Politicians trying to censor Broadcasters

No he is exercising it. The first amendment doesn't just allow for freedom of expression. It also allows for people to respond when they don't agree with other people's expression.

In other words. I'm free to call anybody an asshole. And everybody is free to disagree with that opinion and express that disagreement by for instance stoppingnto buy stuff from me.
So I can carry ar 15 call blacks the n word, ask democrat men if they are homos. And tell jooos the holocaust was fake.. interesting
So I can carry ar 15 call blacks the n word, ask democrat men if they are homos. And tell jooos the holocaust was fake.. interesting
You do know you can do that, right? Do you really think the government can control your speech? You can even carry the AR 15 in some states, if they have open carry. if you are over 18 and not a felon. Which might be a problem for some around here.
You do know you can do that, right? Do you really think the government can control your speech? You can even carry the AR 15 in some states, if they have open carry. if you are over 18 and not a felon. Which might be a problem for some around here.
Well many don’t do it. Because it’s not right.. just like silencing someone because they’re saying something you disagree with isn’t right. Change the channel
Not at all. I don't refuse to listen to Neil Young's music and I even perform some of it. The difference is I simply know and point him out for what he is, I don't banish him from the face of the earth and refuse to ever mention his name again. Big difference.
Neither does Neil Young. He's not claiming that Joe Rogan shouldn't speak. He simply doesn't want to be on the same platform as him.

As for knowing him? You mean personally or from what you hear about him from whatever media you choose to get your information from?

I'm asking because being able to confidently assess someone to be a Commie American hater you need some real knowledge.
Neither does Neil Young. He's not claiming that Joe Rogan shouldn't speak. He simply doesn't want to be on the same platform as him.

As for knowing him? You mean personally or from what you hear about him from whatever media you choose to get your information from?

I'm asking because being able to confidently assess someone to be a Commie American hater you need some real knowledge.
Uh, yes he is....he didn't get his way so he removed his music. Childish Dimmer, typical move.
Neither does Neil Young. He's not claiming that Joe Rogan shouldn't speak. He simply doesn't want to be on the same platform as him.

As for knowing him? You mean personally or from what you hear about him from whatever media you choose to get your information from?

I'm asking because being able to confidently assess someone to be a Commie American hater you need some real knowledge.
As for real knowledge, its pretty easy to see.....
So he wants to punish some one because they talk. Lol didn’t we have fascist regimes that led to a lot of deaths that did the same thing? Call me crazy I’d say just change the channel lol
Refusing to do business with someone is not punishing them. Everybody does it for a variety of reasons. Some good some bad. I don't like Hewlett Packer. Had some bad experiences with them so they don't get my business. Being male I have little use for tampons. I wouldn't buy whatever supplement Alex Jones peddles. Even if they would work.

Are you saying I don't have the right to make those choices because I'm 'punishing' someone?
Can you enlighten me against what particular constitutional right this goes?

Thread isn’t about Neil Young. Watch the video. It’s Jen Psaki saying Joe Rogan should be censored. A White House spokesperson calling for someone to be censored because they dare to criticize the government. They can’t censor him, so they want tech companies to do it for them. That’s textbook fascism.

3 pages and not one lefty can address that issue.
I get it, and I would not report organic off topic posts.

But you know how it is: You start a thread maybe saying the economy is bad and the first response is ORANGE MAN IS A FASCIST,
I am sick of that shit. And there are a few repeat offenders and I am going to report them every time, and probably PM the mods too. They are destroying threads.

Says the pathological liar who usually never even understand the topic. Here's a nickel's worth of free advice: When you see a thread by me, stay out.
If you would start a couple threads in CDZ I'd be more than happy to participate. Start one and see
Refusing to do business with someone is not punishing them. Everybody does it for a variety of reasons. Some good some bad. I don't like Hewlett Packer. Had some bad experiences with them so they don't get my business. Being male I have little use for tampons. I wouldn't buy whatever supplement Alex Jones peddles. Even if they would work.

Are you saying I don't have the right to make those choices because I'm 'punishing' someone?
Not if your reasons for avoiding them are valid....inferior product, cost too high, like you stated. Simply disagreeing with their opinion on something and throwing a hissy fit, though, seems more like a childish political move.
Refusing to do business with someone is not punishing them. Everybody does it for a variety of reasons. Some good some bad. I don't like Hewlett Packer. Had some bad experiences with them so they don't get my business. Being male I have little use for tampons. I wouldn't buy whatever supplement Alex Jones peddles. Even if they would work.

Are you saying I don't have the right to make those choices because I'm 'punishing' someone?
Jenn Paski, The talking voice for the president, said more should be done to silence Joe Rogan.. that’s government influencing people to be shut down.. this is all political, The president should stand up front and say no man or woman should be silenced.. this isn’t someone at a bar telling a drunk to shut up. This is POLICY! Politics.. Very dangerous
Jenn Paski, The talking voice for the president, said more should be done to silence Joe Rogan.. that’s government influencing people to be shut down.. this is all political, The president should stand up front and say no man or woman should be silenced.. this isn’t someone at a bar telling a drunk to shut up. This is POLICY! Politics.. Very dangerous

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