Political fallout of the Texas pool party....

dimocraps are the scum of the earth, people.

Not just the elected scum of the earth.

I've been telling you all along...... It's the whole system. The politician scum, the LSM scum, the bureaucratic scum, the apparatchik scum and whether you choose to believe it or not -- the scum that vote for them.

When are you going to figure it out? When it's too late?

We're almost there, people. We're almost there

You don't have to like Republicans....... All I ask is that you recognize the truth of what I've been saying in here from day 1

dimocraps are the scum of the earth


all of them
Such the victim you are.
THEY'RE DESTROYING PEOPLE FOR HAVING A OPINION THEY DON'T LIKE. These young thugs were not invited and the owners had every right to call the police.

Why shouldn't they???

Funny when the black girl spoke out of turn you fuckers said slamming her around was fine.

This person spoke out of turn and you fuckers say leave her alone.

Then claim the "left" (whoever that is) wants to stop free speech. You cant make this shit up

The left and right absolutely want limited speech. Where have you been....CC.....oh yeah your mad rant. Lol.
A guy who thinks it's okay for a policeman to brutalize a nearly naked 14 year old girl is probably not someone anyone would want looking over their children.

Not seeing a problem here.

She wasn't brutalized and anyway, here's a thought, when the cops tell you to do something, do it. She got what she deserved.
Isn't it interesting how the OTHER cops were able to talk to the kids without chaos? Isn't it interesting how one of the OTHER cops took the girl's handcuffs off and she wasn't out of control? Isn't it interesting how the Chief of Police said this guy was out of control?

I wonder how that would have turned out had she just complied with a lawful order from law enforcement?
A guy who thinks it's okay for a policeman to brutalize a nearly naked 14 year old girl is probably not someone anyone would want looking over their children.

Not seeing a problem here.

She wasn't brutalized and anyway, here's a thought, when the cops tell you to do something, do it. She got what she deserved.
Isn't it interesting how the OTHER cops were able to talk to the kids without chaos? Isn't it interesting how one of the OTHER cops took the girl's handcuffs off and she wasn't out of control? Isn't it interesting how the Chief of Police said this guy was out of control?

I wonder how that would have turned out had she just complied with a lawful order from law enforcement?

I wonder also, especially since she jumped onto private property illegally.
A guy who thinks it's okay for a policeman to brutalize a nearly naked 14 year old girl is probably not someone anyone would want looking over their children.

Not seeing a problem here.

She wasn't brutalized and anyway, here's a thought, when the cops tell you to do something, do it. She got what she deserved.
Isn't it interesting how the OTHER cops were able to talk to the kids without chaos? Isn't it interesting how one of the OTHER cops took the girl's handcuffs off and she wasn't out of control? Isn't it interesting how the Chief of Police said this guy was out of control?

I wonder how that would have turned out had she just complied with a lawful order from law enforcement?

I wonder also, especially since she jumped onto private property illegally.

Yeah, no kidding... I like most people I know have gone my whole life without incident with regards to the police... gee, we must be so special.
A guy who thinks it's okay for a policeman to brutalize a nearly naked 14 year old girl is probably not someone anyone would want looking over their children.

Not seeing a problem here.

She wasn't brutalized and anyway, here's a thought, when the cops tell you to do something, do it. She got what she deserved.
Isn't it interesting how the OTHER cops were able to talk to the kids without chaos? Isn't it interesting how one of the OTHER cops took the girl's handcuffs off and she wasn't out of control? Isn't it interesting how the Chief of Police said this guy was out of control?

Isn't it interesting that you don't pay attention and ramble on foolishly because of it.
The OTHER cops are still cops. He isn't. You don't need to repeat endlessly that what he did was wrong, with few exception we already know it.
dimocraps are the scum of the earth, people.

Not just the elected scum of the earth.

I've been telling you all along...... It's the whole system. The politician scum, the LSM scum, the bureaucratic scum, the apparatchik scum and whether you choose to believe it or not -- the scum that vote for them.

When are you going to figure it out? When it's too late?

We're almost there, people. We're almost there

You don't have to like Republicans....... All I ask is that you recognize the truth of what I've been saying in here from day 1

dimocraps are the scum of the earth


all of them
Such the victim you are.

you regressive progressive thumbsuckers have been playing the 'victim' for years.....
He wasn't fired was he?

