Politico: School Choice Has Allowed Parents to Choose Good Schools in Florida, and Now the Bad Government Schools Are Closing, and That's... Bad

Thanks for the clarification .

So, should you be able to demand that the portion of your local tax dollars that support the Police be sent to another City (Tax District) ?

Your logic.......schools here suck and I (taxpayer) should be able to demand that the tax dollars designated to public schools in this Tax District be used to send a child to a better school in a different tax district.

Is that ^^^^ what you are saying?

Because NEXT, I'm going to ask you if crime is so bad in your district, that you can demand that those tax dollars be sent and spent in a DIFFERENT and BETTER City (tax district) where Crime is lower.

Education and other public services like fire, police and trash are very very different things.

They don't want to send the money to another district, they want to send it to somewhere that will teach their children and not make excuses, or indoctrinate them, or ignore them and let their kids bind their breasts or tuck in their balls.
If a student takes tax money to a "better" school. The school cannot under any circumstances deny the student. No matter how disruptive the kid may be.
Education and other public services like fire, police and trash are very very different things.

They don't want to send the money to another district, they want to send it to somewhere that will teach their children and not make excuses, or indoctrinate them, or ignore them and let their kids bind their breasts or tuck in their balls.
Weak Response.
I knew you couldn't make a successful argument.
Weak Response.
I knew you couldn't make a successful argument.

Usual deflection.

So it's irrational for parents to expect a good education free from social indoctrination from Public Schools?
Usual deflection.

So it's irrational for parents to expect a good education free from social indoctrination from Public Schools?
Problem is.......you think this indoctrination happens constantly.
Reality dude......it doesn't.
Usual deflection.

So it's irrational for parents to expect a good education free from social indoctrination from Public Schools?
They SHOULD absolutely demand a good education.
I as a teacher should also be demanding that parents prepare their children for school before sending them to school.

Fuck this indoctrination shit..ONLY a very few Idiots on the Far Left or Far Right do that...............I can't stand it either, but I BLAME PARENTS, not the teachers.

If teachers COULD indoctrinate children we would indoctrinate them with things such as:
Proper Hygiene
Proper Respect
Ability to Think on their Own
Caring for Other People

I don't spend any time telling (Indoctrinating) a child on gender.
That ^^^^^ is a parents job.
Problem is.......you think this indoctrination happens constantly.
Reality dude......it doesn't.

it shouldn't happen at all, and that's the problem.

Add in the massive money thrown in for poor returns in some areas, and you wonder why people are starting to get sick of it and are looking for alternatives?
They SHOULD absolutely demand a good education.
I as a teacher should also be demanding that parents prepare their children for school before sending them to school.

Fuck this indoctrination shit..ONLY a very few Idiots on the Far Left or Far Right do that...............I can't stand it either, but I BLAME PARENTS, not the teachers.

If teachers COULD indoctrinate children we would indoctrinate them with things such as:
Proper Hygiene
Proper Respect
Ability to Think on their Own
Caring for Other People

I don't spend any time telling (Indoctrinating) a child on gender.
That ^^^^^ is a parents job.

It's happening more than you know, and yet you ignore it because school choice ruins your bottom line.

Yet all those posts on Libs of Tiktok and all those stories about kids being indoctrinated or even worse encouraged don't go away because you don't like them.
it shouldn't happen at all, and that's the problem.

Add in the massive money thrown in for poor returns in some areas, and you wonder why people are starting to get sick of it and are looking for alternatives?
That why parents have a choice in where they live.
JFC, moving is possible, next you will tell me that people can't afford to move, which is just another lame excuse.

Parents want better schools for their children, then get your priorities straight and find the solution, rather than begging others to find YOUR solution.

The logistics of multiple (100's) of students leaving one school for another MILES apart just doesn't work.
For example: School A has 20 classrooms and all classrooms are used and filled to capacity. Let's say 30 students in each classroom. = 600 students.

Now add in 300 students from other districts demanding to go to School A.
Now you have 900 students in 20 classrooms.

School A turns into a shithole real fast.
They SHOULD absolutely demand a good education.
I as a teacher should also be demanding that parents prepare their children for school before sending them to school.

Fuck this indoctrination shit..ONLY a very few Idiots on the Far Left or Far Right do that...............I can't stand it either, but I BLAME PARENTS, not the teachers.

If teachers COULD indoctrinate children we would indoctrinate them with things such as:
Proper Hygiene
Proper Respect
Ability to Think on their Own
Caring for Other People

I don't spend any time telling (Indoctrinating) a child on gender.
That ^^^^^ is a parents job.
Far and away the best post today. Be prepared to accept all kids, not just the higher performers.
That why parents have a choice in where they live.
JFC, moving is possible, next you will tell me that people can't afford to move, which is just another lame excuse.

Parents want better schools for their children, then get your priorities straight and find the solution, rather than begging others to find YOUR solution.

The logistics of multiple (100's) of students leaving one school for another MILES apart just doesn't work.
For example: School A has 20 classrooms and all classrooms are used and filled to capacity. Let's say 30 students in each classroom. = 600 students.

Now add in 300 students from other districts demanding to go to School A.
Now you have 900 students in 20 classrooms.

School A turns into a shithole real fast.

you shouldn't have to move to get quality basic education that's big on basic learning and empty of propaganda.

Progs created this problem by politicizing education in the past decade or two, and then doubled down with this trans bullshit. Normal people are sick of it.
The purpose is to give public schools some real competition so they have to do their fucking jobs and stop playing the indoctrination game.
There is no "indoctrination game" going on in schools in flyover country except the liberal dominated blue cities in red states. I have 4 grandchildren in schools and they are all getting excellent educations. There is no indoctrination in their schools.

