Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

If you're one of the many (like me) who thinks that much of America's Christian population has sold its soul to a con man, here's a really interesting interview -- and one really fascinating point.

Tim Alberta is a devout Christian who has been so troubled by this that he has written a book on the topic. The interview is almost 36 minutes, but there is one moment where I think he makes a very interesting (and even fair, kind of) point. This doesn't absolve the obvious dishonesty and rank hypocrisy that we see, but at least it explains it in a way:

Mr. Alberta isn't a "devout Christian" at all, just a hardcore member of the Religious Left that pushed gay marriage, sodomy, gun control, etc., on the American people.

He would more accurately be called a devotee of Secular Humanism, like failed President Jimmy Carter is.
If you're one of the many (like me) who thinks that much of America's Christian population has sold its soul to a con man, here's a really interesting interview -- and one really fascinating point.

Tim Alberta is a devout Christian who has been so troubled by this that he has written a book on the topic. The interview is almost 36 minutes, but there is one moment where I think he makes a very interesting (and even fair, kind of) point. This doesn't absolve the obvious dishonesty and rank hypocrisy that we see, but at least it explains it in a way:

At 11:46: "For a lot of these people who are panicked, who are just stricken with fear about the culture changing so quickly and the country turning on Christianity, and that their faith is in the crosshairs and one day they're going to be persecuted for their faith in this country -- a lot of folks believe that -- they think the barbarians are at the gates, and so they need a barbarian to defend them. To protect them.

"And so, they look at Trump, and the behavior and the rhetoric, and in some sense, because he is not bound by biblical teachings, not bound by biblical virtues, he is free to fight for them in ways that no good Christian ever would".

Holy crap, that's interesting. MAGA followers by and large and not very good at articulating their reasoning, and he does a very good job here. Again, it doesn't explain away many of the behaviors, but at least there is some reasoning here to grab on to.

Real Americans don't like Marxist Regimes running OUR country. If you do, that doesn't speak very well of you Mac.
We're learning, on a national basis, how powerful wanting something to be true can be.

They want to believe he's a Christian, so badly. I think the point made by the guy in the OP makes sense. Most of them know he's lying about being Christian, but they've handed to keys to him because they're desperate. They're figure this obscene child is the only thing between them and Satan, so they've made him a deputized Christian. Just for now.

Just destroy everything in sight and we'll start over, something like that.

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We're learning, on a national basis, how powerful wanting something to be true can be.

They want to believe he's a Christian, so badly. I think the point made by the guy in the OP makes sense. Most of them know he's lying about being Christian, but they've handed to keys to him because they're desperate. They're figure this obscene child is the only thing between them and Satan, so they've made him a deputized Christian. Just for now.

Just destroy everything in sight and we'll start over, something like that.

If you can manage to believe in talking snakes and virgin birth, you can believe ANYTHING.
I think that's a very significant part of this. They're pre-conditioned to believe, and he knows how to pull that string.
Yup. To believe bullshit is a virtue in their world. To doubt is a sin. Those suckers were made for the likes of Trump.

Yup. To believe bullshit is a virtue in their world. To doubt is a sin. Those suckers were made for the likes of Trump.

Y'know, I see Christians lamenting the fact that fewer Americans are going to church, and the fact that religion is on the wane in general. And then you see this kind of thing, where they're choosing to attach themselves so closely to this person.

They're selling their soul to him for their own gain, and they don't see the role they're playing in their own decline by doing that. They're cheapening their religion. And then, of course, they play the persecuted victim, because that's the teaching. It's all feeding on itself.
Y'know, I see Christians lamenting the fact that fewer Americans are going to church, and the fact that religion is on the wane in general. And then you see this kind of thing, where they're choosing to attach themselves so closely to this person.

They're selling their soul to him for their own gain, and they don't see the role they're playing in their own decline by doing that. And then, of course, they play the persecuted victim, because that's the teaching. It's all feeding on itself.
Feeling persecuted gets those yahoos moist. Means the Bible is right. Just piss enough people off and the backlash is "persecution"
Sure.......................................................... Trump even recited his favorite passage.

Trump bungles Bible reference at Liberty University

View attachment 887353
https://www.politico.com › story › 2016/01 › trump-li...
Jan 18, 2016 — “We're going to protect Christianity. I can say that. I don't have to be politically correct,” he said. “Two Corinthians, 3:17, that's the whole ...
Obama loved mis using bible versus.
I am my brothers keepers taken out of context when Cain killed his brother Able. When God asked Cain where is your brother Able and, Cain responded am I my brothers keeper. So Obama misused a quote from the first murderer of the human race.

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