"Mr. Iber had been removed from his position at the high school and reassigned to an administrative position."

I commend the fascist super cop gone wild. Hahahahaha What a dumb ass.
He wasn't fired was he?

"Mr. Iber had been removed from his position at the high school and reassigned to an administrative position."

I commend the fascist super cop gone wild. Hahahahaha What a dumb ass.

He was fired as Principal. Perhaps you need a definition:
past tense: terminated; past participle: terminated
bring to an end.
synonyms: bring to an end, end, abort, curtail, bring to a close/conclusion, close, conclude, finish, stop, put an end to, wind up, wrap up, discontinue, cease, kill, cut short, ax;

When you are removed from a position, that is by definition terminated. You can be fired from a position and demoted to another.
Jesus Christ...:cuckoo:
He wasn't fired was he?

"Mr. Iber had been removed from his position at the high school and reassigned to an administrative position."

I commend the fascist super cop gone wild. Hahahahaha What a dumb ass.

He was fired as Principal. Perhaps you need a definition:
past tense: terminated; past participle: terminated
bring to an end.
synonyms: bring to an end, end, abort, curtail, bring to a close/conclusion, close, conclude, finish, stop, put an end to, wind up, wrap up, discontinue, cease, kill, cut short, ax;

When you are removed from a position, that is by definition terminated. You can be fired from a position and demoted to another.
Jesus Christ...:cuckoo:

Funny, the article said he was removed and re-assigned, perhaps you should call the editor and give them your def. The guy is terminally stupid for posting something like that. Maybe he admired that Ninja roll?

Step away from the computer sir........
He wasn't fired was he?

"Mr. Iber had been removed from his position at the high school and reassigned to an administrative position."

I commend the fascist super cop gone wild. Hahahahaha What a dumb ass.

He was fired as Principal. Perhaps you need a definition:
past tense: terminated; past participle: terminated
bring to an end.
synonyms: bring to an end, end, abort, curtail, bring to a close/conclusion, close, conclude, finish, stop, put an end to, wind up, wrap up, discontinue, cease, kill, cut short, ax;

When you are removed from a position, that is by definition terminated. You can be fired from a position and demoted to another.
Jesus Christ...:cuckoo:

Funny, the article said he was removed and re-assigned, perhaps you should call the editor and give them your def. The guy is terminally stupid for posting something like that. Maybe he admired that Ninja roll?

Step away from the computer sir........

So what if he was stupid.
In America, you have a right to be stupid. You want employers to be able to fire you for saying an opinion they don't like?
That is your America?
What were the three sentences the principle posted?
Supporting NAMBLA and making comments supporting the police are two completely separate things as any rational person would know so your comparison is beyond pale.

He wasn't supporting "the police". He was supporting a thug cop who brutalized a 14 year old girl, then pulled a gun on two other teenagers when they rushed to her aid. If he thinks that is an appropriate way to handle unruly teens, I don't think he should be in charge of a school that is apparently 99% minority. And neither did the people in his community.

Hell I support the police and the officer, not because of what he did during the incident but because he realized he made a mistake and took responsibility for that mistake, but then again you're perfect, right........ never made any mistakes, never had to apologize or take responsibility for anything you've done wrong.......

Never fucked up that bad, no. But that wasn't the point here. Yeah, I guess it was nice that he took responsiblity, after trying to blame it on "suicide calls". The point was whether this Principal, whose job it is to handle hundreds of students thinks it's appropriate to push a girl's face into the pavement or to pull a gun on other children.

As for your "praise a white police officer brutalizing black children"......... That's nothing more than your skewed myopic interpretation based on your skewed myopic view of life. If he'd started beating on her with a baton then it would be brutilizing.

Dragging her across the ground and pushing his knees into her back while she was crying for her mother wasn't brutalizing her? Really?
What were the three sentences the principle posted?
Supporting NAMBLA and making comments supporting the police are two completely separate things as any rational person would know so your comparison is beyond pale.

He wasn't supporting "the police". He was supporting a thug cop who brutalized a 14 year old girl, then pulled a gun on two other teenagers when they rushed to her aid. If he thinks that is an appropriate way to handle unruly teens, I don't think he should be in charge of a school that is apparently 99% minority. And neither did the people in his community.

Hell I support the police and the officer, not because of what he did during the incident but because he realized he made a mistake and took responsibility for that mistake, but then again you're perfect, right........ never made any mistakes, never had to apologize or take responsibility for anything you've done wrong.......

