Police threaten to boycott 49ers

Those security guards are cops. They don't stop being cops when they're doing something else.
Dear sweet Jesus! What are you, a child?
The police officers don't have to work the gsme, if the security company that hires the police officers wants to fire them, they can go right ahead and do it.
Very good! So we are nearing the real issue here .... the integrity of cops. The bubble of the great samaritan police is bursting ..... right before our eyes.

Sport is about money, and the police don't give a crap about the sport or their fellow citizens - all they want is to 'show off' and to be in control of people ... even in their off hours. If they really cared about sport and the population they wouldn't start making such a big thing about one man who is expressing his opinion in a lawful, democratic, Constitutional manner.
It's all about freedom and responsibility, some you seem to know nothing about.
Read what I just wrote and weep. It turns out that I know far more about freedom and responsibility than you. LOTS more.
The police officers don't have to work the gsme, if the security company that hires the police officers wants to fire them, they can go right ahead and do it.
Very good! So we are nearing the real issue here .... the integrity of cops. The bubble of the great samaritan police is bursting ..... right before our eyes.
Sport is about money, and the police don't give a crap about the sport or their fellow citizens - all they want is to 'show off' and to be in control of people ... even in their off hours. If they really cared about sport and the population they wouldn't start making such a big thing about one man who is expressing his opinion in a lawful, democratic, Constitutional manner.
It's all about freedom and responsibility, some you seem to know nothing about.
Read what I just wrote and weep. It turns out that I know far more about freedom and responsibility than you. LOTS more.

99% of the police are fine, so that is some kind of false narrative you are trying to run.

As far as to police exercising their Constitutional right to protest? If they were working as police officers, you would have a point. Since it is for a security company, they are under no obligation to work.

It turns out you want to force people to do something they are not required to do.

So you have nothing.
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control. Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games
Fire them. Challenging people's Constitutional rights is not part of their duties. Letting them get away with it sets a worse precedent than what Kaepernick did.
The LEO's are NOT, repeat NOT providing security as official LEO officers!
They are ALL volunteers acting as Security officers.
These LEO's are free to not 'volunteer'.
After all you fuckwit the LEO's DO have a "constitutional right" to go fishing on their days off instead right?
"The Santa Clara Police Department is the lead police agency at Levi’s Stadium. During 49er games, around 70 officers volunteer to work and are paid as security personnel. "
What Kaepernick did, he did as an individual. The LEOs aren't doing that. They're threatening the 49ers as a group through their union. It's funny how conservatives would be singing a different tune, if they were doing something similar to get the town to raise their salaries. Then unions are the devil, but challenging Constitutional rights is hunk-dory.

It's funny how liberals say that there are consequences to expressing your constitutional rights, unless it works against them or their agenda.
I'm not a liberal but that sure is a dumb statement you just made.

How so? Liberals do that all the time especially here. How is speaking the obvious truth dumb?
99% of the police are fine, so that is some kind of false narrative you are trying to run.
This is the proverbial 99% which simply means all cops are not bad. Yes, we know that. My narrative was in conjunction with the general insinuation that all cops are good, doing a wonderful thing volunteering (without pay) for the benefit of sports and the community. It just isn't true.

As far as to police exercising their Constitutional right to protest? If they were working as police officers, you would have a point. Since it is for a security company, they are under no obligation to work.
Of course. The dilemma here is that men working as security guards want to organize a boycott in the capacity of police officers. I agree with your paragraph (just above) but the police seem not to have understood what you just said.

It turns out you want to force people to do something they are not required to do.
Tell me something, please. I've asked you several times to look up the word 'absurd' but you apparently haven't done so. My suggestion to you is either look it up (and stop making a fool of yourself) ..... or just stop making absurd comments all-together. Oh yes! I see your problem! If you don't understand what an absurd comment is then you cannot avoid making them ...... through ignorance. My oh my! You've stuffed yourself really good!
They don't care. Political correctness is all and political correctness hates cops.
lol. the irony of this is too much.

someone (Kaepernick) wasn't polite enough when speaking about police so the cops throw a fit and refuse to do their jobs.

who is really being 'politically correct?'
They don't care. Political correctness is all and political correctness hates cops.
lol. the irony of this is too much.

someone (Kaepernick) wasn't polite enough when speaking about police so the cops throw a fit and refuse to do their jobs.

who is really being 'politically correct?'

