Political Humor

Three boys were out hiking one winter day, and heard cries for help coming from the lake. Rushing to see what was the matter, they found Hillary Clinton had fallen through some thin ice on a lake and was about to drown. Quickly the boys formed a human chain and pulled her to safety. "I'd like to reward you boys with something special for saving me", said Hillary. "Just name it, and it's yours!" "I want a ride on your private jet", said the first boy. "You've got it!", said Hillary. "I want a medal that I can show the other kids at school", said the second boy. "No problem!", said Hillary. The third boy thought for a moment, and said "I want a wheelchair". "But why would you want that?", asked Hillary. "'Cause when I get home and tell my dad that I saved YOU he's gonna break my effin' legs!"
Does this mean the Democrats are racists? They're requiring a photo ID.

Won't that disenfranchise people?

LOL @ DemocratHypocrisy!


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