Politics and Inflation

Why is it that the government's pouring $600B/yr into the military industrial complex never causes conservatives to worry about inflation, but putting $350B/yr into projects that directly benefit the American people makes them pitch fits about inflation?
I complain about both but only one of those is constitutional ;)
How does that help the creation of supplies/ products? If there is no one willing to work to manufacture/ box/ ship and deliver consumables?

Throwing money at lazy assholes sitting at home is already the problem.
I wasn't arguing about inflation due to supply chain issues. Try to follow the context of the argument.

Giving all the world's wealth to a bunch of lazy assholes sitting at home in their mansions and making no real contribution to the economy is the REAL problem.
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and what has caused the supply chains and labor force from meeting market demand?

you motherfuckers would be screaming its all Trumps fault if he were still POTUS. Disingenuous, pathetic morons.

When demand severely contracts supply chains get disrupted. Thats just how it works.

Take the far-reaching micro-chip shortage - sudden holt in transportation use due to Covid-19 shutdown set off cuts in production excpectaions by major manufacturers, which caused restructuring in the microchip production facilities. Now demand jumped back much faster than manufacturers planned for, but it takes relatively long time to re-establish sophisticated microchip production lines. Meanwhile supply shortages in the car market are causing inflation spikes.

Same thing with housing shortages - it takes time to deliver new construction to the market with all the material shortages.

So a lot of these things will naturally come into supply and demand equilibrium and it's really shortsighted to try to project long term inflation based on these short term disruptions.
I complain about both but only one of those is constitutional ;)

You're right, providing for the national security AND the General welfare are Constitutional.

Maintaining military dominance over the whole world is not.
Okie dokie.

Tell us WHY we have such a labor shortage and how that shortage is NOT the foundation of supply and supply chain. Check with your fellow experts and let us all know instead of just some snarky reply with no substance.
In reality, the increased demand and supply chain problems were inevitable. Regardless of who was in the White House.

The world is not based on partisan politics. True story.

Yeah, whatever makes you feel better about voting for this morons.
Got any links that prove that the wealthy spend less after a tax increase?
Didn't think so, thanks for playing.

Got any links to prove that the wealthy do not spend less after a tax increase?

Thanks for playing...you lose!
Tell us WHY we have such a labor shortage and how that shortage is NOT the foundation of supply and supply chain. Check with your fellow experts and let us all know instead of just some snarky reply with no substance.
The labor shortage has also been hastened by an exodus of Boomers into retirement.

You're right, providing for the national security AND the General welfare are Constitutional.

Maintaining military dominance over the whole world is not.
Its ok that you dont understand what general welfare means. Of course, that includes context AND definitions.
Giving all the world's wealth to a bunch of lazy assholes sitting at home in their mansions and making no real contribution to the economy is the REAL problem.

So your solution is to steal it from these "lazy" folks and give it to those who choose not to work but are increasing demand by standing in line for a day for the newest iPhone. Yeah, that is a brilliant plan.

The "lazy" folks are the ones that need to work but choose not to and instead believe that working "rich" people owe them a paycheck.
Define "general welfare" as the writers of the Constitution defined it.

Next time I run into Madison or Jefferson, I'll ask them, but for now we can assume that they knew the English language:

General -
affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things; widespread.

Welfare -
the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.

Any other stupid requests?
The cause for recent inflation is the inability of the Covid-19 disrupted supply chains and laborforce from meeting the market demand.

You say you talked about that for a long time and I say you are full of shit.
Throw in a good helping of profit taking. Never let a good emergency go to waste. :rolleyes:
Next time I run into Madison or Jefferson, I'll ask them, but for now we can assume that they knew the English language:

General -
affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things; widespread.

Welfare -
the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.

Any other stupid requests?

LOL, of course, you don't know the answer. Every time I pose this question to an aging hippie leftist douche you never can answer it. You just see the words "general welfare" and deceptively pretend it means you get a blank check to fund which ever pet program or project you people want, even though you know you're lying about the intention of that clause.
When demand severely contracts supply chains get disrupted. Thats just how it works.

Take the far-reaching micro-chip shortage - sudden holt in transportation use due to Covid-19 shutdown set off cuts in production excpectaions by major manufacturers, which caused restructuring in the microchip production facilities. Now demand jumped back much faster than manufacturers planned for, but it takes relatively long time to re-establish sophisticated microchip production lines. Meanwhile supply shortages in the car market are causing inflation spikes.

Same thing with housing shortages - it takes time to deliver new construction to the market with all the material shortages.

So a lot of these things will naturally come into supply and demand equilibrium and it's really shortsighted to try to project long term inflation based on these short term disruptions.

This is all based on lack of labor. Not sure why you folks don't understand this. Incentivizing people not to work exacerbates this problem.
So your solution is to steal it from these "lazy" folks and give it to those who choose not to work but are increasing demand by standing in line for a day for the newest iPhone. Yeah, that is a brilliant plan.

The "lazy" folks are the ones that need to work but choose not to and instead believe that working "rich" people owe them a paycheck.
The wealthy people of the world do not earn their money. They are expert thieves and trust fund babies.

The $5.5T in infrastructure spending isn't going for federal assistance programs (so cut the BULLSHIT), its going to fund infrastructure projects. It will create hundreds of thousands of jobs and increase the total value of the American economy far more than it costs.
The labor shortage has also been hastened by an exodus of Boomers into retirement.

Sure, but the fact remains that there are plenty of able bodied people of working age that are choosing not to work because staying home is easier. This administration is encouraging this type of behavior.

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