Political Correctness: The Scourge of Our Times

ESPN Apologizes for Brent Musburger's Comments About AJ McCarron's Girlfriend

by Kimberly Nordyke

"Well, I tell you, you quarterbacks, you get all the good-looking women!" the broadcaster gushed of Katherine Webb during the BCS game coverage.


ESPN has apologized for comments that broadcaster Brent Musburger made during the BCS game telecast on Monday night.

ESPN Apologizes for Brent Musburger's Comments About AJ McCarron's Girlfriend - Hollywood Reporter


Fox Panel Takes On ‘Word Police’ That Forced ESPN To Apologize For Musburger’s Comments
by Matt Wilstein | 2:38 pm, January 9th, 2013
Fox Panel Takes On ‘Word Police’ That Forced ESPN To Apologize For Musburger’s Comments | Mediaite

Katherine Webb, parents tell world: Cut Brent Musburger some slack

Published January 09, 2013


Read more: Katherine Webb, parents tell world: Cut Brent Musburger some slack | Fox News

“A Culture of Cowards”

February 18, 2013
By Bruce Bawer


It would – and this is where the subject at hand shifts from frivolous to deadly serious – invigorate the already quite robust crusade to impose government or U.N. controls on the Internet, the principal goal of which, needless to say, is to scrub the Web clean of “Islamophobia” and any other Thoughtcrimes that impede global harmony. As any reader of this site well knows, there are those among us – and above us – who long for the ideological tidiness of the pre-Internet era, when the mainstream news media could have kept a story like, say, Benghazi from ever becoming a story at all, and, more broadly, deluded almost all of us about the basic facts of sharia, jihad, and other pillars of Islam.

It’s alarming how many Americans, more than a decade after 9/11, are still living in La-La Land where Islam is concerned. But imagine how much worse the situation would be if we didn’t have the Internet – if, in other words, pretty much all of our sources of information about Islam were MSM-approved whitewashers like Karen Armstrong and John Esposito. If the Internet has been a crucial asset for Americans in the years since 9/11, moreover, it’s been even more of a boon for Europeans – and a thorn in the side to many European public officials, who recognize, and despise, it for what it is: a First Amendment zone in countries that have no First Amendment and that are, in principle, despite their purported devotion to democracy, firmly opposed to unlimited freedom of expression.


Which is why we so desperately need the Internet, and why we must recognize any threat to absolute Internet freedom as an insidious attempt by those cowards and hypocrites, as Murray rightly calls them, to stifle the telling of uncomfortable truths – an attempt, indeed, to turn the main historical narrative of our era upside-down, and thus put at risk the lives and liberties of every citizen of every free country on the globe. How many Americans have heard so much as a word about what happened at Lars Hedegaard’s front door in Copenhagen late on the morning of February 5 – an occurrence that, frankly, has a major bearing on their own futures, and those of their children and grandchildren? Precious few. Now imagine if there were no Internet at all, or only a castrated version thereof – in other words, a media landscape in which virtually none of us would have heard of this unspeakable atrocity. Are there very many scarier thoughts?

?A Culture of Cowards?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEGMYHdlifg&feature=player_embedded]Fox News Todd Starnes: Hide Your Kids, Because Muslims are Coming - YouTube[/ame]

How the Communist Left Killed Free Speech in the West

March 5, 2013
By Paul Gottfried

Last week a ruling by the Canadian Supreme Court upheld a very broad hate speech law in the province of Saskatchewan, a law that exists in even more extreme forms in other Canadian provinces and perhaps in the most extreme form in the Canadian Human Rights Act, which makes it a criminal offense to preach something called “hate.” The Saskatchewan resident who was found guilty of this outrage was a religious Christian who had distributed pamphlets declaring homosexuality to be a sin. If this gentleman, William Whatcott, had expressed the same view over the Internet, he could have been arrested under a federal law prohibiting “homophobic” speech. In 2008 in the Canadian province of Alberta a Protestant minister was arrested for delivering a sermon that was critical of gay marriage; and the same fate befell an Evangelical printer in Ontario two years ago who refused to produce invitations to a gay wedding. In Ontario it is now a punishable offense to put up a billboard that “discriminates,” a grievous offense that courts have been left to define and decide.

