Political analyst on MSNBC: Time to start arresting Republicans for "misinformation".

What does it matter? You were just ranting about pulling Fox's license for lying.
I guess all the outlets that covered for Hunter should also get shut down. Right?
Fine them if they lie and if they continue to lie then yes, yank them. No liars on the public airwaves.

Which would also include all those religious channels on free tv. Have you ever seen those free tv channels? OMG they let televangelists brainwash and lie to America with Christianity.
But when HRC and her campaign destroy blackberries and smash ipads it is OK? Lol As I said. I watch news for debates not echo chambers. Same reason I am here. You just want an echo chamber.
Yes the Trump's also used private phones and emails to conduct business and you didn't care. Maybe we should have made a big deal about it like you guys.
It wasn't a hoax. The Trump's literally met with Russia in Trump towers.

The Ukraine call was why we impeached him. Then the insurrection. He's a scumbag. When wasn't he breaking the laws?

In the very beginning he asked Comey to kiss his ring and when he didn't, he fired him.

And guys who worked for Trump now say he should not be president. He picked those guys. So don't call them rinos.

You know he never interviews anyone? He asks other people what they think and then hires them based on other people's recommendations.
Like I said yesterday......you get dumber with every post.
It's less about "representing" and more about hearing an opposing POV. You are a snowflake who prefers an echo chamber. I get it. Sissy boy.
I never suggested locking them up or fining them for lying. I'm just floating the idea of fining them but then when Republicans are in charge of the FCC they'll fine the left and won't fine the right. And we won't fine the left but we will fine the right. And you guys will tell us it wasn't a lie then we'll have to get into that debate.

We saw when Trump made that very unethical/illegal call to Ukraine, you guys called it perfect. So I doubt you'll admit a lie even when it's just as obvious.
Hunter made $1 million dollars a year. My brother makes that. He's a VP of a corporation. That's nothing today you know that right?

Jared got $2 billion from the Saudi's after Trump sold them nuclear technology??? And that doesn't seem to bother Republicans when I put that out there. They usually scurry back under the rocks they crawled out of when I bring this up.

And let's not forget who's balls Jared came out of. Charles Kushner

In 2005, he was convicted of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering and was sentenced to two years imprisonment, which he served in the Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery. As a convicted felon he was also disbarred in three states. He later received a federal pardon issued by President Donald Trump on December 23, 2020.

Kushner hired a prostitute he knew to seduce his brother-in-law, arranged to record a sexual encounter between the two, and had the tape sent to his sister.
Trump didn’t sell the Saudis nuclear technology, unless you are talking about allowing two companies to consult with them on nuclear power plants.

You try to make it sound as if Trump sent them nuclear missiles. You are a lying sack of shit.
I don't know? Are they? What does it matter? I just told you Jared got $2 billion from the Saudi's. If that doesn't bother you, nothing Hunter is doing should.

If foreign dignitaries can stay in Trump overpriced hotels, nothing Jared does should bother you.
Jared didn’t get $2 billion from the Saudis, liar. The firm he works for is investing that money for them, ya know, cuz they are an investment firm.

Your lies are too easy to expose, get new ones liar.
This is what the left has become. If you don't follow us in lockstep you should be locked up.

I wish I were a cop so that I could hang on every word Carl Cameron puts out so that the first time he says something untrue or that others don't agree with, I could be there at his front door pounding on it to arrest and take him in just to see the look on his face.
Trump didn’t sell the Saudis nuclear technology, unless you are talking about allowing two companies to consult with them on nuclear power plants.

You try to make it sound as if Trump sent them nuclear missiles. You are a lying sack of shit.
Yea that's what I referring to. I'm sure you wouldn't be spinning it like that if Biden sold the Saudi's nuclear technology.
I wish I were a cop so that I could hang on every word Carl Cameron puts out so that the first time he says something untrue or that others don't agree with, I could be there at his front door pounding on it to arrest and take him in just to see the look on his face.
Sort of like how conservatives treated Howard Stern? They couldn't define indecency but they knew it when they heard it. That's what conservatives said.

Have conservative changed since then? I think they are still just as authoritarian. They're just not in charge right now. Hell, look at our Moolah's running the Supreme Court.
Jared didn’t get $2 billion from the Saudis, liar. The firm he works for is investing that money for them, ya know, cuz they are an investment firm.

Your lies are too easy to expose, get new ones liar.
Nothing fishy here. Move along. Nothing to see.

Boy, what spin you have woven. Imagine if Biden sold the Saudi's nuclear technology, then Hunter's company made billions. Imagine how you cons would treat this information.

If you don't like what Hunter is getting paid 1 lousy million a year you must not like Jared getting 2 billion.

What firm does Jared work for? What does Jared do? I thought it was real estate. Now he's an investment broker? HA! LOL

Kushner Companies LLC

This explains this headline

So you can say Jared had nothing to do with it. God you guys are pathetic. HUNTER!!!!
Nothing fishy here. Move along. Nothing to see.

Boy, what spin you have woven. Imagine if Biden sold the Saudi's nuclear technology, then Hunter's company made billions. Imagine how you cons would treat this information.

If you don't like what Hunter is getting paid 1 lousy million a year you must not like Jared getting 2 billion.

What firm does Jared work for? What does Jared do? I thought it was real estate. Now he's an investment broker? HA! LOL

Kushner Companies LLC

This explains this headline

So you can say Jared had nothing to do with it. God you guys are pathetic. HUNTER!!!!
You really must keep your thoughts to yourself. You are in Penelope territory certainly by content if not in grammar. In other words. just too stupid for words themselves.
Why does it matter what Carl Cameron (born Karl Karlovsky) thinks about Tucker Carlson? Wouldn't you think a self described investigative reporter would be curious about the alleged lies that Hillary Clinton told to the FBI to undermine an election and a presidential administration? Wouldn't outright lies uttered by a mentally impaired old man be more important to a reporter than the opinions of a news analyst? Somethin ain't right about Mr. Karlovsky.
I never suggested locking them up or fining them for lying. I'm just floating the idea of fining them but then when Republicans are in charge of the FCC they'll fine the left and won't fine the right. And we won't fine the left but we will fine the right. And you guys will tell us it wasn't a lie then we'll have to get into that debate.

We saw when Trump made that very unethical/illegal call to Ukraine, you guys called it perfect. So I doubt you'll admit a lie even when it's just as obvious.
You are a liberal and a Democrat. But you're a racist so...


Curried Goats

This is how your fellow liberal/Democrat thinks. But I am the racist one. A Jew from Boston. You people are all nuts.
You are a liberal and a Democrat. But you're a racist so...

View attachment 648604

Curried Goats

This is how your fellow liberal/Democrat thinks. But I am the racist one. A Jew from Boston. You people are all nuts.
Yup, sounds like one of those libs who think being racist yet polite makes her less racist......in fact, she may share more of your views -- so maybe you should cut her some slack and convince her to be more like you....

Meanwhile...I will still advocate for the policies I advocate for....

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