Police threaten to boycott 49ers

Why would the cops boycott the 9ers? Look at the socks Kaphisdick has been wearing:

Is it normal for the fans to lie onto the ground and slither as close to the players feet as possible ... just to see what kind of socks they're wearing? The public has been duped by the money-hungry media with a telephoto lens. It's a good thing the forum is free. I wouldn't pay a farthing-a-day to find out the follow-up of this story. But I know you would.
Why would the cops boycott the 9ers? Look at the socks Kaphisdick has been wearing:

Is it normal for the fans to lie onto the ground and slither as close to the players feet as possible ... just to see what kind of socks they're wearing? The public has been duped by the money-hungry media with a telephoto lens. It's a good thing the forum is free. I wouldn't pay a farthing-a-day to find out the follow-up of this story. But I know you would.

I'm sure no fan had to slither, he wore the socks, he explained why. He is reacting to what he perceives, we all have a right to react to his actions. The police officers have the same right to react o his actions by not volunteering to work the game. As far as what you think of the forum? Your posting here tells us what you think of the forum. You are free to shove off anytime and you won't be missed.
..... As far as what you think of the forum? Your posting here tells us what you think of the forum. You are free to shove off anytime and you won't be missed.
I was talking about getting free gossip from the forum rather than paying for it by way of newspapers. Jesus, you people are stupid.
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control. Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games
Fire them. Challenging people's Constitutional rights is not part of their duties. Letting them get away with it sets a worse precedent than what Kaepernick did.
The LEO's are NOT, repeat NOT providing security as official LEO officers!
They are ALL volunteers acting as Security officers.
These LEO's are free to not 'volunteer'.
After all you fuckwit the LEO's DO have a "constitutional right" to go fishing on their days off instead right?
"The Santa Clara Police Department is the lead police agency at Levi’s Stadium. During 49er games, around 70 officers volunteer to work and are paid as security personnel. "
What Kaepernick did, he did as an individual. The LEOs aren't doing that. They're threatening the 49ers as a group through their union. It's funny how conservatives would be singing a different tune, if they were doing something similar to get the town to raise their salaries. Then unions are the devil, but challenging Constitutional rights is hunk-dory.
Fuck ylou!
Each LEO is acting "as an individual".
None of of them has any obligation, legal or otherwise to "volunteer" on their day off to be security guards.
The negro asshole loser can do whatever he wants to. If he doesn't like how people react too fucking bad!
It seems all the progtards on this thread didn't actually read the article.
Police threaten to boycott 49ers
There they go ..... cops denying citizens their constitutional rights again. I think the cops should find their own country where they can refuse having any rights at all. Then we'll see what's what! I believe I know just the place for them and I think it might be uninhabited too! It's called Alcatraz.

Would you be so kind as to post where it states in the Constitution that cops are required to provide security at sporting events? I will be waiting to read it.
The courts can make the Constitution say anything these days.

NAMBLA is counting on it.
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control.

Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games
Sounds like they are too thin skinned to be cops.
Sounds like you don't understand the consequences of taking stupid positions. Every action has an opposite & equal reaction.
I don't recall you saying Mexicans were too thin skinned when opposing Trump
His position was stupid? Exercising his 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech was stupid?

Yes. You can be stupid, while exercising your right to be stupid. Just because you have the right to be an idiot, doesn't mean it's magically brilliant.

You have the right to borrow thousands on thousands of dollars until you bankrupt your family, lose your home, your car, your furniture, everything you have.

Then you can come on here, and proudly and bold proclaim your right to borrow money, and you will be absolutely correct, that you have the right to engage in that activity.

Guess what! You would still be a mindless idiotic fool for doing that.

So is this idiot. He has the right to make whatever public statement of his views. He's still an idiot. Just because he has the right to be brain dead fool, does not change the fact he's a brain dead idiotic, spoiled brat moron that needs to get on a boat, and leave.

