Political Cartoon

What I want to know is how can such a smart guy be so STAGGERINGLY stupid as to marry someone without an ironclad, pre-nup agreement?

Because he did not get one, he could make his soon-to-be ex-wife the richest woman in the world - at his expense.
They (married 93') had little money before he/they started Amazon 94'. And just selling books.
Timeline of Amazon.com - Wikipedia
He accepted an estimated $300,000 from his parents and invested in Amazon

I don't care when he married her.

You NEVER marry someone without a pre-nup. It doesn't matter how much you are worth - 5 dollars or 5 million dollars. Heck, my mother told me that near her deathbed.

And as soon as he started to get wealthy, he should have asked his wife to sign an agreement on sharing. If she says 'no' - then he would know she does not love him...divorce her. If she says 'yes'...they stay together and things would not be financially messy right now.

EVERYONE (male or female) should get a pre-nup before they marry.
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So sad that you cannot deduct your state income tax anymore.
Maybe you need to take it up with your state reps to reduce your taxes there.

The last thang real Americans want to be is a red state on welfare.
But down, 8% down was not listed by state. But the 2017 BS Tax giveaway to
the top 5% does damage to all states.
Love the farmer are taking more gobmint welfare, and markets prices to sell are down.




Voting great Douche gave them (unwilling others) less money..MAGA Great!
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