The job of a police officer is not to provide security for a private event.
They don't care. Political correctness is all and political correctness hates cops.
lol. the irony of this is too much.

someone (Kaepernick) wasn't polite enough when speaking about police so the cops throw a fit and refuse to do their jobs.

who is really being 'politically correct?'

The job of a police officer is not to provide security for a private event.
true, they aren't obligated to take side jobs.

but if anyone is being the PC police it is the actual police
omg. Is this still going on???

Scenario time!

You are a retail clerk. You get paid for hours spent on the job helping customers, ringing up sales, stocking shelves.
Christmas comes along and the local shelter needs help serving food to the homeless, donated gifts to the children, blankets to the cold and weary.
You have VOLUNTEERED your time before, doing these things, because you ENJOY it. Therefore, you do it FREE by VOLUNTEERING.

6 months pass. You and your fellow employees of the retail store that joined you before, are told to go fuck yourselves by one of the donators from a competing retail store that also VOLUNTEERS. So you decide not to go this year.

All hell breaks loose because now the shelter is short on help because this year, you did not VOLUNTEER and the news reports for all to see that you and the retail store you WORK for, will not show compassion, blah blah. You are then told you should be fired from your retail job for NOT VOLUNTEERING to help the homeless at the shelter in the same town on Christmas.

GET IT NOW? Dayum.:rolleyes-41:
99% of the police are fine, so that is some kind of false narrative you are trying to run.
This is the proverbial 99% which simply means all cops are not bad. Yes, we know that. My narrative was in conjunction with the general insinuation that all cops are good, doing a wonderful thing volunteering (without pay) for the benefit of sports and the community. It just isn't true.

As far as to police exercising their Constitutional right to protest? If they were working as police officers, you would have a point. Since it is for a security company, they are under no obligation to work.
Of course. The dilemma here is that men working as security guards want to organize a boycott in the capacity of police officers. I agree with your paragraph (just above) but the police seem not to have understood what you just said.

It turns out you want to force people to do something they are not required to do.
Tell me something, please. I've asked you several times to look up the word 'absurd' but you apparently haven't done so. My suggestion to you is either look it up (and stop making a fool of yourself) ..... or just stop making absurd comments all-together. Oh yes! I see your problem! If you don't understand what an absurd comment is then you cannot avoid making them ...... through ignorance. My oh my! You've stuffed yourself really good!

As usual, you got it wrong, I never implied that all cops were good or they didn't get paid to work the game. I think the police officers have it right, they don't need to work the game, they don't have to work the game. The only one making themselves a fool is you. Take care.
"Police threaten to boycott 49ers"

*** So what have we got so far? Let me take a few guesses and see how many I get right:

1). The stadium needs security guards during sporting events.

2). A number of policemen are making extra money, working as security guards while 'off duty' from their police work.

3). Real security guards are also working at the stadium.

4). Unemployed security guards are angry with the police for taking jobs that they, themselves, feel should be theirs'.

5). Some of the police (cum security guards) are offended by one player who has socks depicted cops …. oooops! sorry! … I mean 'police' …. as pigs. Note the player isn't disrespecting security guards at all.

6). These pigs who are offended want to ORGANIZE ALL OF THE POLICE to boycott further employment.

7). The unemployed REAL security guards are happy as larks!

8). The news media, once again, has stirred up the citizenry with their telephoto lenses and made a few bucks on 'slow day'.

9). Some members of USMB feel so frustrated and indignant about the whole thing that they have resorted to name-calling and even put other members on 'permanent ignore status'

As usual, you got it wrong, I never implied that all cops were good or they didn't get paid to work the game. I think the police officers have it right, they don't need to work the game, they don't have to work the game. The only one making themselves a fool is you. Take care.
Senseless gibberish is all you know, isn't it. You just said nothing that has anything to do with anything, and there you sit in your perpetual state of ....
As usual, you got it wrong, I never implied that all cops were good or they didn't get paid to work the game. I think the police officers have it right, they don't need to work the game, they don't have to work the game. The only one making themselves a fool is you. Take care.
Senseless gibberish is all you know, isn't it. You just said nothing that has anything to do with anything, and there you sit in your perpetual state of ....

I guess you know how I fell dealing with nonsensical logic.

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