I could easily multiple such cases of the suppression of politically incorrect speech in other “liberal democracies” throughout Western and Central Europe, having already published several books on this depressing subject. And this problem is particularly disheartening because Freedom House and other agencies that are supposed to monitor the status of liberty throughout the world don’t seem to care about these PC assaults on intellectual and religious freedom in countries they consider to be democracies. For example, Freedom House ignores a rigorously enforced French law making “Armenian-genocide denial” a crime while railing against Turkey for prohibiting the view that Frenchmen are required to embrace. Moreover, the suppression of free speech that we notice in Canada is proceeding even more dramatically in France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and Sweden. In all these and other European countries EU requirements and national laws impose strict speech and writing codes in order to prevent (what else?) unauthorized hate. Needless to say, Muslim extremists are hardly ever touched by this draconian legislation and are usually quite free to rage against Christians and Jews.


Germans during the Second Empire paid less than a sixth of their present tax load in what was then an incipient welfare state. Moreover, while the amount of intellectual freedom under the empire was probably not more than what Germans later enjoyed under the Weimar Republic, that amount vastly exceeded what is available to them in what Germans now misleadingly believe is “the freest German government of all times.” The current amount of permitted freedom is also far less than what Germans possessed under the Christian Democratic government that succeeded the Allied Occupation. But that was before the Sixty-Eighters were joined by retread communists to impose thought control on Germany’s most recent democracy. And this situation resembles, in a more advanced form, what is happening in other Western countries. As I began this essay by pointing out, it would pay for self-appointed guardians of political freedom to notice what’s going on in their backyards. Allowing the PC Left to shut up everyone else does not prove the existence of a free government.

How the Communist Left Killed Free Speech in the West
You cant yell bomb on a plane or fire in the theater. The way I see it, I dont say anything I wouldnt want being put on the news. Dont be an asshole, dont sound uneducated and dont be an asshole is what freedom of speech ultimately boils down to. Something everyone should think about before they open their mouth, donkeys and elephants alike.
None Dare Call It Islamism

April 9, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


The Associated Press, after putting up a brief defense of the English language, ceded the term “gay marriage,” then “illegal immigrant” and finally “Islamist.” The left has a long history with political language and the media, so these latest triumphs were only a matter of time.

“Don’t tell me words don’t matter,” Obama once said, while insisting that they meant the opposite of what we thought they meant. The left believes that words matter because they allow people to communicate the wrong sort of ideas. Change the words and you change the ideas.

Islamism is one of those ideas. The idea is that people ought to live under Islam. This was thought to be a bad idea, back in those dark days before we learned that Islamism is as American as Mom, Other Mom and Apple Pie.

Now we know that Islamism is actually the best defense against Islamism so long as it’s the good kind of Islamism that involves terrorist groups winning elections and shooting their people in the streets instead of the bad kind of Islamism which involves terrorist groups shooting people in the streets without first running for office.

The Muslim Brotherhood used to be the bad kind of Islamists that set off bombs and shot people in the streets, but then they disavowed violence, ran for office, shredded what was left of the law and began torturing and killing their opponents who protested the shredding.


The media has spent a great deal of time talking about Islamic terrorist groups as extremist and militant, but has avoided dealing with what they actually believe and what their goals are. Refusing to describe them as Islamist continues a hopeless propaganda strategy designed to fool Muslims and Americans while fooling absolutely no one.

None Dare Call It Islamism | FrontPage Magazine
Oh for god's sakes..

Political correctness has always been with us.

Imagining that this propensity to silence that which the masters do not want mentioned is something invented at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, is unbelievably niave..
Oh for god's sakes..

Political correctness has always been with us.

Imagining that this propensity to silence that which the masters do not want mentioned is something invented at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, is unbelievably niave..
Simple manners have been with us a long time. The doctrine of political correctness is essentially manners on steroids. It demands that speech or expression which may offend anyone, but especially those who are considered the downtrodden by the self-appointed ideologues, is a cultural taboo.

To these self-righteous mediocre minds, truth must be sacrificed at the alter of political correctness and those who refuse to do so must be vilified. It may not be good manners and certainly not politically, but fuck that!

PC isn't about manners, it's about controlling the language.

Nice to see it beginning to crumble.


PC isn't about manners, it's about controlling the language.

Nice to see it beginning to crumble.


Beginning to crumble?


It will when human nature crumbles, I suppose.

Well, it will never disappear. There will always be people who want to leverage strategic hypersensitivity to control the language, and therefore the argument. What's nice to see, though, is the pushback.

Being called a "racist" because you disagree with someone whose skin is a different color no longer has the effect that it used to. Over time, hopefully, the people who are trying to shut down a person with a different opinion will actually have to defend their opinion with reason, not with some contrived, diversionary "offense".


