Politico Hangs Out Dirty Laundry!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Politico is Left-leaning.....so the revelations are more significant that if a rightwing source has provided them...

Not good for Democrats.

1. "POLITICO poll shows mounting danger for Democrats

2. ....Obama’s job approval slump and voters’ entrenched wariness of his health care law are dogging Democrats ahead of the 2014 midterm elections, and Republicans have captured a lead in the areas home to the year’s most competitive races,....

3. In the congressional districts and states where the 2014 elections will actually be decided, likely voters said they would prefer to vote for a Republican...

4. Obama’s job approval is a perilous 40 percent, and nearly half say they favor outright repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

a. ....the president is he’s not doing a good job at all and he’s not qualified,” said Pearre, who has not decided which party to vote for in the midterms. “The health care law, I think, should be totally revised.”

5. ....none of those issues comes close to approaching health care as a major concern for midterm voters. Nearly nine in 10 respondents said that the health care law would be important to determining their vote, including 49 percent who said it would be very important.

6. Among voters who had an opinion of the ACA, ....
Forty-eight percent of respondents endorsed repeal, versus 35 percent who wanted to modify the law without repealing it and just 16 percent who said it should be left unchanged.

7. The law receives powerful support from minority voters, including 80 percent of African-Americans who want to leave the law alone (34 percent) or modify it (46 percent), and 55 percent of Hispanics who want it left entirely intact (22 percent) or only modified (33 percent).
POLITICO poll shows mounting danger for Democrats - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

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