Political Cartoon


Trying to shut down or harass your political enemies through the leveraging of government is coming to an end for you people, so get ready to start your damned excessive whining again for 4 year's.

Everybody is on to your games and strategies now, and Kamala pandering to you all for votes is also an old and worn out ridiculous attempt at winning elections after the game has ended. Joe destroyed the pandering strategy, because no one exposed that bull shite worse than he did with his excessive lies and stupidity. Good luck.

The left sends it's celebrities everytime, and this in hopes to leverage their supposed popularity and career against the American population. It does nothing but destroy the celebrity, and so I'll ask this - does anyone think that the left gives a flying hell about that ? My answer - Well hell to the know it doesn't.
All the left wants is instant gratification with no true long game ever in play, and this follows the trends of it's leftist culture.
The stock tanked while the market was up 650 points today.... they never learn.... :laughing0301:

I cut Netflix way back when it allowed those kid's to be promoted or shown in some type of film or show on it's platform allegedly in a very despicable way.

How anyone falls for the bull shite, otherwise in which causes them to think "oh well, just as long as I don't watch anything like that on it's platform myself, then I'll just keep using the platform with my eye's half closed in hopes to not see anything but what I'm looking for".

That's not a good way to think about it people, because what you do when see such things by saying nothing (i.e. to not voice your opposition to such things), is it empowers or enables the bad....

At this point you have failed miserably at changing thing's for the better (MAGA).
Not sure where this entire craziness is heading anymore, because it's as if after so many year's of indoctrination/grooming tactics, the people have become separated from their common sense in which God gave them the wisdom to have it or to use it if they kept him in their prayers. It best people keep Godly ways handy to use when it is needed in these trying times, so they must resist the evilness of today, and break the chains that have been placed upon them.

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