Politicians trying to censor Broadcasters

Hold on bro.You are getting way too serious for a dump like this

No one stays on topic here. It is a disease

You need to lower your expectations here like 10 rungs...lol

I get it, and I would not report organic off topic posts.

But you know how it is: You start a thread maybe saying the economy is bad and the first response is ORANGE MAN IS A FASCIST,
I am sick of that shit. And there are a few repeat offenders and I am going to report them every time, and probably PM the mods too. They are destroying threads.

You guys do know you discussion styles just make you look like idiots.

Says the pathological liar who usually never even understand the topic. Here's a nickel's worth of free advice: When you see a thread by me, stay out.
You guys do know you discussion styles just make you look like idiots. Why do you just call others names and contribute little except demonstrating your stupid child like behavior? If you think the silly name calling might help someone realize you might have a point about something, it just doesn't, it makes you look stupid. I really dont see why you enjoy it.
Mak you have a lot to learn here. We like acting like idiots. We like calling others names

We don't expect to contribute shit to anything, nor expect it. We know we'll never change one thing in peoples minds

We have a Clean Debate but it is a crypt......Please feel free to respond to a thread I created there

‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host discusses the ‘political pressure’ surrounding Joe Rogan, Spotify controversy

OP: This is one of the most blatant example of censorship and a violation of the Constitution.

Tucker wishes he was getting some of that sweet, sweet publicity that Rogan is getting.
Mak you have a lot to learn here. We like acting like idiots. We like calling others names

We don't expect to contribute shit to anything, nor expect it. We know we'll never change one thing in peoples minds

We have a Clean Debate but it is a crypt......Please feel free to respond to a thread I created there
Oh, ok. Now I get it. Carry on.
You guys do know you discussion styles just make you look like idiots. Why do you just call others names and contribute little except demonstrating your stupid child like behavior? If you think the silly name calling might help someone realize you might have a point about something, it just doesn't, it makes you look stupid. I really dont see why you enjoy it.
Our style may make us LOOK like idiots, but we all know that you and your ilk are the true idiots so we have fun with it. How can you support an idiot like Joe Biden or anything he stands for? That makes you look like a commie America hater.
Is there anyone who actually watched this and is able to comment on the content.

‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host discusses the ‘political pressure’ surrounding Joe Rogan, Spotify controversy

OP: This is one of the most blatant example of censorship and a violation of the Constitution.
He’s removing it because a company won’t silence someone.
Yes. He's a private citizen exercising his right to not use a service because he doesn't agree with their policies.

Can you enlighten me against what particular constitutional right this goes?
Is there anyone who actually watched this and is able to comment on the content.

‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host discusses the ‘political pressure’ surrounding Joe Rogan, Spotify controversy

OP: This is one of the most blatant example of censorship and a violation of the Constitution.
I tried so hard to find a gif with a whining crybaby 6 year old squealing on his baby sister to his mommy. Just imagine it
If you want to find a whining crybaby look in a mirror.
Yes. He's a private citizen exercising his right to not use a service because he doesn't agree with their policies.

Can you enlighten me against what particular constitutional right this goes?
He's a commie America hater mad because someone or some company won't do what he wants them to. Typical Dimmer response, my way or the highway.
Yes . He’s against the first amendment..
No he is exercising it. The first amendment doesn't just allow for freedom of expression. It also allows for people to respond when they don't agree with other people's expression.

In other words. I'm free to call anybody an asshole. And everybody is free to disagree with that opinion and express that disagreement by for instance stoppingnto buy stuff from me.
No he is exercising it. The first amendment doesn't just allow for freedom of expression. It also allows for people to respond when they don't agree with other people's expression.

In other words. I'm free to call anybody an asshole. And everybody is free to disagree with that opinion and express that disagreement by for instance stoppingnto buy stuff from me.
He is a crybaby Dimmer.
If you want to find a whining crybaby look in a mirror.
He's a commie America hater mad because someone or some company won't do what he wants them to. Typical Dimmer response, my way or the highway.
How are you not doing the same thing by assessing someone to be a "Commie American hater" because that person doesn't want to be on the same platform as someone who presumably shares your ideology.

That is just as much my way or the highway.
How are you not doing the same thing by assessing someone to be a "Commie American hater" because that person doesn't want to be on the same platform as someone who presumably shares your ideology.

That is just as much my way or the highway.
Not at all. I don't refuse to listen to Neil Young's music and I even perform some of it. The difference is I simply know and point him out for what he is, I don't banish him from the face of the earth and refuse to ever mention his name again. Big difference.
Yes. He's a private citizen exercising his right to not use a service because he doesn't agree with their policies.

Can you enlighten me against what particular constitutional right this goes?
So he wants to punish some one because they talk. Lol didn’t we have fascist regimes that led to a lot of deaths that did the same thing? Call me crazy I’d say just change the channel lol
So he wants to punish some one because they talk. Lol didn’t we have fascist regimes that led to a lot of deaths that did the same thing? Call me crazy I’d say just change the channel lol

He does not want to punish anyone. He does not want to be associated with a service he does not agree with.

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