Politics and Inflation

wow, congrats on the understatement of the century! :up:
This is why I recommend another brainy look at the Federal government by a star accounting/management firm, a "Grace Commission-2" to make recommendations how to streamline the Federal government and reduce spending. Fau-Chi giving the Wuhan Lab $600,000 for germ warfare research comes to mind.
Last time the DC coxuckers ignored the recommendations because of turf wars and political power. But a new commission needs to be done, instead of wasting time on political witch-hunt "investigations".
The wealthy people of the world do not earn their money. They are expert thieves and trust fund babies.

The $5.5T in infrastructure spending isn't going for federal assistance programs (so cut the BULLSHIT), its going to fund infrastructure projects. It will create hundreds of thousands of jobs and increase the total value of the American economy far more than it costs.
Define these infrastructure projects.
This is why I recommend another brainy look at the Federal government by a star accounting/management firm, a "Grace Commission-2" to make recommendations how to streamline the Federal government and reduce spending. Fau-Chi giving the Wuhan Lab $600,000 for germ warfare research comes to mind.
Last time the DC coxuckers ignored the recommendations because of turf wars and political power. But a new commission needs to be done, instead of wasting time on political witch-hunt "investigations".

why would either side agree to such a thing? They have it made, we are so busy fighting each other they have carte blanche do do whatever they wish.

You do not really buy into the whole WWE "we hate each other" drama they put on in DC do you?
In fact the OP has a case!
But it's come down to being a choice between income inequality, poverty, and lack of responsible social change, against the inevitable inflation that comes with dealing with those problems.

America needs more catching up now than democratic countries that have stayed abreast of the demands of their working people.

China is now on a program to nip the issue in the bud with Xi's new measures to control the extent of the wealth that can be amassed by the corporatists.

China has looked closely at America and discovered the key to prevent their country from falling into the trap.

Is China's plan ever possible in America?

Not in the short term but it's likely to be the only solution in the long term. If it's avoided for too long then there will be much more serious attempts to overthrow government than Trump's halfassed commitment to his cause he promoted.
Allowing virtually everyone to keep more of the money they earn is quite different than giving out more money for unemployment, providing stimulus checks and giving a child "tax" credit to those that don't pay taxes to begin with. In order to benefit from a tax cut, you must be working and paying taxes, thus providing more incentive to work. If you quit, there is no benefit. Quite different.
Don’t forget the increase in food stamps on top of everything else
Im not talking about in general, I'm asking about Trumps tax cuts and the economic effects that it had. We are talking about inflation here right? Did you see the cuts as a positive or negative contributor to inflation and our economic situation.
I repped your post because you raised the issue, and challenged Votto, to compare/contrast tax cuts to spending. And imo that point determines whether McConnell and the gop has any legitimacy, and whether the centrist dems have any legitimacy
Next time I run into Madison or Jefferson, I'll ask them, but for now we can assume that they knew the English language:

General -
affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things; widespread.

Welfare -
the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.

Any other stupid requests?
by the people and for the people.

Is that part of your Constitution, or even close enough?

You're doing a good job of staying on the real talking point!
Don’t forget the increase in food stamps on top of everything else
Oh no, heaven forbid we provide food stamps to help poor people eat and feed their families... What a waste of money as those funds nourish the pour and go to grocery stores so they can keep their shelves stocked and so they can pay their employees all of which ends up being taxed and paid back to the government as those funds cycle through the economy. Sounds like the devils work to me!!!! Wanna go protest? I'll make signs!
Don’t forget the increase in food stamps on top of everything else

Yes, a family of 5 on welfare and SNAP, getting stimulus and child tax credits is doing pretty well. There is very little incentive to work a job that doesn't pay at least 50k/yr and these folks don't typically have the skills to do such jobs.
I repped your post because you raised the issue, and challenged Votto, to compare/contrast tax cuts to spending. And imo that point determines whether McConnell and the gop has any legitimacy, and whether the centrist dems have any legitimacy
Haha, I can tell you right now neither McConnells GOP or the DEMS have legitimacy ;-)
Yes, a family of 5 on welfare and SNAP, getting stimulus and child tax credits is doing pretty well. There is very little incentive to work a job that doesn't pay at least 50k/yr and these folks don't typically have the skills to do such jobs.
I know, I totally envy that family of 5 on welfare and food stamps. They are living the dream... time for them to pay their fair share!
Oh no, heaven forbid we provide food stamps to help poor people eat and feed their families... What a waste of money as those funds nourish the pour and go to grocery stores so they can keep their shelves stocked and so they can pay their employees all of which ends up being taxed and paid back to the government as those funds cycle through the economy. Sounds like the devils work to me!!!! Wanna go protest? I'll make signs!

They are being paid to stay at home. It is as simple as that. Nobody is against food stamps, but many of us are against paying people more to stay home than to work and rewarding those who have more kids they can't afford. At some point they need to be held responsible for their actions/inactions. Democrats aren't interested. They would rather take money from the working people and hand it over with no questions asked.
Yes, a family of 5 on welfare and SNAP, getting stimulus and child tax credits is doing pretty well. There is very little incentive to work a job that doesn't pay at least 50k/yr and these folks don't typically have the skills to do such jobs.

can you get child tax credits if you are not working?
I know, I totally envy that family of 5 on welfare and food stamps. They are living the dream... time for them to pay their fair share!

Bill Gates would think the same about you. It is all about perspective. If you grew up with parents on food stamps in the projects, getting paid to stay there isn't such a bad option as compared to not having any more money and having to work for it.
This is why I recommend another brainy look at the Federal government by a star accounting/management firm, a "Grace Commission-2" to make recommendations how to streamline the Federal government and reduce spending. Fau-Chi giving the Wuhan Lab $600,000 for germ warfare research comes to mind.
Last time the DC coxuckers ignored the recommendations because of turf wars and political power. But a new commission needs to be done, instead of wasting time on political witch-hunt "investigations".
It's not a time to reduce spending, it's a time to increase spending and especially on the infrastructure, on which both sides are in agreement.
Along with that comes some inflation of course.
For America to catch up with the necessity is going to bring substantial inflation.
They are being paid to stay at home. It is as simple as that. Nobody is against food stamps, but many of us are against paying people more to stay home than to work and rewarding those who have more kids they can't afford. At some point they need to be held responsible for their actions/inactions. Democrats aren't interested. They would rather take money from the working people and hand it over with no questions asked.
I'm all for welfare reforms that incentivize working and production. Teach them to fish. No issues with that. But all I hear from the right is bitching about wasting money and calling poor people moochers. Sure some do mooch and take advantage of the system. The system should be made better to avoid that as much as possible. But there are sooo many more that it helps. So lets hear ideas on how to make it better and help more people in better ways. Not the peanut gallery that only has endless complaints about wasting money.
Yes, a family of 5 on welfare and SNAP, getting stimulus and child tax credits is doing pretty well. There is very little incentive to work a job that doesn't pay at least 50k/yr and these folks don't typically have the skills to do such jobs.
I don't see support for your notion that a family of 5 will get 50K without working under the dems proposals.

But if the dems proposed not giving income subsidies beyond Obamacare and educ to non-parent households AND subsidizing all households with two or more kids to have 50K I'd be ok with it, so long as if there were two parents the family would be doing better than with just one
Bill Gates would think the same about you. It is all about perspective. If you grew up with parents on food stamps in the projects, getting paid to stay there isn't such a bad option as compared to not having any more money and having to work for it.
They're not willing to work for wages on which people can't survive. A minimum wage would help but inflation comes with it.

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