Never fucked up that bad, no. But that wasn't the point here. Yeah, I guess it was nice that he took responsiblity, after trying to blame it on "suicide calls". The point was whether this Principal, whose job it is to handle hundreds of students thinks it's appropriate to push a girl's face into the pavement or to pull a gun on other children.

As for your "praise a white police officer brutalizing black children"......... That's nothing more than your skewed myopic interpretation based on your skewed myopic view of life. If he'd started beating on her with a baton then it would be brutilizing.

Dragging her across the ground and pushing his knees into her back while she was crying for her mother wasn't brutalizing her? Really?
Obviously you live in some ivory tower (most likely of your own construction) if you think what he did was brutalizing. It's painfully obvious you have no concept of motivation and external factors with your dismissal of blaming it on suicide calls, never been in such a stressful and emotional situation before, have ya....... Yet you feel qualified to pass judgement. Not surprising.

"it's appropriate to push a girl's face into the pavement or to pull a gun on other children." Yeah he overreacted but is this specifically what the Principle said he supported or are you just reading in what you want to justify your (most likely contrived PC feigned) outrage?
She wasn't brutalized. Frankly, the principal has the right to voice his opinion. I would expect him to sue the school and easily win his case.

Unlikely. first, his contract probably allows them to do exactly what they did.

second, while he is entitled to his opinion, if his opinion makes him unable to do his job, because he can no longer work with that community, he is not entitled to his job.

Third- She was brutalized. No one should be treated like that for a non-violent offense. And yes, when black folks see how this - UNARMED, NON-VIOLENT, MINOR was treated and compared that to the kid gloves people like Cliven Bundy were treated with, it becomes kind of obvious that there are two different standards of how white and blacks are treated by the justice system.
first, his contract probably allows them to do exactly what they did.

No it doesn't.
Conduct clauses in employment contracts are there for good reasons, and I support most of them in such cases. These exist to protect both the image and integrity of high profile employers if an employee shows particularly ergegious judgement outside of his employment. Like illegal drug use or caught with a prostitute or etc. etc.
It is a faaaar stretch to use that clause to terminate his position because his opinion on a minor event differed from the members of the school board. Again, that is fascism.

second, while he is entitled to his opinion, if his opinion makes him unable to do his job, because he can no longer work with that community, he is not entitled to his job.
Majority rules huh? You would have felt right at home in Salem Mass. 120 years ago.
There is absolutely zero evidence the event had anything whatsoever to do with race, but who needs evidence anyway - a suggestion of racism is good enough for you to end a man's career. I wish I was as perfect as you.
Third- She was brutalized. No one should be treated like that for a non-violent offense.
Whether brutal or not, he isn't a cop any more is he? But that doesn't satisfy you does it?
Not enough. He should spend years in jail too...lose his home...his wife divorce him...maybe he will kill himself.

And yes, when black folks see how this.......

And that is what's really important isn't it?
No it doesn't.
Conduct clauses in employment contracts are there for good reasons, and I support most of them in such cases. These exist to protect both the image and integrity of high profile employers if an employee shows particularly ergegious judgement outside of his employment. Like illegal drug use or caught with a prostitute or etc. etc.
It is a faaaar stretch to use that clause to terminate his position because his opinion on a minor event differed from the members of the school board. Again, that is fascism.

Uh. No. Frankly, this should be what a conduct clause is about. He just said to all the parents of his 99% minority school, 'I think it's perfectly okay for white cops to brutalize your children for petty incidents."

Not a single parent worth his salt would tolerate this character running their children's school after that.

Majority rules huh? You would have felt right at home in Salem Mass. 120 years ago.
There is absolutely zero evidence the event had anything whatsoever to do with race, but who needs evidence anyway - a suggestion of racism is good enough for you to end a man's career. I wish I was as perfect as you.

I'm sure you wish you were as Awesome as I am, but that's not the point here. Point was, he pretty much said what happened in McKinney was okay with him. Any parent at that school should be worried about that comment.

Whether brutal or not, he isn't a cop any more is he? But that doesn't satisfy you does it?
Not enough. He should spend years in jail too...lose his home...his wife divorce him...maybe he will kill himself.

No one has advocated that. I think that this police department does owe the girl some compensation, though.

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