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BREAKING: Donald Trump gets horrible news as a coalition of prominent media outlets formally requests that the judge overseeing his historic election interference case allow cameras in the courtroom.
Normally, public cameras are banned in federal court. Of course, this is not a normal criminal case and an incredibly compelling case can be made that Americans have a right to watch every second of it.
"We have never, in the history of our Nation, had a federal criminal trial that warrants audiovisual access more than the federal prosecution of former President Trump for allegedly trying to subvert the will of the people," reads the filed application.
"The prosecution of a former president, now a presidential contender, on charges of subverting the electoral process, presents the strongest possible circumstances for continuous public oversight of the justice system," it goes on.
The media coalition includes heavy-hitters like The New York Times, Univision, and The Associated Press. They argue that the ban on cameras is based on "outdated and long disproven views about recording and broadcasting trials."
Crucially, they argue that a broadcast will contribute towards "helping to secure public confidence in the outcome of the case.”
What do you think? Should it be televised?

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BREAKING: House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries torches Republicans for trying to kick two top Democrats out of their established "hideaway" Capitol offices in the wake of Kevin McCarthy's ejection from the Speakership.
Earlier this week, Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry announced that he would be kicking former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Representative Steny Hoyer out of their offices. Presumably, the incredibly classless move was payback for voting to remove McCarthy.
Jeffries — who is increasingly becoming one of the Republican Party's most hated enemies — called the move "petty, partisan, and petulant" which is honestly a perfect description of MAGA in general.
He went on to say that Democrats have to find a "way out" of the disfunction and chaos that Republicans have created during their time controlling the House.
Jeffries correctly stated that the efforts to boot Pelosi and Hoyer from their offices are part of a desperate attempt to lash out, distract, and shift blame.
He called on Republicans to confront the "extremism that has spread unchecked" through their party. It's an admirable exhortation, but don't hold your breath waiting for right-wingers to heed it.
"The House should be restructured to promote governance by consensus and facilitate up-or-down votes on bills that have strong bipartisan support," he stated.
"Under the current procedural landscape, a small handful of extreme members on the Rules Committee or in the House Republican conference can prevent common-sense legislation from seeing the light of day," he added.

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BREAKING: Trumper Congressman Jim Jordan is hit with devastating news as a prominent former U.S. Military prosecutor demands that Jordan be criminally charged as “an accessory after the fact” for helping cover up Trump’s January 6 insurrection.
But it gets worse for Jordan…
The former U.S. Military prosecutor, Glenn Kirschner, was asked to comment on Jim Jordan being the front runner to replace Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House — and Kirschner didn’t hold back, declaring:
“I’m quite sure that Special Counsel Jack Smith has been investigating the insurrectionists in Congress. Remember that six of them asked for pardons because they knew that they had committed crimes on and around January 6th — and they wanted to get away with those crimes. Jack Smith can’t turn a blind eye to all of that. The other thing that Jim Jordan has absolutely been doing is trying to cover up and prevent Donald Trump from being held accountable for his crimes. In a very real sense, he’s been an accessory after the fact to Donald Trump’s crimes by creating this Mickey Mouse committee on the “weaponization of government.” There are a number of crimes that Jim Jordan may have committed — and I hope Special Counsel Jack Smith is going scorched earth after those crimes.”
Very well said. There is a mountain of evidence that Jim Jordan not only helped Trump orchestrate the deadly January 6 insurrection — but has also been working furiously to help himself and Trump cover up their crimes by shamelessly abusing his power.
He should be in prison — not in charge of Congress.

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