PC isn't about manners, it's about controlling the language.

Nice to see it beginning to crumble.


Beginning to crumble?


It will when human nature crumbles, I suppose.
You're a fool if you think political correctness is part of human nature. Human nature wills free thought and speech unconstrained by the morality of others which may not jibe with one's own.

The problem with political correctness is the same problem I have with the hellfire & brimstone preachers. Both believe they are a gospel of unequivocal righteousness.

PC isn't about manners, it's about controlling the language.

Nice to see it beginning to crumble.


Yep, it sure is crumbling,...

{On Tuesday, when the news service announced that its thousands of reporters would no longer be using those terms, it was a victory for activists who have argued that no person should be described as “illegal.” But the lack of suggested alternatives highlights a potential headache for journalists, politicians and others who regularly talk and write about people who are in the United States without proper documentation: which words do they use now?}

AP Bans ?Illegal Immigrant?: The Tricky Language of Immigration Reform | TIME.com
Teachers’ Red Ink Ban ‘Political Correctness Gone Wild’

By Jack Phillips, Epoch Times | April 23, 2013


The BBC reported in 2003 that teachers at a primary school were told not to mark students’ work with red ink because it facilitates a “negative approach.” The school then used green ink.

“The color of the pen used for marking is not greatly significant except that the red pen has negative connotations and can be seen as a negative approach to improving pupils’ work,” Penny Penn-Howard, head of school improvement for Sandwell Council, told the broadcaster at the time.


Teachers Red Ink Ban 'Political Correctness Gone Wild'

Political correctness means no longer having the ability to tell anyone "fuck off, bitch" without the threat of encountering recourse due to the nature of a preceived agressive verbal assault upon the person.

really? not so. I guess it is so if you don't know somebody. But why do some people insist on saying shit without facing consequences?

I say if American Jihad wants to yell out 'Niggah!' like the tea party signs said...go for it. Just make sure he does it in Watts or Compton


you pussy you wouldnt even go to the neighborhood........and you think it's right to hurt someone over words? are you serious????? you're a retard
Political correctness means no longer having the ability to tell anyone "fuck off, bitch" without the threat of encountering recourse due to the nature of a preceived agressive verbal assault upon the person.

really? not so. I guess it is so if you don't know somebody. But why do some people insist on saying shit without facing consequences?

I say if American Jihad wants to yell out 'Niggah!' like the tea party signs said...go for it. Just make sure he does it in Watts or Compton


you pussy you wouldnt even go to the neighborhood........and you think it's right to hurt someone over words? are you serious????? you're a retard

Bill eliminates phrase ‘mental retardation’ in Florida law

The Associated Press
Published: April 30, 2013


Proponents of the bill have said the word "retarded" is outdated and has become offensive.

Forty-three states have already taken steps to remove the word "retarded" from their laws.

President Obama signed a law in 2010 striking use of the term in federal policy.

Bill eliminates phrase ‘mental retardation’ in Florida law | Breaking Tampa Bay, Florida and national news and weather from Tampa Bay Online and The Tampa Tribune | TBO.com

Dante = PanteWaste...:eek:
Last edited:
Does anyone know the origins of Political Correctness? Who originally developed it and what was its purpose?

You know the phase : There are no stupid questions"?

AS must be obvious from this thread, that is not really true.

Re: Florida law eliminating the phrase "mental retardation"...

They'll replace it with another phrase, and one day that phrase will be called insensitive and replaced with yet another phrase.


I wouldn't call PC a "scourge", but it certainly is counterproductive, wasteful and silly.


PC isn't about manners, it's about controlling the language.

Nice to see it beginning to crumble.


Beginning to crumble?


It will when human nature crumbles, I suppose.

Well, it will never disappear. There will always be people who want to leverage strategic hypersensitivity to control the language, and therefore the argument. What's nice to see, though, is the pushback.

Being called a "racist" because you disagree with someone whose skin is a different color no longer has the effect that it used to. Over time, hopefully, the people who are trying to shut down a person with a different opinion will actually have to defend their opinion with reason, not with some contrived, diversionary "offense".


I TOTALLY get that people (usually CLULESS liberals) play the RACE CARD inappropriately.

Likewise people (usually clueless righties) play the COMMMUNIST CARD imappropriately.

But this propensity to LABEL people inappropriately is never going to go away, and there has always been pushback, too.

There is nothing new about political correctness.

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