Small is the mind that must lay down insults as opposed to stating a superior position. Me stupid? Possibly but you saying that sounds more like the online equivalent of "liar, liar pants on fire".

I'm not sure what borrowing money has to do with this discussion but, I recognize your 1st Ammendment rights to discuss whatever you want irrespective of my ability to follow your "logic"

The argument was pretty clear. If you can't grasp it, that reflects on you, not me. Everyone else on this entire thread understands the point, even if they disagree. You lack of mental ability isn't my problem.
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control.

Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games
Sounds like they are too thin skinned to be cops.
Sounds like you don't understand the consequences of taking stupid positions. Every action has an opposite & equal reaction.
I don't recall you saying Mexicans were too thin skinned when opposing Trump
His position was stupid? Exercising his 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech was stupid?

He didn't say exercising his 1st Amendment right was stupid, he said Kaps position was stupid. Are you really that dense?

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His position was about him exercising his rights. Am I that stupid? Sometimes.

You? :)

He was right, and you are wrong.

My comment, nor any other persons comment, had nothing to do with the first amendment.

We get that he has the right to be a moron. *WE* have the right to call him a moron, and exercise our freedom of speech, in tell you and everyone else, that he is a moron for his jackass stupidity.

We have just as much right to demand he be fired from the 49ers, as he does in refusing to stand for the anthem. Both fall under freedom of speech.

My point was that his speech, was that of a moronic spoiled brat idiot. Which it is.
The argument was pretty clear.
Really? According to your good buddy (here below) it's all about race.
The negro asshole loser can do whatever he wants to. If he doesn't like how people react too fucking bad!

Yep! America! Who said racism is a thing of the past? I'm a-gonna' tell ya' sumpin' you may not already know. Everything is about race in the good ole US of A!

... Ooooops!

I sympathize with the police but they are government employees who have a job to do. And as much as I disagree with Kaepernick, he is exercising his constitutional right. The police should not be refusing to do their job simply because they disagree with someone exercising their constitutional right.
Fuck you!
How can you be so fucking dumb?
The LEO's were VOLUNTEERS!!!!!!! who WERE NOT on active duty!!!!
Why are you so fucking stupid?
These LEO's were being employed OFF DUTY as SECURITY OFFICERS!!!!
Why is it EVERY FUCKING TIME something like this hits the news YOU ALWAYS GET IT WRONG????????
From Trayvon to Wilson to the overcharged Baltimore LEO's to some fucking negro asshole who makes millions of dollars a year being a third string 'AA' quarterback?
It never ends with you idiots.
It's in your DNA to be fucking stupid pansies and losers.
Fuck you!
How can you be so fucking dumb?
The LEO's were VOLUNTEERS!!!!!!! who WERE NOT on active duty!!!!
Why are you so fucking stupid?
These LEO's were being employed OFF DUTY as SECURITY OFFICERS!!!!
Why is it EVERY FUCKING TIME something like this hits the news YOU ALWAYS GET IT WRONG????????
From Trayvon to Wilson to the overcharged Baltimore LEO's to some fucking negro asshole who makes millions of dollars a year being a third string 'AA' quarterback?
It never ends with you idiots.
It's in your DNA to be fucking stupid pansies and losers.

I sympathize with the police but they are government employees who have a job to do. And as much as I disagree with Kaepernick, he is exercising his constitutional right. The police should not be refusing to do their job simply because they disagree with someone exercising their constitutional right.
Well except that the POLICE do not provide security as POLICEMAN, they are hired PRIVATELY and are simply hired help, they have EVERY right to refuse to be hired.
Fuck you!
How can you be so fucking dumb?
The LEO's were VOLUNTEERS!!!!!!! who WERE NOT on active duty!!!!
Why are you so fucking stupid?
These LEO's were being employed OFF DUTY as SECURITY OFFICERS!!!!
Why is it EVERY FUCKING TIME something like this hits the news YOU ALWAYS GET IT WRONG????????
From Trayvon to Wilson to the overcharged Baltimore LEO's to some fucking negro asshole who makes millions of dollars a year being a third string 'AA' quarterback?
It never ends with you idiots.
It's in your DNA to be fucking stupid pansies and losers.