Florida had vouchers. Charter schools sprang up when they were authorized. Most charters failed because they did fare well financially due to mismanagement as amateurs were put in charge of running them. Private schools began popping up in abandon strip malls, operated a few months, sucked up all the taxpayer's money, and then closed, sending the kids right back to public schools with no funding. You cannot tell me it didn't happen because I taught these kids!

Your idea of competition is farcical. I have a great comparison of vouchers versus public schools I wrote years ago that compares full service and convenience store gas stations and how they compare to public and private schools.

Imagine you have those two gas stations. One is required to hire ASE certified mechanics to work on all models of cars. The other hires no one because they don't do that kind of work. The full-service gas station is just that, with attendants to pump your gas check your oil and wipe your windshield. The other provides you napkins and a squeegee! The full-service station has a wrecker to transport your car when it needs to come there not under its own power. The convenience store gas station does not. Full service offers diesel fuel, while the convenience store has no tanks for diesel. The full-service carries tires and basic parts for most model cars, the convenience store gas station stocks air fresheners, oil, and power steering fluid. The full-service station takes all customers, but the convenience store requires you to be selected as a member to receive a discount on their products.

The full-service station is the publics school. They require certified teachers in all subjects. Private schools do not. Public schools are required to accept all students regardless of income, race, creed or color. Private school do not. Public schools transport students to school on buses. Most private schools do not. Public schools are required to take all levels of special education students. Private schools do not. Public schools offer a wide curriculum of elective subjects. Religious private schools require religious instruction in lieu of many electives. Private schools have admission requirements they can use to weed out underperforming students, while public schools do not. The private school is the convenience store gas station.

See the difference and why the costs are different?
There is no "indoctrination game" going on in schools in flyover country except the liberal dominated blue cities in red states. I have 4 grandchildren in schools and they are all getting excellent educations. There is no indoctrination in their schools.

Florida had vouchers. Charter schools sprang up when they were authorized. Most charters failed because they did fare well financially due to mismanagement as amateurs were put in charge of running them. Private schools began popping up in abandon strip malls, operated a few months, sucked up all the taxpayer's money, and then closed, sending the kids right back to public schools with no funding. You cannot tell me it didn't happen because I taught these kids!

Your idea of competition is farcical. I have a great comparison of vouchers versus public schools I wrote years ago that compares full service and convenience store gas stations and how they compare to public and private schools.

Imagine you have those two gas stations. One is required to hire ASE certified mechanics to work on all models of cars. The other hires no one because they don't do that kind of work. The full-service gas station is just that, with attendants to pump your gas check your oil and wipe your windshield. The other provides you napkins and a squeegee! The full-service station has a wrecker to transport your car when it needs to come there not under its own power. The convenience store gas station does not. Full service offers diesel fuel, while the convenience store has no tanks for diesel. The full-service carries tires and basic parts for most model cars, the convenience store gas station stocks air fresheners, oil, and power steering fluid. The full-service station takes all customers, but the convenience store requires you to be selected as a member to receive a discount on their products.

The full-service station is the publics school. They require certified teachers in all subjects. Private schools do not. Public schools are required to accept all students regardless of income, race, creed or color. Private school do not. Public schools transport students to school on buses. Most private schools do not. Public schools are required to take all levels of special education students. Private schools do not. Public schools offer a wide curriculum of elective subjects. Religious private schools require religious instruction in lieu of many electives. Private schools have admission requirements they can use to weed out underperforming students, while public schools do not. The private school is the convenience store gas station.

See the difference and why the costs are different?

And yet my sibling is considering sending my nephew to a private school because the local school doesn't have gifted programs in the name of fairness. And here they spend large amounts per student for parents to have to consider private schools, a consideration poorer parents don't have.

Public schools have gotten complacent and partisan, and need something to remind them to get back on focus.
Evidently all the education teaching concentrates of tucking your junk and hiding stuff from your parents. You need hundreds of hours for that?

Sorry but the pink haired cretins may be CREDENTIALED, but they aren't qualified, big difference.

Actually what it goes to is massive bureaucracy and underfunding bloated pensions.

If you only knew how piss poor the retirements systems are! I'll give you a chance to guess. How much is my retirement for 10 years' service in Florida per month? I moved to Kentucky after that, so I didn't have 20 years in any one state.
If you only knew how piss poor the retirements systems are! I'll give you a chance to guess. How much is my retirement for 10 years' service in Florida per month? I moved to Kentucky after that, so I didn't have 20 years in any one state.

The problem is mostly in the blue zones, I live in the blue zones, it's my problem.

Florida is just getting ahead of the curve, and the issues there are in Florida's blue zones.

Pensions are going the way of the Dodo except for government jobs. I'm fine with my 401k because the money is mine, and I started it the second I started working.
And yet my sibling is considering sending my nephew to a private school because the local school doesn't have gifted programs in the name of fairness. And here they spend large amounts per student for parents to have to consider private schools, a consideration poorer parents don't have.

Public schools have gotten complacent and partisan, and need something to remind them to get back on focus.
In all honesty, what are the odds that a poor student would need a gifted program? I have always held that poor students make for very poor students!

Most gifted programs suck and are a waste of money. If your local school system does not have a gifted program, it is up to the voters in your area that will elect school boards to hire people who will get it done. Most of the issues in education are enabled by complacency of the parents in getting exactly what they voted for.

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