Police threaten to boycott 49ers

I sympathize with the police but they are government employees who have a job to do. And as much as I disagree with Kaepernick, he is exercising his constitutional right. The police should not be refusing to do their job simply because they disagree with someone exercising their constitutional right.

Funny how people can justify anything. Now not only does he have a right, but now police officers don't have a right?

Nah, police are accused of everything already. Now you are attacking them over this. It's no wonder we have bad police officers. What good person would want to put up with this BS.
..... As far as what you think of the forum? Your posting here tells us what you think of the forum. You are free to shove off anytime and you won't be missed.
I was talking about getting free gossip from the forum rather than paying for it by way of newspapers. Jesus, you people are stupid.
Doesn't he have 1st Amendment rights?
Of course!
..... As far as what you think of the forum? Your posting here tells us what you think of the forum. You are free to shove off anytime and you won't be missed.
I was talking about getting free gossip from the forum rather than paying for it by way of newspapers. Jesus, you people are stupid.
Doesn't he have 1st Amendment rights?
Of course!
Although you have your 1st Amendment rights to say STFU arent you trying to infringe on his by saying STFU?
Sounds like you don't understand the consequences of taking stupid positions. Every action has an opposite & equal reaction.
I don't recall you saying Mexicans were too thin skinned when opposing Trump
His position was stupid? Exercising his 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech was stupid?

He didn't say exercising his 1st Amendment right was stupid, he said Kaps position was stupid. Are you really that dense?

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His position was about him exercising his rights. Am I that stupid? Sometimes.

You? :)

He was right, and you are wrong.

My comment, nor any other persons comment, had nothing to do with the first amendment.

We get that he has the right to be a moron. *WE* have the right to call him a moron, and exercise our freedom of speech, in tell you and everyone else, that he is a moron for his jackass stupidity.

We have just as much right to demand he be fired from the 49ers, as he does in refusing to stand for the anthem. Both fall under freedom of speech.

My point was that his speech, was that of a moronic spoiled brat idiot. Which it is.
I agree. The 1st Amendment gives everyone that wonderful right. It even protects small minded people to call others names like moron and stupid because they don't have the mental fortitude to debate topics in mature fashion. God Bless America!

That's right. And there is nothing you can do about it. I don't care what you think about me. Did I ever post anything that even came close to indicating that "The opinion of 'not.forest.gump.but.close' matters to me personally"?

No, I did not. Because you don't matter. Not to me. Not to most, if not all, the people on this forum.

That whiny multi-millionaire spoiled brat, is a waste of oxygen. If you side with him, then you are no better than the trash you support.

You don't like it? Too bad sparky. Freedom of speech works both ways.
I sympathize with the police but they are government employees who have a job to do. And as much as I disagree with Kaepernick, he is exercising his constitutional right. The police should not be refusing to do their job simply because they disagree with someone exercising their constitutional right.

Working security at a football game is not part of their government duties. That seems to be the part you're missing.
..... As far as what you think of the forum? Your posting here tells us what you think of the forum. You are free to shove off anytime and you won't be missed.
I was talking about getting free gossip from the forum rather than paying for it by way of newspapers. Jesus, you people are stupid.
Doesn't he have 1st Amendment rights?
Of course!
Although you have your 1st Amendment rights to say STFU arent you trying to infringe on his by saying STFU?

No, he has just as much right, to tell ignorant fools to shut up, as you do. Just like I can place you on my ignore list if I desire, and FORCE you to shut up. Can't say nothing to anyone, when we all ignore your mindless crap.

You have to the right to scream. We have the right to scream back. You have the right to spam and post non-stop. We have the right to ignore your dumb butt, and prevent your posts from ever being seen or responded to by any of us.

You have to right to refuse to stand for the flag of this great nation. And we have the right to demand you be removed from sports.

Freedom of speech baby. You live by it, you die by it. Works both ways, and there is nothing you or any other nut job on this forum, or country, can do about it.
..... As far as what you think of the forum? Your posting here tells us what you think of the forum. You are free to shove off anytime and you won't be missed.
I was talking about getting free gossip from the forum rather than paying for it by way of newspapers. Jesus, you people are stupid.
Doesn't he have 1st Amendment rights?
Of course!
Although you have your 1st Amendment rights to say STFU arent you trying to infringe on his by saying STFU?
Dude has a right to not stand. Cops have a right to refuse VOLUNTEERING in a NON PAYING gig. Simple.
It's just the same o same o. MSM reporting bullshit to get everyone all riled up over something stupid.
It's just the same o same o. MSM reporting bullshit to get everyone all riled up over something stupid.
I'm a firm believer in the freedom of speech.. I may despise what he's doing just as I loathe the assholes who burn the flag but it's considered a Constitutional right and I don't ever want to erode any of those freedoms down the slippery slope of tyranny.
So what happened? Last I read the police chief said it would be worked out and that the police only protecting those they agree with is lame. Something to that effect.

Btw, it isn't the nfl that would suffer from a lack of security, it is the fans. Or maybe not. Maybe we don't need cops patting you down or looking in your purse at sporting events after all. Maybe giving exclusive contracts to the police to provide security just raises the cost of admission.

What right do the 49ers have to make volunteers work?

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None, and they also don't have the right to force an employee to kowtow to a political position.

