by now.

Many just need help. They don't belong in cages. Our Justice System has become so archaic and barbaric.
The states have already learned that addiction counseling is cheaper and more effective than incarceration...Thus the creation of drug courts...

There's a reason we now rank #1 in the world in imprisoning Citizens. We've been on a rapid march towards Police State madness for years. We're throwing folks in cages who don't belong in them. Our Prisons have become over-crowded torture chambers.

Non-violent folks should be treated differently than dangerous violent folks. And no one should be thrown in a cage for merely having a drug or alcohol problem. We need to seek logical humane alternatives.
No one is sent to prison for being an addict or an alcoholic. They must have committed a crime in addition to being an addict or alcoholic.
Yes, they are sent to prison for being alcoholics and drug users.
No they are not. They should be, but they are not. What does happen is that a drunk who kills a family of five on the freeway will loudly claim that they are in prison because they had one drink too many.
Many just need help. They don't belong in cages. Our Justice System has become so archaic and barbaric.
The states have already learned that addiction counseling is cheaper and more effective than incarceration...Thus the creation of drug courts...

There's a reason we now rank #1 in the world in imprisoning Citizens. We've been on a rapid march towards Police State madness for years. We're throwing folks in cages who don't belong in them. Our Prisons have become over-crowded torture chambers.

Non-violent folks should be treated differently than dangerous violent folks. And no one should be thrown in a cage for merely having a drug or alcohol problem. We need to seek logical humane alternatives.
No one is sent to prison for being an addict or an alcoholic. They must have committed a crime in addition to being an addict or alcoholic.
Yes, they are sent to prison for being alcoholics and drug users.
No they are not. They should be, but they are not. What does happen is that a drunk who kills a family of five on the freeway will loudly claim that they are in prison because they had one drink too many.
Is that the only situation you know of?
In your head you are still a human. That's your opinion, in other words, the opinion of a drug addict filtered through a pot bong. In a better world, you would have been given a hot shot by now.

Many just need help. They don't belong in cages. Our Justice System has become so archaic and barbaric.
The states have already learned that addiction counseling is cheaper and more effective than incarceration...Thus the creation of drug courts...

There's a reason we now rank #1 in the world in imprisoning Citizens. We've been on a rapid march towards Police State madness for years. We're throwing folks in cages who don't belong in them. Our Prisons have become over-crowded torture chambers.

Non-violent folks should be treated differently than dangerous violent folks. And no one should be thrown in a cage for merely having a drug or alcohol problem. We need to seek logical humane alternatives.
No one is sent to prison for being an addict or an alcoholic. They must have committed a crime in addition to being an addict or alcoholic.

Most receive long sentences for minor repeat offenses. Judges don't like repeat-offenders. But these folks have problems. They need help. They don't need to be thrown in cages with brutal murderers and rapists. There are other more logical humane options.
That is exactly where they belong.
I attended several sessions with the new and improved method of addiction counseling and it's the best in the forty years I've been associated with it.
40 years huh? Doesn't work does it?
I am not an addict and never have been...But as far as for others treating addiction is like treating patients with cancer, not all respond the same way to the treatment, so a more another treatment must be tried.
But humans are valuable unlike what you summarize.
You remind us every day that you are a drug addict and quite proud of it too.

Why are you so hostile and express such hatred for folks who have problems? Are you a Christian? Just curious.

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