Political analyst on MSNBC: Time to start arresting Republicans for "misinformation".

Political analyst on MSNBC: Time to start arresting Republicans for "misinformation".​

Perhaps that's what it will take to jar lazy, du nuffin Right Wing Conservatives from thei9r comfortable slumber?
Perhaps if they start mass exterminating Right Wing Conservatives they might actually lift a finger in protest? (doubt it)

When you project absolute, unmitigated weakness when you have the means to defend yourself, should you NOT be eaten alive?

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
Show me their fake news. I could go to Fox right now and point out the spin on every story they post. Show me CNN's lying.
I did. I watch Fox when they have people from both sides debating one another. Explain how that is “lying”? When was the last time CNN or MSNBC did that?
I did. I watch Fox when they have people from both sides debating one another. Explain how that is “lying”? When was the last time CNN or MSNBC did that?
Sometimes it's not lying. It's supporting Russia

Talk about enemy of the people.

You mess with my kid, I mess with you.

Those are the rules.

No FBI surveillance is going to change them.

Yeah, right. Yawn.
King Samir Shabazz......LIVE ON CSPAN...."Kill them Crackers !!! Kill They Babies!!!!"

(You remained silent.)

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No but you cant put someone in jail for lying. And lets be honest we have changed the meaning of lying to just being wrong about something or saying something I dont agree with. That started over 2 decades ago.
I agree. Right wingers love to call being wrong lying. Even when I admit I was wrong, now it's all about me lying. When I wasn't. It almost seems like a tactic.
No but you cant put someone in jail for lying. And lets be honest we have changed the meaning of lying to just being wrong about something or saying something I dont agree with. That started over 2 decades ago.

I can't find the article I was looking for but it explained why Trump lies about all things big and small. Like for example where that Tornado hit. He said it hit Alabama. It didn't. So he drew with a marker showing that it was hit, rather than just admit he was wrong. There is a reason behind why he will never admit he was wrong or lost.

I can't find the article I was looking for but it explained why Trump lies about all things big and small. Like for example where that Tornado hit. He said it hit Alabama. It didn't. So he drew with a marker showing that it was hit, rather than just admit he was wrong. There is a reason behind why he will never admit he was wrong or lost.

Yeah and so he was wrong he didnt lie? Thanks for making my point. Even if every word out of my mouth is a lie that's not illegal and it shouldnt be. Im allowed to be a lying douche bag.
Yeah and so he was wrong he didnt lie? Thanks for making my point. Even if every word out of my mouth is a lie that's not illegal and it shouldnt be. Im allowed to be a lying douche bag.
This is how the media got away with helping Bush lie us into Iraq.

In the Republican presidential debate in South Carolina Donald Trump said something about the Bush administration and the Iraq War that is essentially illegal for Republican politicians.

“They lied,” he said. “They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. And they knew there were none.”

In this scenario was it perfectly legal for Bush to lie or Trump? Or was Trump telling the truth?
It wasn't a hoax. The Trump's literally met with Russia in Trump towers.

The Ukraine call was why we impeached him. Then the insurrection. He's a scumbag. When wasn't he breaking the laws?

In the very beginning he asked Comey to kiss his ring and when he didn't, he fired him.

And guys who worked for Trump now say he should not be president. He picked those guys. So don't call them rinos.

You know he never interviews anyone? He asks other people what they think and then hires them based on other people's recommendations.
no it was a hoax
This is how the media got away with helping Bush lie us into Iraq.

In the Republican presidential debate in South Carolina Donald Trump said something about the Bush administration and the Iraq War that is essentially illegal for Republican politicians.

“They lied,” he said. “They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. And they knew there were none.”

In this scenario was it perfectly legal for Bush to lie or Trump? Or was Trump telling the truth?

Only one sides defending liars.

You should read a book

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That DNC Kool-Aid is some yummy shit aint it?
Sorry, ever Republican politician who blurted it out so that it was caught on tape, ended up in jail.

Wasn't Jeff Sessions locked up for lying?

Sessions stated under oath that he did not have contact with Russian officials during the 2016 presidential campaign and that he was unaware of any contact between Trump campaign members and Russian officials. However, in March 2017, news reports revealed that Sessions had twice met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak in 2016.

Michael Flynn was locked up

Man who started ‘lock her up chant’ about Clinton now heads an EPA office​

He is a veteran of the agriculture lobbying and oil industries, once working for a company that spilled thousands of gallons of oil in California​

He went to jail for spilling all that oil right?​

Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort both said it too and they both went to jail.​


Sorry, ever Republican politician who blurted it out so that it was caught on tape, ended up in jail.

Every Republican politician who said it on tape went to jail? 100%?
That's a bold claim. Where's your proof?

Wasn't Jeff Sessions locked up for lying?


Michael Flynn was locked up

For how long?

Man who started ‘lock her up chant’ about Clinton now heads an EPA office​

Michael Stoker?

He went to jail for spilling all that oil right????

I don't think so.

In the past, the OP would have attributed the quote (if it took place) to the entire network instead of an analyst. Progress!
Sorry, ever Republican politician who blurted it out so that it was caught on tape, ended up in jail.

Every Republican politician who said it on tape went to jail? 100%?
That's a bold claim. Where's your proof?

Wasn't Jeff Sessions locked up for lying?


Michael Flynn was locked up

For how long?

Man who started ‘lock her up chant’ about Clinton now heads an EPA office​

Michael Stoker?

He went to jail for spilling all that oil right????

I don't think so.

So now it's ok if you go to jail, as long as it's not for very long? Didn't Trump pardon him? He'd still be rotting in jail.

Why did Trump pardon Kwame Kilpatrick? What political payback was that all about? He was the most corrupt mayor of Detroit. Gangsta.

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