Who is doing that? They certainly aren't.
It's just the same o same o. MSM reporting bullshit to get everyone all riled up over something stupid.
I'm a firm believer in the freedom of speech.. I may despise what he's doing just as I loathe the assholes who burn the flag but it's considered a Constitutional right and I don't ever want to erode any of those freedoms down the slippery slope of tyranny.

Yeah, but getting rid of this scum bag, isn't a government action. I'm not asking the government to censor him. Nor am I asking the government to deport him.

This is private citizens, speaking their mind against another private citizen who has offended them.

You come to my house and offend me, then you are not going to be in my house anymore.

If the 49ers want me to watch their shows, they better remove this guy from their team.

Freedom of speech protects you from government oppression. Not from people rejecting your crap.

And honestly, this isn't even freedom of speech. Freedom of speech was speaking against the government. He didn't make any statement about the government. He reject the country that gave him his millions and life of luxury. That just makes him trash.
It's just the same o same o. MSM reporting bullshit to get everyone all riled up over something stupid.
I'm a firm believer in the freedom of speech.. I may despise what he's doing just as I loathe the assholes who burn the flag but it's considered a Constitutional right and I don't ever want to erode any of those freedoms down the slippery slope of tyranny.

Yeah, but getting rid of this scum bag, isn't a government action. I'm not asking the government to censor him. Nor am I asking the government to deport him.

This is private citizens, speaking their mind against another private citizen who has offended them.

You come to my house and offend me, then you are not going to be in my house anymore.

If the 49ers want me to watch their shows, they better remove this guy from their team.

Freedom of speech protects you from government oppression. Not from people rejecting your crap.

And honestly, this isn't even freedom of speech. Freedom of speech was speaking against the government. He didn't make any statement about the government. He reject the country that gave him his millions and life of luxury. That just makes him trash.

At the end of the day, I won't watch the 49ers, support them in any way.. the dick who decided to use his career as a political football fucked himself.. no team will pick him up.. he's damaged goods.. so his ranting only hurt him.
It's just the same o same o. MSM reporting bullshit to get everyone all riled up over something stupid.
I'm a firm believer in the freedom of speech.. I may despise what he's doing just as I loathe the assholes who burn the flag but it's considered a Constitutional right and I don't ever want to erode any of those freedoms down the slippery slope of tyranny.

Yeah, but getting rid of this scum bag, isn't a government action. I'm not asking the government to censor him. Nor am I asking the government to deport him.

This is private citizens, speaking their mind against another private citizen who has offended them.

You come to my house and offend me, then you are not going to be in my house anymore.

If the 49ers want me to watch their shows, they better remove this guy from their team.

Freedom of speech protects you from government oppression. Not from people rejecting your crap.

And honestly, this isn't even freedom of speech. Freedom of speech was speaking against the government. He didn't make any statement about the government. He reject the country that gave him his millions and life of luxury. That just makes him trash.

At the end of the day, I won't watch the 49ers, support them in any way.. the dick who decided to use his career as a political football fucked himself.. no team will pick him up.. he's damaged goods.. so his ranting only hurt him.

Yeah. I agree. Or at least I hope it's true. I personally couldn't live with myself, to pay a guy millions to insult and belittle the land I love. The land that has brought more wealth and prosperity to so many, that millions are willing to die trying to come here. His own ancestor would spin in their graves to see the life he lives, and his attitude toward it.
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control. Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games
Fire them. Challenging people's Constitutional rights is not part of their duties. Letting them get away with it sets a worse precedent than what Kaepernick did.
You have this backward. The Santa Clara PD is using IT'S Constitutional rights to oppose Kaepernik's disrespectful behavior. Which is their guaranteed 1st Amendment right.
Kaepernik can do whatever he wants. That is his right. However, others have the right to find his actions to be unacceptable.
Use of our right to free speech also includes policing ourselves.
Remember this, most police depts do not patrol sporting events or other events. The officers are hired under contract to either the venue or the entity using the venue.....The 49ers organization is free to hire its own private security.
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control. Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games
Fire them. Challenging people's Constitutional rights is not part of their duties. Letting them get away with it sets a worse precedent than what Kaepernick did.
The LEO's are NOT, repeat NOT providing security as official LEO officers!
They are ALL volunteers acting as Security officers.
These LEO's are free to not 'volunteer'.
After all you fuckwit the LEO's DO have a "constitutional right" to go fishing on their days off instead right?
"The Santa Clara Police Department is the lead police agency at Levi’s Stadium. During 49er games, around 70 officers volunteer to work and are paid as security personnel. "
What Kaepernick did, he did as an individual. The LEOs aren't doing that. They're threatening the 49ers as a group through their union. It's funny how conservatives would be singing a different tune, if they were doing something similar to get the town to raise their salaries. Then unions are the devil, but challenging Constitutional rights is hunk-dory.
You are assuming things that are not factual..
What Constitutional right are the police denying citizens?
A very strange question. Have you been in a coma? Take your pick, the police have violated so many rights. The right to freedom of expression. The right to remain silent. The right to remain seated. The right to remain alive while being black. I could go on all day .........

The right to remain seated? When did the police deny the right to remain seated?
I watch COPS and they seem to insist upon sitting on the curb.

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