Political versus Legal Issues.....

I don't like him, didn't vote for him, WON'T vote for him, and yet I have no desire hanging him from the nearest lamppost.

about the same way I felt about Obama.

:auiqs.jpg: Riiiight. Tell me another tall tale. Know any Westerns?

bud, if you go back to the period before that election, you'll be able to find numerous posts by me stating I would not vote for Trump.
I bet you consider yourself not to be ultra-partisan......... Can you say self delusion? I knew you could.......

As a fiscal conservative, I often voted for the once proud republicans who had balls....Now, current GOPers have fallen prey to a corrupt demagogue and have given up their spine in order to remain in office....Just ask fuckhead McConnell.
The old Republicans were snobs-Trump is a hybrid that is good for the country.
Fully realizing that this forum is filled with newly-minted Trump cultists and NOT real republicans (about 90% of posts on here are devoted to nitwits praising one another and "arguing" about who loves Trump more.)

Nonetheless, I post on here every once in a while just to get some things off my chest...and one of these latest arguable issues, is the issue of how Trump sometimes wins the POLITICAL argument (since ultra-partisanship is equivalent to cowardice and ignorance....like the GOP senators)......while Trump will always lose the LEGAL issues.

When politics win over the legal values upon which our democracy and republic was founded, we begin flirting with Fascism.......the "bundling" of rabid nationalism with ignorance and naivete...as clearly exhibited by Trump cultists.
your opinions only = bullshit
''90%'' ---hahahahha..I guess that one came out of your a$$
......this is another thread totally without any evidence--just babbling...that is definitely babbling
I bet you consider yourself not to be ultra-partisan......... Can you say self delusion? I knew you could.......

As a fiscal conservative, I often voted for the once proud republicans who had balls....Now, current GOPers have fallen prey to a corrupt demagogue and have given up their spine in order to remain in office....Just ask fuckhead McConnell.
.it's Trump who is the one with a spine--unlike most other ''politicians''
Fully realizing that this forum is filled with newly-minted Trump cultists and NOT real republicans (about 90% of posts on here are devoted to nitwits praising one another and "arguing" about who loves Trump more.)

Nonetheless, I post on here every once in a while just to get some things off my chest...and one of these latest arguable issues, is the issue of how Trump sometimes wins the POLITICAL argument (since ultra-partisanship is equivalent to cowardice and ignorance....like the GOP senators)......while Trump will always lose the LEGAL issues.

When politics win over the legal values upon which our democracy and republic was founded, we begin flirting with Fascism.......the "bundling" of rabid nationalism with ignorance and naivete...as clearly exhibited by Trump cultists.

(about 90% of posts on here are devoted to nitwits praising one another and "arguing" about who loves Trump more.)

I see it differently.

" (about 90% of posts on here are devoted to nitwits praising one another and "arguing" about who hates Trump more.)"

You beat me to it. I was going to say the same thing.

Seems the Op doesn't see what he and the other lefty loons on this board do as what he described.

Sucks to be his stupid ass.
Get YOUR right wing bifocals off, and you would see differently

Bifocals allow the wearer to see two different aspects equally clearly.

Political bifocals would be a good thing.

They would ameliorate partisanship.
I’d say we are looking at a Super Majority for Trump in 2020.

You only spy on a President for 3 years if you are desperate.

Fully realizing that this forum is filled with newly-minted Trump cultists and NOT real republicans (about 90% of posts on here are devoted to nitwits praising one another and "arguing" about who loves Trump more.)

Nonetheless, I post on here every once in a while just to get some things off my chest...and one of these latest arguable issues, is the issue of how Trump sometimes wins the POLITICAL argument (since ultra-partisanship is equivalent to cowardice and ignorance....like the GOP senators)......while Trump will always lose the LEGAL issues.

When politics win over the legal values upon which our democracy and republic was founded, we begin flirting with Fascism.......the "bundling" of rabid nationalism with ignorance and naivete...as clearly exhibited by Trump cultists.

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