I will try and explain this to you slowly..... security at the stadium is NOT a police job. The cops do not arrive as cops and provide security. Security is a private job, cops just happen to be qualified to do it in commmunist California where most citizens can not get permits to carry firearms. Thus cops REFUSING to volunteer to work security at a private firm is NOT covered by their contract as civil servants and they are INDEED free to refuse to do the job.
Fuck you!
How can you be so fucking dumb?
The LEO's were VOLUNTEERS!!!!!!! who WERE NOT on active duty!!!!
Why are you so fucking stupid?
These LEO's were being employed OFF DUTY as SECURITY OFFICERS!!!!
Why is it EVERY FUCKING TIME something like this hits the news YOU ALWAYS GET IT WRONG????????
From Trayvon to Wilson to the overcharged Baltimore LEO's to some fucking negro asshole who makes millions of dollars a year being a third string 'AA' quarterback?
It never ends with you idiots.
It's in your DNA to be fucking stupid pansies and losers.

I will try and explain this to you slowly..... security at the stadium is NOT a police job. The cops do not arrive as cops and provide security. Security is a private job, cops just happen to be qualified to do it in commmunist California where most citizens can not get permits to carry firearms. Thus cops REFUSING to volunteer to work security at a private firm is NOT covered by their contract as civil servants and they are INDEED free to refuse to do the job.

He isn't smart enough to understand, that is why page after page it has been posted and the idiot still doesn't get it.

Can't believe people are that dense.
So what happened? Last I read the police chief said it would be worked out and that the police only protecting those they agree with is lame. Something to that effect.

Btw, it isn't the nfl that would suffer from a lack of security, it is the fans. Or maybe not. Maybe we don't need cops patting you down or looking in your purse at sporting events after all. Maybe giving exclusive contracts to the police to provide security just raises the cost of admission.
So what happened? Last I read the police chief said it would be worked out and that the police only protecting those they agree with is lame. Something to that effect.

Btw, it isn't the nfl that would suffer from a lack of security, it is the fans. Or maybe not. Maybe we don't need cops patting you down or looking in your purse at sporting events after all. Maybe giving exclusive contracts to the police to provide security just raises the cost of admission.

What right do the 49ers have to make volunteers work?

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Sounds like they are too thin skinned to be cops.
Sounds like you don't understand the consequences of taking stupid positions. Every action has an opposite & equal reaction.
I don't recall you saying Mexicans were too thin skinned when opposing Trump
His position was stupid? Exercising his 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech was stupid?

He didn't say exercising his 1st Amendment right was stupid, he said Kaps position was stupid. Are you really that dense?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
His position was about him exercising his rights. Am I that stupid? Sometimes.

You? :)

He was right, and you are wrong.

My comment, nor any other persons comment, had nothing to do with the first amendment.

We get that he has the right to be a moron. *WE* have the right to call him a moron, and exercise our freedom of speech, in tell you and everyone else, that he is a moron for his jackass stupidity.

We have just as much right to demand he be fired from the 49ers, as he does in refusing to stand for the anthem. Both fall under freedom of speech.

My point was that his speech, was that of a moronic spoiled brat idiot. Which it is.
I agree. The 1st Amendment gives everyone that wonderful right. It even protects small minded people to call others names like moron and stupid because they don't have the mental fortitude to debate topics in mature fashion. God Bless America!
So what happened? Last I read the police chief said it would be worked out and that the police only protecting those they agree with is lame. Something to that effect.

Btw, it isn't the nfl that would suffer from a lack of security, it is the fans. Or maybe not. Maybe we don't need cops patting you down or looking in your purse at sporting events after all. Maybe giving exclusive contracts to the police to provide security just raises the cost of admission.

What right do the 49ers have to make volunteers work?

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None, and they also don't have the right to force an employee to kowtow to a political position.

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