Political Cartoon

What would 0bama know about making anyone's life better than his own? Maybe I should ask one of his murdering terrorist friends or his husband. And what's this economy he inherited bull shit? You Libtards sure live in some alternate universe where do nothing is rewarded and hard work no longer exist. Where government provides all and the only worry is where the next crack rock is coming from.

Remember when 0bama was telling his followers how great another federal police force would be. "Just as well armed, just as well trained as our military" Oh how they cheered and chanted 0bama, 0bama, 0bama. Just a president but a god in his own mind with over 2,000 government agencies there to do his evil bidding. IRS, FBI, CIA, I'll tell ya for a president that didn't know which way was up he sure did screw this nation up and set race relations back 70 years. Even a flaming libtard gets one right every once in a while. Now it's cool and excepted to loot and burn cause, yea I know Poor You. Right? You are owed and it's time YOU GET PAID BACK and if you have to steal it from your neighbors so be it. A true democRat. Right? Right, spending half a day on an 0bama snitch web pages democRating all your family and friends. The other half of the day you're chillin with a food stamp and a toaster oven with a faulty plug.

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July 01, 2015: White House fence gets new, sharper spikes

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