Politicians like Trump should have started 30 years ago

it's a natural phenomenon for maverick rich people to try to lead the country in the direction they want.

The USA has been taken over by a Socialist cabal , no one rises through the ranks without their blessing.

Everything Trump is talking about should have been attempted 30 years ago.

I hope the Republicans never go back to their wishy-washy playbook.

I hope the day comes when the country goes back to constitutionalism , and it turns so "radical" libertarian , that Trump ends up looking like a moderate.

No, 50 years ago, in the mid 1960s before the lunatic LBJ created two monstrous disasters: 1) the Great Society welfare program which cemented blacks being ghetto-ized inside urban areas that led to the riots of the late 60s 2) the 1965 Immigration act which opened the floodgates to the illegal scourge/unwashed/uneducated/impoverished filth of humanity to being coming into the US en masse.

BTW, this was tried 30 years ago, go look up Ross Perot.
Total garbage.

Nearly every member of the House is standing for election this fall. And I think every member of the Senate won their primary. If people were upset that would not happen.

The GOP voters were amused by Trump and they voted for someone who promised them no taxes, that everything would be “terrific” and absolutely no sacrifice. In no way did he “tell it like it is”. What he did do was strike a chord of easier time with old white folks who remember some bygone greatness and promise to restore that while giving no details on how to do it.

Oh, and Hil-Liar is giving details? Did you check out her website with the laundry list of what "she says" she's going to accomplish?

Now as far as the Congress and Senate goes, were you asleep during the last two mid-term elections? I think those elections pretty much showed how upset and tired voters were of the same ole garbage. Republicans not only gained a lot of seats in those two chambers, but across the country, Republican Governors and state offices had huge successes as well.

But keep thinking about those old white Republicans dying off as your side has been claiming for over 30 years now. It's only happening in your wishful thinking dreams.

And how are you liking your new congressmen? Mr Ryan doing a good job for you? He he he
Not being a big fan of professional politicians, I can certainly understand the draw of the non-politician.

And not being a fan of PC, I can certainly understand the draw of a person who's not afraid to ignore contrived barriers.

But all this can be done with dignity, with intelligence, and with an articulate, thoughtful, positive nature.

The messenger here is so bad, I worry that he's ruining the prospects of any outsider for a generation or two.

I believe the most fear emanating from the body politic should be what Bernie and Trump both stood for, and how close Bernie came.

Consider---------> No matter WHO wins the election, if they do not succeed in bringing us partially back, what kind of candidates, and how many are we going to have in 2020!
Not being a big fan of professional politicians, I can certainly understand the draw of the non-politician.

And not being a fan of PC, I can certainly understand the draw of a person who's not afraid to ignore contrived barriers.

But all this can be done with dignity, with intelligence, and with an articulate, thoughtful, positive nature.

The messenger here is so bad, I worry that he's ruining the prospects of any outsider for a generation or two.

I believe the most fear emanating from the body politic should be what Bernie and Trump both stood for, and how close Bernie came.

Consider---------> No matter WHO wins the election, if they do not succeed in bringing us partially back, what kind of candidates, and how many are we going to have in 2020!
YES. This has been a pretty freaking clear warning shot across the bow.

My guess is that they see it, but who knows - they're so wrapped up in their little system.
it's a natural phenomenon for maverick rich people to try to lead the country in the direction they want.

The USA has been taken over by a Socialist cabal , no one rises through the ranks without their blessing.

Everything Trump is talking about should have been attempted 30 years ago.

I hope the Republicans never go back to their wishy-washy playbook.

I hope the day comes when the country goes back to constitutionalism , and it turns so "radical" libertarian , that Trump ends up looking like a moderate.
They did start 30 years ago. Look at Nixon.
That implies the election is all about Clinton. When what it needs to be remembered as is the election that nearly ended democracy.

Nearly ended Democracy? I didn't know what had a Democracy. I thought we had a Republic.

And how are you liking your new congressmen? Mr Ryan doing a good job for you? He he he

They are not doing enough, but what they are doing is lowering our deficit nearly every year and hopefully that will lead us to a balanced budget in the near future. But what I also recognize is that they are not playing the game alone. There is only so much they can do until November.
That implies the election is all about Clinton. When what it needs to be remembered as is the election that nearly ended democracy.

Nearly ended Democracy? I didn't know what had a Democracy. I thought we had a Republic.

And how are you liking your new congressmen? Mr Ryan doing a good job for you? He he he

They are not doing enough, but what they are doing is lowering our deficit nearly every year and hopefully that will lead us to a balanced budget in the near future. But what I also recognize is that they are not playing the game alone. There is only so much they can do until November.

Yeah, Okay. I guess the “angry” crowd decided to take it easy on everyone this year?

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