Political analyst on MSNBC: Time to start arresting Republicans for "misinformation".

This is how it goes folks. Get rid of the political opponents with political speech that they don't agree with. The devil doesn't change. Been going on forever and the Constitution or the idea of this nation was to guard against such inevitable tactics. However sinful pride is that subtle and once it penetrates deep, this is the inevitable conclusion.

How many things have we seen that we thought we would never see. In a world where we are not allowed to use PRONOUNS to describe what a person actually is and NOT address that person for what they are PRETENDING TO BE and this absurdity is on our actual debate floors with grown people in places of power, we should know that the era of talking is over.

Grab your courage and weapon and prepare. The war is here and to hell with them.
MSM sometimes gets it wrong.

Lie? That’s Fox and the right wing nutjob internet sites
Nope when you get something wrong you admit you were wrong and make a retraction. They doubled and triple down for 5 years
No. We're trying to get you to stop lying. Yet again Republicans prove that no matter what the subject, they will take the opposite side of whatever the Democrats take. We are for truth and god damn if you aren't defending lying. Wow. Just WOW.

Early on in the exclusive sit-down, the former president expressed a clear-eyed support for the news media, saying a free press was "indispensable to democracy."

"We need an independent media to hold people like me to account," Bush told TODAY'S Matt Lauer.

"Power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive, and it’s important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power."
I'm not defending lying, I'm just opposed to you guys throwing people I'm jail for lying, it's not illegal.

You make It sound as if the left never lies...I assure you, if they are a politician, they lie. Doesn't mean they should go to jail for it.
But I'm a liberal and I love the media. The media is important to stop a corrupt government. Look at how Saudi Arabia killed that media guy. Putin kills media. Trump hates the media too. Stop being dumb. What would we know if it weren't for the media.

Of course you love the media, because it's liberal. The media covers for our corrupt government, you fucking sucker. Putin loves his corrupt media just like you love our corrupt medial

Talk about dumb.

Do you really expect anyone to believe the fake news is fair and objective?

And for the record, you love the media and are swallowing slanted right leaning media that doesn't even pretend anymore to be Fair and Balanced. Remember Fox tried to pull that slogan off? What a joke right? Total right wing bullshit. Farthest from the truth.

Didn't Hillary win the popular vote? Didn't Biden too? So no, not the enemy of America. Most Americans disagree with you.

You hate We the People.

What a gullible moron.
Fox? They been doing that for decades
Remember when that Madcow dude on MSDNC claimed to have Trump's tax returns? It was gonna be a BOMBSHELL. He had a Countdown Clock to the big reveal.................then nothing.

Life in prison, right? LOCK HIM UP!
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This is what the left has become. If you don't follow us in lockstep you should be locked up.

Former FOX News correspondent Carl Cameron to MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace on Tuesday: "It really is kind of horrible to think that journalists with national and international capacity are putting together this type of nonsense. I think the president did a great job. I wish he had done a lot of this a lot sooner, and we need a lot more from the left and the middle, and we got to watch out because the Republicans have become the purveyors of misinformation, and when our two-party system is broken like that, democracy is seriously in trouble. The president acknowledged that it's time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail."

can they name any law that was actually broken?

i didn't think so.

therein lies the problem. we've counted on journalism to maintain their own integrity and that has been sold out. when media lost their revenue stream from print, suddenly they had to reprove value and audience in a whole nother level. it didn't take long for the simple minded to say "hey, lets charge per click" without ever seeing the damage that would cause.

well, many saw it but there wasn't really any other way to go. so, we click our way to ad bills and forced revenue. suddenly it's very easy to either lie about that count, or worse, clickbait and let flame wars go. 10,000,000 clicks to tell someone they are an asshole is still money to the provider.

somewhere along the way, they got lost in their own stupidity and found ways to increase said stupidity 10 fold by no longer telling the news, but keeping people riled up. you see, happy people don't reply all 10,000,000 times to say you're an asshole. but angry people will.

ergo, angry people = profits.

and here we are.

trouble is, this is a very dangerous path as it's about to start getting violence. it's very unfortunate and in no way do i condone or support it. i hate the fact it's about to happen.

but it is.

violence is about to get taken up to 11.
Remember when that Madcow dude on MSDNC claimed to have Trump's tax returns? It was gonna be a BOMBSHELL. He had a Countdown Clock to the big reveal.................then nothing.

Life in prison, right? LOCK HIM UP!
How about this one

Tom Arnold tried to host a tv show called Hunt for the Trump Tapes. Supposedly there are tapes out there with Trump saying the N word. Not that it would matter one bit with one voter but still. To most, this would be considered slander. Trump's a public figure so he's supposedly fair game but what do you think of this? Tom Arnold clearly had nothing on Trump. It almost does seem criminal to fuck with someone like this when you have nothing.

Remember when that Madcow dude on MSDNC claimed to have Trump's tax returns? It was gonna be a BOMBSHELL. He had a Countdown Clock to the big reveal.................then nothing.

Life in prison, right? LOCK HIM UP!
Is that slanderous?

Did you know because Trump is a public figure, I can run around calling him a pedophile and he can't do anything about it. I think. But if I did that to a neighbor I believe I could be charged with something. Public figures are fair game but maybe we should change the laws.

How about Paparatsi? Maybe we should pass a law where if the celebrity says I don't want to be filmed it's illegal to stand any closer to them than 10 feet away??? I'm just thinking out loud. I don't like how they swarm and crowd and they don't give space.
Is that slanderous?

Did you know because Trump is a public figure, I can run around calling him a pedophile and he can't do anything about it. I think. But if I did that to a neighbor I believe I could be charged with something. Public figures are fair game but maybe we should change the laws.

How about Paparatsi? Maybe we should pass a law where if the celebrity says I don't want to be filmed it's illegal to stand any closer to them than 10 feet away??? I'm just thinking out loud. I don't like how they swarm and crowd and they don't give space.
Who said anything about slander, Dumbass?

Go read the OP. Lefty journalist wants to lock Republicans up if they lie.

Please try to keep up.
You're defending liars and lying. Duh.
Where? Quote my post.

Apparently, you are so fucking stupid you think my belief someone shouldn't be thrown in prison for lying constitutes me defending liars. :cuckoo:
Where? Quote my post.

Apparently, you are so fucking stupid you think my belief someone shouldn't be thrown in prison for lying constitutes me defending liars. :cuckoo:
That's what this argument is all about. Defending the media who's lying to you. Finally you love the media and defend it. IF it's right wing and lying.

It's like you are for global polluting. If you are against going green you must be for destroying the planet, right? In the name of industry and capitalISM.
That's what this argument is all about. Defending the media who's lying to you. Finally you love the media and defend it. IF it's right wing and lying.

It's like you are for global polluting. If you are against going green you must be for destroying the planet, right? In the name of industry and capitalISM.
Amazingly, you get dumber with every post.
Amazingly, you get dumber with every post.
Doesn't this thread start off with you lying? You said

The president acknowledged that it's time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail

Can you show us the president suggested this?

We can show you Trump suggesting stupid things like roughing apprehended suspects up when putting them in the cop car. Or shooting people in the legs. Trump actually suggested sending in the military and having them shoot rioters in the legs. What a fucking idiot. What a Authoritarian.

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