Polishing Up An Old Lie

Freewill, if you get that Rshmer is me, then I hope to heavens you are not relying on your instincts to make important distinctions. You will end up in poverty. I do hope someone responsible is your guardian.

I thought about it, and me comparing you too was too much of an insult to you, I apologize.
Selling the old lie is that the far right reactionary wing has any comment of worth.

Good old jake, coming to the rescue of communism once again. So predictable.

You just proved jake's point. You apparently have no actual idea of what communism is, or was. Above your mental pay grade.
No one, anywhere, is a communist anymore. They are mostly gone. Except in the troubled mind of cons, who think anything other than libertarianism, or Laissez Faire Capitalism, is Communism.
A simple economics class would help you, should you care to understand. My bet is you do not. Simply following your master's direction is simpler for you, eh?
So, let me try to help you. Laissez Faire Capitalism, or Libertarianism, has never, ever existed in any economy. Communism at least existed shortly before it failed. Socialism exists. Mixed economies exist most commonly. So, the biggest failure, pure capitalism that you so believe in, does not and never did exist. Rational people find it stupid to believe in things that do not exist.
Cons?? What can one say. They believe in the libertarian dream that they are told is THE ANSWER. Though it will never happen. Most get the point before they reach puberty. Cons just don't get it.

You get all of that out of me yanking jake's chain. I am assuming by your reaction, you in fact are Jake.

Never the less. Cuba, if not Maxist could only be described as Communist. But it is more so totalitarian.

Communist countries today: China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, andVietnam

Again, you prove the point that you can not make a cogent, rational argument. You just named the 5 countries who claim to be communist. See the difference, me boy, not who ARE communist, but who CLAIM to be. That is because you went for a simple cut and paste, which seems to be your best.
China has private companies. Perhaps you do not follow current events. Over the past decade, for christ sake.
The others, totalitarian, partially communist. Try doing a search on "actual communist nations".
Did you know there were, 40 years ago, another 30 plus nations that were or called themselves communist. Now there are 5. See the trend, me boy.

Now, where are the great, successful LIBERTARIAN nations?? Or have you given up on that?

And thanks again for proving my point!!!

China economically has changed from a totally communistic country to one that does embrace capitalism to a point, not entirely.

Politically China is still very much communist. From their leaders to the party representatives it is pure communism.

The other countries mention pretty much fall into the same category. Economically capitalist or moving towards capitalism because it WORKS. Politically they are still totalitarian regimes with a definite communist bend.

Claim, me boy. Claim.
Has there ever been a true communist country? - Quora

If you can read.....
Freewill, if you get that Rshmer is me, then I hope to heavens you are not relying on your instincts to make important distinctions. You will end up in poverty. I do hope someone responsible is your guardian.

I thought about it, and me comparing you too was too much of an insult to you, I apologize.

And, me poor ignorant con, free english language help:
Look up and see if you can understand the word "too" in the clause "you too".
your welcome
No one, anywhere, is a communist anymore. .

actually Bernie is an open communist and Barry had 3 communist parents! Bernie wanted govt to own the commanding heights and he vacationed in the USSR!! When Joe McCarthy asked them if the were communists they took the 5th. Do you know why?
Freewill, if you get that Rshmer is me, then I hope to heavens you are not relying on your instincts to make important distinctions. You will end up in poverty. I do hope someone responsible is your guardian.

I thought about it, and me comparing you too was too much of an insult to you, I apologize.
No need to apologize. Rshmer is light years smarter than you. But most of the Board is, as well.

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