Political Correctness, tolerance and the LGBT community

If you don't want to serve all members of the public equally, don't run a public business. Start a private club that like minded bigots want to join. Problem solved.

Yeah fuck you and your totalitarian stupidity. I choose freedom and liberty for all people.
The fubars in IN and ARK has put the mainstream GOP, who do basically want to be decent, on notice that indecent does not work anymore.

The election will offer a better selection of GOP candidates next year.

I highly doubt the selection of GOP candidates next year will make a doggone bit of difference. A politician is a politician regardless of what initial he/she places after his/her name. The only things they really care about is winning the next election and which corporations are willing to line their pockets for the next favor.

I tend to think that Ted Cruz would be different. But that's exactly why he won't get elected. Americans like to be boiled apparently.
If you don't want to serve all members of the public equally, don't run a public business. Start a private club that like minded bigots want to join. Problem solved.

Yeah fuck you and your totalitarian stupidity. I choose freedom and liberty for all people.

Well, first you would need to understand what liberty is.

"where there is no law, there is no freedom: for liberty is, to be free from restraint and violence from others; which cannot be, where there is no law: but freedom is not, as we are told, a liberty for every man to do what he lists: (for who could be free, when every other man's humour might domineer over him?)"
-- John Locke; from 'Second Treatise of Civil Government'

Tolerance, like PC, is now a one-way street only.

Tolerance stops at intolerance. And PC is a right-wing thing now.

Actually, that is not true. Left wing tolerance is intolerance. The only tolerance you seem to understand is total capitulation of your opponents. Tolerance is the acceptance of other people's points of view; acceptance not agreement with. You defend yourselves claiming that you do not have to be tolerant of other people's intolerance and you are correct,. But, do not claim to be tolerant by being intolerant. Either you are exactly what you proclaim to hate about your opponents; bigots or you are tolerant of those who disagree with you.

Tolerance is not a virtue that the Left Wing can claim to have obtained.
Believe as you wish, but in public expect to be expected to treat everyone politely. If you run a paint shop, everybody gets to buy your product. If you run a pizza shop, everyone gets to buy your product. If you run a kosher shop, everyone gets to buy your product.

This is not hard to follow.

No it isn't. It's wrong in several ways, but it isn't hard to follow.

You are wrong, under the law, and that is not going to change.

BHO is all Americans' president, and that some one does not like it means nothing.

What? I'm wrong? It IS hard to follow? Well I guess it would be for an idiot like you. For me, it's easy.
Yep, you are wrong, and none of your yelling will change that.
If you don't want to serve all members of the public equally, don't run a public business. Start a private club that like minded bigots want to join. Problem solved.
This matter is not over. It will go to the Supreme Courjt. A law cannot override the Bill of Rights. Freedom of Religion clause is to protect religious liberty of the individual. ( Remember that a business is an individual too thanks to our SCOTUS deciding who or what gets to enjoy the Freedom of Speech clause.) We are not in Jim Crow era where every business had to discriminate against blacks. Gays have other businesses that will accommodate them.

I hope that Memories Pizza uses their $1 million dollars they collected to start the legal battle. Expect Christian congregations all over passing the plate to add to the war chest. Religious Freedom is why we left Europe and settle and found America. It's not going to be given up so easily.
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The fubars in IN and ARK has put the mainstream GOP, who do basically want to be decent, on notice that indecent does not work anymore.

The election will offer a better selection of GOP candidates next year.

I highly doubt the selection of GOP candidates next year will make a doggone bit of difference. A politician is a politician regardless of what initial he/she places after his/her name. The only things they really care about is winning the next election and which corporations are willing to line their pockets for the next favor.

I tend to think that Ted Cruz would be different. But that's exactly why he won't get elected. Americans like to be boiled apparently.

I don't think he is any different. He won't get elected to be President because he is too far to the right and no matter how far left he migrates, he cannot beat those who have the history of being "tolerant". :) In today's day and age, the majority of the American people want to be coddled by the government. The majority like the idea of Obamacare making those evil corporatist "give" them insurance. Americans are dreaming of a socialistic utopia. Government run health care is around the corner. By Obama's estimation about nine years away and America will for a time be thrilled to death that the left has won.

Ted Cruz will be portrayed as being a fool of the Religious Right. He will be smeared as being intolerant by those who profess that they are tolerant and demand that you be tolerant of them as well. And they don't have to be tolerant of you because you are by their estimation intolerant. You must tolerate their intolerance, but that is as far as things go.

The GOP selection is not IMHO going to change anything in regards to the direction this nation takes.
Apparently to you Lefty's "rights" are like some cosmic Rock/Paper/Scissors game.
If you don't want to serve all members of the public equally, don't run a public business. Start a private club that like minded bigots want to join. Problem solved.

