Political analyst on MSNBC: Time to start arresting Republicans for "misinformation".

There’s only one problem: The footage is not from New York City.

In fact, it isn’t even from the United States; it’s from Bergamo, the Italian city hardest-hit by COVID-19. The footage can be seen here in a Sky News report March 22 about a critical shortage of ventilators in northern Italy.

Sure, it’s possible a producer used the wrong footage when putting the piece together, but given the alarmist tone of the story and its apparent pleading of the Democratic governor’s case, one has to wonder where “mistake” ends and “fake news” begins.


Right Sealybobobobobo...........hmmmm

Caught lying over and over again.............But you want OUR SIDE THROWN INTO JAIL.....for WHAT YOU PERCEIVE IS A LIE.

You guys just can't stop lying. On another thread they are talking about how Biden is secretly flying illegals into the country in the middle of the night. You think it's ok they just make that shit up?

The same types of routine flights were done by the Trump administration.
A spectacularly stupid idea, and just another example of how America just loves to slap band aids on cancer.

We can no longer fix big problems.

MSDNC is just showing their INNER STALIN.............They are doing what we've seen happen in history time and time again...........OBEY ME OR WE WILL DESTROY YOU WITH THE STATE.

Nothing new here...........but we are fucking armed this time.

The push will get push back til the talking ends Clown.
You guys just can't stop lying. On another thread they are talking about how Biden is secretly flying illegals into the country in the middle of the night. You think it's ok they just make that shit up?

The same types of routine flights were done by the Trump administration.
Politicfact is a left wing hack site............Might be useful as toilet paper if it was in print............It's clear your party picks and chooses which laws IT DECIDES IT WILL OBEY....like immigration where you openly do so.

If your party can just say fuck any law we don't want to obey..........Then so can we...........Eventually the bayonettes will come out in our current path.
You guys just can't stop lying. On another thread they are talking about how Biden is secretly flying illegals into the country in the middle of the night. You think it's ok they just make that shit up?

The same types of routine flights were done by the Trump administration.

Wanna go with politifact, eh?

PolitiFact - Barack Obama says that what he'd said was you could keep your plan 'if it hasn’t changed since the law passed'
You guys just can't stop lying. On another thread they are talking about how Biden is secretly flying illegals into the country in the middle of the night. You think it's ok they just make that shit up?

The same types of routine flights were done by the Trump administration.
Politifactfree is a joke.

The flights are well documented, Dumbass.
Stalin used to love calling things like the free media the "enemy of the people". Trump stole that from him you know. You know, a commy?
The term originated in Roman times as Latin: hostis publicus, typically translated into English as the "public enemy". The term in its "enemy of the people" form has been used for centuries in literature (see An Enemy of the People, the play by Henrik Ibsen, 1882; or Coriolanus, the play by William Shakespeare, c.
There was no "free media" in the USSR.
Politicfact is a left wing hack site............Might be useful as toilet paper if it was in print............It's clear your party picks and chooses which laws IT DECIDES IT WILL OBEY....like immigration where you openly do so.

If your party can just say fuck any law we don't want to obey..........Then so can we...........Eventually the bayonettes will come out in our current path.
You're mad they bust your lies. You lied on Biden secretly sneaking in illegals. They busted you guys. So you shoot the messenger. Got it.
Politicfact is a left wing hack site............Might be useful as toilet paper if it was in print............It's clear your party picks and chooses which laws IT DECIDES IT WILL OBEY....like immigration where you openly do so.

If your party can just say fuck any law we don't want to obey..........Then so can we...........Eventually the bayonettes will come out in our current path.
What source that goes through great length to explain when politicians lie would you respect? You'll just cry that it's calling out republicans MORE than Democrats. That's just because it's easy catching republicans in a lie. Every time they open their mouth.
You're mad they bust your lies. You lied on Biden secretly sneaking in illegals. They busted you guys. So you shoot the messenger. Got it.
Your side ignonres our immigration laws........and used the loop holes to flood the nation with them.

Trump stay in Mexico ended a bunch of it..............But now it's just OPEN THE DOORS and let the flood come in.........

Your party is a cancer on the republic.
This is what the left has become. If you don't follow us in lockstep you should be locked up.

Former FOX News correspondent Carl Cameron to MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace on Tuesday: "It really is kind of horrible to think that journalists with national and international capacity are putting together this type of nonsense. I think the president did a great job. I wish he had done a lot of this a lot sooner, and we need a lot more from the left and the middle, and we got to watch out because the Republicans have become the purveyors of misinformation, and when our two-party system is broken like that, democracy is seriously in trouble. The president acknowledged that it's time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail."

This is dangerous stuff.

The left has lost its marbles.
Your side ignonres our immigration laws........and used the loop holes to flood the nation with them.

Trump stay in Mexico ended a bunch of it..............But now it's just OPEN THE DOORS and let the flood come in.........

Your party is a cancer on the republic.
If our side does it then help us stop it. Why would our side do this? Don't say for votes because it makes you sound stupid. Illegals can't vote and as soon as they are legal, it's 50/50 on if they'll vote Democrat or not.

The reason our side would do this is because corporations pay us via lobbyists because they want the cheap labor. We should go after illegal employers. To me it looks like Democrats were going after illegal employers but Republicans want nothing to do with it.

Consider 2 things.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

2. Well into Trump's presidency, he was an illegal employer himself. Just when that news was going to come out, he rounded them up and got rid of them. I bet they are back now that he's not POTUS.
This is dangerous stuff.

The left has lost its marbles.
You guys are nuts. It's clearly an election year. Let me lighten the mood with a joke.

Socialist leader says, "after the revolution we will all have big houses" crowd cheers.

"after the revolution we will all have yachts" Entire Crowd goes wild

"and after the revolution we will all have BMW's" one section of the crowd boos because they like Mercedes. The speaker points to that section of the group and has security round them up and take them away. Speaker says, "listen up every one of you mother fuckers. After the revolution you're all going to get BMW's, and you're going to fucking like it, or else"
Let me get this straight. You guys claim to be the moral party right? The religious party right?

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" (Exodus 20:16) is one of the Ten Commandments, widely understood as moral imperatives by Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant scholars.
I haven't beared false witness if I didn't say democrats and the democrat controlled are enemies of America then I would be bearing false witness.
Maybe we should take big money out of politics.
The tea party started as grass roots remember. What you support and others made sure it didn't get anywhere with destruction of candidates and the elites with power removing it from existence. I can understand how a Castro or Lenin comes to power. Even if they are bad and to their people also, they kill the ones who we see now with power. And that may feel good if you are powerless.
The tea party started as grass roots remember. What you support and others made sure it didn't get anywhere with destruction of candidates and the elites with power removing it from existence. I can understand how a Castro or Lenin comes to power. Even if they are bad and to their people also, they kill the ones who we see now with power. And that may feel good if you are powerless.
Not my fault if the tea and libertarian parties both got crushed by the Grand Old Party.
Not my fault if the tea and libertarian parties both got crushed by the Grand Old Party.
It's not the grand old party trying to destroy other political parties that believe in America. It's the democrat party that goes scorched Earth to destory anything that gets in their way.

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