Political analyst on MSNBC: Time to start arresting Republicans for "misinformation".

Doesn't this thread start off with you lying? You said

The president acknowledged that it's time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail

Can you show us the president suggested this?

We can show you Trump suggesting stupid things like roughing apprehended suspects up when putting them in the cop car. Or shooting people in the legs. Trump actually suggested sending in the military and having them shoot rioters in the legs. What a fucking idiot. What a Authoritarian.
No I didn't say that, you blithering idiot.

I quoted the lefty journalist saying that. Learn to read.

Like I said, you get dumber with every post. Simply amazing! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You guys just can't stop lying. On another thread they are talking about how Biden is secretly flying illegals into the country in the middle of the night. You think it's ok they just make that shit up?

Gee, that's funny, there's video from NY, video from DC, video from Florida... you think all those videos were photoshopped in someone's basement?

No one's making anything up, fucktard.

Except you

Of course, the leftist fact checkers which are bought and paid for by the Democratic party.

Newsflash: THEY LIE

So do you
You're on the side of Psaki.
Whoever that is. I never said lock reporters up who lie. But remember, it was you guys who were chanting lock her up. And what do you know? Every guy who said lock her up in public ended up getting locked up. Because they were criminals. You support liars and criminals.

And this thread title suggested Biden agreed. I'm still waiting for proof that Biden liked that idea.
Gee, that's funny, there's video from NY, video from DC, video from Florida... you think all those videos were photoshopped in someone's basement?

No one's making anything up, fucktard.

Except you

Of course, the leftist fact checkers which are bought and paid for by the Democratic party.

Newsflash: THEY LIE

So do you
Some con should start a right wing truthometer so we can expose it.

Just like you have a right wing alternative to Wikipedia

Gee, that's funny, there's video from NY, video from DC, video from Florida... you think all those videos were photoshopped in someone's basement?

No one's making anything up, fucktard.

Except you

Of course, the leftist fact checkers which are bought and paid for by the Democratic party.

Newsflash: THEY LIE

So do you

Did you catch it on video when Trump did it? No? Why not? Do you know how many times this happened on Trump's watch? Then STFU ok stupid?
Whoever that is. I never said lock reporters up who lie. But remember, it was you guys who were chanting lock her up. And what do you know? Every guy who said lock her up in public ended up getting locked up. Because they were criminals. You support liars and criminals.

And this thread title suggested Biden agreed. I'm still waiting for proof that Biden liked that idea.
You don't know who Psaki is? Really? How are we suppose to ever take anything you say seriously if you are so grossly unaware of current events?
What do you want to do to the media when they get caught lying? They used to have to read retractions. Maybe those should come back. But nowadays all Fox News does is lie all day. Or tell half truths. You guys won't believe it when TruthOMeter tells it. You say the site is slanted.

Sorry if your side is lying and getting caught more. And about more important things than being under sniper fire. Like, "i wouldn't overturn roe v wade if I'm appointed" was a lie. Love the leaker btw.

Typical democrat you are...
You don't know who Psaki is? Really? How are we suppose to ever take anything you say seriously if you are so grossly unaware of current events?
That moron can't figure out when you are quoting a source, despite putting the quote in bold and providing a link right underneath the quote.
What do you want to do to the media when they get caught lying? They used to have to read retractions. Maybe those should come back. But nowadays all Fox News does is lie all day. Or tell half truths. You guys won't believe it when TruthOMeter tells it. You say the site is slanted.

Sorry if your side is lying and getting caught more. And about more important things than being under sniper fire. Like, "i wouldn't overturn roe v wade if I'm appointed" was a lie. Love the leaker btw.
CNN is fake news. But you pile on Fox
Every guy? I didn't think we had enough jails for every guy who thinks Hillary is a criminal.
Sorry, ever Republican politician who blurted it out so that it was caught on tape, ended up in jail.

Wasn't Jeff Sessions locked up for lying?

Sessions stated under oath that he did not have contact with Russian officials during the 2016 presidential campaign and that he was unaware of any contact between Trump campaign members and Russian officials. However, in March 2017, news reports revealed that Sessions had twice met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak in 2016.

Michael Flynn was locked up

Man who started ‘lock her up chant’ about Clinton now heads an EPA office​

He is a veteran of the agriculture lobbying and oil industries, once working for a company that spilled thousands of gallons of oil in California

He went to jail for spilling all that oil right?

Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort both said it too and they both went to jail.


Show me their fake news. I could go to Fox right now and point out the spin on every story they post. Show me CNN's lying.
They pushed the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA hoax for 5 years, Dipsqueeze.
That moron can't figure out when you are quoting a source, despite putting the quote in bold and providing a link right underneath the quote.
I don't care who he is. One guy floated the idea of locking up people who lie on tv or in the media. Lying is bad. Lying is dangerous. What do you want to do about liars?

He should have said the FCC should throw them off the air. Yank their licences. It's a fucking privilege to have a broadcasting license. Those our the American people's airwaves. The media giants don't own them. If they are lying, get them off the air. But don't put them in jail. Send them to the internet. Breitbart news. Notice we don't care that they lie there? Just like you are free to not get vaccinated. Just don't come to work.
They pushed the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA hoax for 5 years, Dipsqueeze.
It wasn't a hoax. The Trump's literally met with Russia in Trump towers.

The Ukraine call was why we impeached him. Then the insurrection. He's a scumbag. When wasn't he breaking the laws?

In the very beginning he asked Comey to kiss his ring and when he didn't, he fired him.

And guys who worked for Trump now say he should not be president. He picked those guys. So don't call them rinos.

You know he never interviews anyone? He asks other people what they think and then hires them based on other people's recommendations.

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