Yeah fuck you and your totalitarian stupidity. I choose freedom and liberty for all people.

Well, first you would need to understand what liberty is.

"where there is no law, there is no freedom: for liberty is, to be free from restraint and violence from others; which cannot be, where there is no law: but freedom is not, as we are told, a liberty for every man to do what he lists: (for who could be free, when every other man's humour might domineer over him?)"
-- John Locke; from 'Second Treatise of Civil Government'

Yeah I lnow that. It doesn't trump rights though. Liberties are fine until they violate someone's rights. No charge for the education, it's on me. You're welcome.
Ted Cruz will be portrayed as being a fool of the Religious Right.

I'm starting to think he's (for some unknown reason) chosen that as his strategy. He portrays himself as exactly that every opportunity he gets. He seems to crave the attention he gets for acting extreme.
Believe as you wish, but in public expect to be expected to treat everyone politely. If you run a paint shop, everybody gets to buy your product. If you run a pizza shop, everyone gets to buy your product. If you run a kosher shop, everyone gets to buy your product.

This is not hard to follow.

No it isn't. It's wrong in several ways, but it isn't hard to follow.

You are wrong, under the law, and that is not going to change.

BHO is all Americans' president, and that some one does not like it means nothing.

What? I'm wrong? It IS hard to follow? Well I guess it would be for an idiot like you. For me, it's easy.
Yep, you are wrong, and none of your yelling will change that.

It's not hard for me to follow. I can see how it would be difficult for YOU though.
The fubars in IN and ARK has put the mainstream GOP, who do basically want to be decent, on notice that indecent does not work anymore.

The election will offer a better selection of GOP candidates next year.

I highly doubt the selection of GOP candidates next year will make a doggone bit of difference. A politician is a politician regardless of what initial he/she places after his/her name. The only things they really care about is winning the next election and which corporations are willing to line their pockets for the next favor.

I tend to think that Ted Cruz would be different. But that's exactly why he won't get elected. Americans like to be boiled apparently.

I don't think he is any different. He won't get elected to be President because he is too far to the right and no matter how far left he migrates, he cannot beat those who have the history of being "tolerant". :) In today's day and age, the majority of the American people want to be coddled by the government. The majority like the idea of Obamacare making those evil corporatist "give" them insurance. Americans are dreaming of a socialistic utopia. Government run health care is around the corner. By Obama's estimation about nine years away and America will for a time be thrilled to death that the left has won.

Ted Cruz will be portrayed as being a fool of the Religious Right. He will be smeared as being intolerant by those who profess that they are tolerant and demand that you be tolerant of them as well. And they don't have to be tolerant of you because you are by their estimation intolerant. You must tolerate their intolerance, but that is as far as things go.

The GOP selection is not IMHO going to change anything in regards to the direction this nation takes.

You are not taking into consideration that he is exactly what he has said he would be. He's far right but he never claimed he wasn't. He announces it and is proud of it. He doesn't seem to be a whichever way the wind blows type of politician.
Ted Cruz will be portrayed as being a fool of the Religious Right.

I'm starting to think he's (for some unknown reason) chosen that as his strategy. He portrays himself as exactly that every opportunity he gets. He seems to crave the attention he gets for acting extreme.

I would say that I think that will cost him in the long run, but I don't believe he has a chance anyway. When things start to flow in this campaign the media will eat him alive as he does not and will not represent their interests. Much as they did Romney. Call me a defeatist, but I think we are doomed to having a President that is even more "Progressive" than Obama if that were possible and even moreso beyond the next President, until we as a nation collapse. As I said, the majority of Americans are dreaming of a socialist utopia. I fear they will get what they dream of.

You are not taking into consideration that he is exactly what he has said he would be. He's far right but he never claimed he wasn't. He announces it and is proud of it. He doesn't seem to be a whichever way the wind blows type of politician.

I think I am taking that into consideration. That alone will cost him the election. Americans don't want an honest politician. Or maybe it is that Americans with capital do not want an honest President.
If you don't want to serve all members of the public equally, don't run a public business. Start a private club that like minded bigots want to join. Problem solved.

Yeah fuck you and your totalitarian stupidity. I choose freedom and liberty for all people.
No, you don't.

Moron. You speak for me? No
You don't idiot.

C'mon now, Jake speaks for everyone.

He is the quintessential mainstream american, just ask him.
Don't worry, Immanuel.

Ted, like Clay, will not be right nor president.

The mainstream GOP will never accept Cruz on the ticket.

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