Political stories "Too good to check"..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

Is it real or fake???

Larry J. Sabato, politics professor at the University of Virginia and author of “Feeding Frenzy,” a book about the press seizing on storylines, said the turkey story fits the mold of a feeding frenzy.
“The toughest stories to rebut or refute are those that reinforce a subtext that press and public have adopted about a president,” he said, adding that the press had such a subtext about Mr. Bush and Iraq. “This falls into the category of ‘too good to check.’ That’s usually the case for false or silly subtext stories.”

Mr. Bartlett said the fake-turkey story appealed to Bush critics in the media and politics “who wanted to question his integrity at every step of the way.” He said Mr. Bush isn’t the only president to face that, and said President Obama has faced some of it himself. But he said the fact that it happened over a turkey was stunning.
“It was just amazing the lengths they would go to,” he said. “I’m trying to think of anything that even rivals that element of just craziness. The fact that it did have currency so long. That was one of those head-scratchers.”

Media feasting on Bush 'fake' turkey claim; false story still repeated 10 years on - Washington Times
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OH and by the way from Seinfeld episode.."they're real and spectacular" .... The turkey was real... but even to today...

The photo, meanwhile, is still published, including this by the Economist magazine this week, which attached it to a story about Americans celebrating Thanksgiving abroad. The magazine did not question the bird’s authenticity.

The point of this if you still don't get it...
THE MSM even when proven them wrong STILL repeat false information because THEY BELIEVE IT!!
Today the MSM/Obama and others still contend there are 46 million "uninsured" BECAUSE they just can't believe that:
1) 10 MILLION of uninsured ARE NOT ELIGIBLE as they are not citizens!
2) 14 MILLION who ARE eligible for Medicaid say they are uninsured... yet all they need do is register!
3) 18 million are counted EVEN though they don't need it (under 34) can afford it (make over $50,000/year) and yet they are falsely counted!
The falsehood, the story to good to be incorrect i.e. 46 million uninsured STILL being used!
4 million after subtracting the 42 million above from the phony bogus 46 million!!!
So it appears MOST of you also must believe the "fake turkey story" because none of you seem too concerned about the MASSIVE total cover ups the MSM
has done with the REAL scandals..
1) Benghazi... where were the photos of Obama that night as they were so widely distributed the night Osama was murdered and Obama was right there!
2) IRS ... messing with the tax status of Obama opponents so they couldn't contest his re-election as Obama operatives suppressed IRS actions!
3) Obamacare LIES there never were plans to keep your insurance as he promised!
4) There never were 46 million uninsured!

These are just the tip of the iceberg where the MSM so anxious to destroy Bush even planting false turkey stories!
But what would you expect of the MSM that 85% donated to Democrats/Obama?
What would you expect of a MSM that NewsWeek editor Thomas said their job was bashing Bush but when it comes to Obama? Thomas calls him a "god"!

NO the MSM has been the MAJOR contributor to the destruction of our country's values, our health system and now with Iran possibly our physical destruction!

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