Political Affiliations Tests

Economic Left/Right: -4.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.49

If anything, what this test shows us is that MOST of us are leaning toward anti-authoritarianism.

This does not actually surprise me.
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: 5.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.23

I think that for the most part I should have been more towards a zero on the authoritarian/libertarian scale... but since I feel very strongly on crime and punishment, it is what probably gave me the boost towards the authoritarian side... because in most part, for the free people of society, I am all about the personal freedoms that go with the personal responsibilities

On this one:

Political Survey

I scored about where i thought I would

Axis Position
1 left/right +4.6723 (+0.2812)
2 pragmatism -0.0440 (-0.0026)
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Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: 2.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.03

I think the interesting things so far is that the people on here that represent the "Right" have scored mostly slightly to the right and mostly libertarian rather than authoritarian. By contrast, the folks on the "Left" are DEEP in left field.

This would suggest that the comments made by those here on the right tend to be more politically "mainstream" than those on the left. If we are going to lend any credence to this test.
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: 2.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.03

I think the interesting things so far is that the people on here that represent the "Right" have scored mostly slightly to the right and mostly libertarian rather than authoritarian. By contrast, the folks on the "Left" are DEEP in left field.

This would suggest that the comments made by those here on the right tend to be more politically "mainstream" than those on the left. If we are going to lend any credence to this test.

Deep in left antiauthoritarian field, you mean?


the basic difference between most libertarians and people who lean socialist is who they fear most.

Libertarians fear an oppressive government lead by the masses, and socialists fear an oppressive government lead by the masters of money leading their government

Both camps believe in individual liberties, I think, and both have justifiable fears given history.

I actually believe that the average America, regardless of their political affiliation wants essantially the same kind of treatment from their government, only they disagree about how to arrive at that point.
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Economic Left/Right: 2.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.10

But I have no idea what it means, I can't really tell from reading the blurb?
Economic Left/Right: 2.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.10

But I have no idea what it means, I can't really tell from reading the blurb?

It means you would be a happier person living under the rule of somebody like Mussolini.
It means you make Hitler look rational. :cool:


Yeah... considering Hitler is about as far north on the authoritarian scale as "the anarchist" is in the opposite direction

Allie... all it means is that you are a bit conservative on economic issues and lean libertarian on social/societal issues...

Unlike what the lefties on here would want to paint you to look like

Actually... this test seems to be skewed to have results, in comparison to what they think US officials to be, to the right and up towards authoritarianism... to have Obama and Clinton in about the same area as you are has to put this test in question a bit... as their history and record clearly indicates a left leaning and not a right one


On this test I tend to find it interesting that I am about as far "right" as McCain and as "libertarian" as Paul
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I put down my opinions and made sure I put strongly for everything, and this is what it gave me.

I always thought I was a leftist, perhaps I should try it one last time.



I wonder what this says about me, or this test in general.

My opinion was the first part of this test the questions were slanted to the left but maybe I was wrong.
My opinion was the first part of this test the questions were slanted to the left but maybe I was wrong.

Well this test is obviously going to be biased.

SOEMBODY had to decide who every question was phrased, and more importantly what your responses meant on that scale, too.

This test has the bias of whomsoever devised it.

Every test like this does.
Yes, the test is weak in that regard. I suspect that many of the Democrats in the lower left of the upper right quadrant would be a bit lower and further to the left if this were to analyze their political ideology rather than their floor votes and affiliations. I'm going to venture to say that Obama didn't change ideologically during the campaign season, though they moved his placement on the compass. Mike Gravel also didn't change his ideological views when he joined the Libertarian Party, but they moved him about halfway across the economic scale to the right.
Here's mine (hopefully I can do this right)...

Economic Left/Right: 1.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.46
I'm reading a book called "Bias" by Bernard...Goldstern? He has some very interesting things to say about how the left portrays and views their own narrow view as "normal". Also how they label conservatives, but won't label liberals.
It's Bernard Goldberg, and the book should have been called, "Why CBS wouldn't give me the job I wanted, and somehow disliked the fact that I openly attacked network executives in the Wall Street Journal while I was still employed by CBS."

Or it should have been called, "My Schoolboy Feud with Dan Rather."

Goldberg's an intellectual lightweight. Have you read 100 People who are Screwing up America?
Here's mine (hopefully I can do this right)...

Economic Left/Right: 1.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.46

I'll be the first to admit that I didn't expect that after you expressed your laissez-faire views in the other thread. You weren't lying when you said you were conservative in all other ways. :eek:
Yeah, right.
It's not just about Dan Rather. Though I don't think anyone in their right mind would dispute that man's bias.
I'll be the first to admit that I didn't expect that after you expressed your laissez-faire views in the other thread. You weren't lying when you said you were conservative in all other ways. :eek:

Aw, don't be so surprised. I'm authoritarian for your own good. :lol:

I'm maybe more traditional than conservative. I'm pretty liberal in some ways, I think that people should be more than tolerant, they should be kind and respectful even to people that are very different or whos ways are difficult to understand.

But I come out almost in the middle overall, doesn't that mean I'm pretty well balanced?
Economic Left/Right: 0.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.82


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