Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Hes using the commie tactic of a Wedge issue. If your a Christian you cant vote for him..

Blah blah blah

Mac has always been Full of it.
His base instinct is anti Christian more than anti trump

Which makes him solidly anti MAGA too

The left knows that Christians stand in the way of their agenda whether we vote for trump or the next man up

Christians have no place in Mac1958 ‘s world

Trump gaves 3 SCOTUS Picks. We'd have them subverting the Constitution had Hilliary chose them.

You mean they'd actually follow the constitution instead of giving us a Federalist society wish list?

Cut regulations. He was cutting red tape bs regs everywhere he could.
Yeah, who needs clean air, clean water, safe products, consumer protections. Damn bureaucrats preventing the rich from exploiting us!!!

Tax cuts. We all saw them.
We all saw the 8 Trillion in new debt someone is going to have to pay off at some point, too!
Push for more drilling. Fracking took off til the Globalist killed it with the Mail In Virus.
Yeah, who needs clean drinking water when you can have oil that is overpriced.

What killed it off was that fracking is only cost-effective when the cost of oil is high.

Border. He pushed to slow the flood across our border. Corrupt judges fighting it at every turn.

You mean actually, you know, following the law? Trump didn't reduce illegal immigration and made legal immigration that much harder.

He put Sanctions back on Iran where they should have stayed.

Resulting in Iran resuming its nuclear program. How is this a good thing by you.

It took a Pandemic to stop him from what was a very successful start. Then they used the mail in virus to steal an election.
How are mail in ballots 'stealing". 25% of people voted by mail before Covid, and no one had a complaint.
Ill take Trump any day of Career Globalist politicians who led us to this place.
I'm sure you would. He validates your failure.
Why would anybody trust a bunch of yahoos who clear their conscience by asking forgiveness from their invisible friend?
Or believe any of the fairy tales making up the foundation of christianity.
Dems using courts and bs law to steal other peoples money.
All legal and documented, unlike Trump.
No courts necessary.

Did the Trump Campaign Have To Issue Refunds for ...​

https://www.snopes.com › Fact Check

Claim: Supporters of former U.S. President Donald Trump got refunds after his campaign billed them repeatedly when they meant to make one-time donations.

Stacy Blatt was in hospice care last September listening to Rush Limbaugh’s dire warnings about how badly Donald J. Trump’s campaign needed money when he went online and chipped in everything he could: $500.

It was a big sum for a 63-year-old battling cancer and living in Kansas City on less than $1,000 per month. But that single contribution — federal records show it was his first ever — quickly multiplied. Another $500 was withdrawn the next day, then $500 the next week and every week through mid-October, without his knowledge — until Mr. Blatt’s bank account had been depleted and frozen. When his utility and rent payments bounced, he called his brother, Russell, for help.

What the Blatts soon discovered was $3,000 in withdrawals by the Trump campaign in less than 30 days. They called their bank and said they thought they were victims of fraud.

If you're one of the many (like me) who thinks that much of America's Christian population has sold its soul to a con man, here's a really interesting interview -- and one really fascinating point.

Tim Alberta is a devout Christian who has been so troubled by this that he has written a book on the topic. The interview is almost 36 minutes, but there is one moment where I think he makes a very interesting (and even fair, kind of) point. This doesn't absolve the obvious dishonesty and rank hypocrisy that we see, but at least it explains it in a way:

At 11:46: "For a lot of these people who are panicked, who are just stricken with fear about the culture changing so quickly and the country turning on Christianity, and that their faith is in the crosshairs and one day they're going to be persecuted for their faith in this country -- a lot of folks believe that -- they think the barbarians are at the gates, and so they need a barbarian to defend them. To protect them.

"And so, they look at Trump, and the behavior and the rhetoric, and in some sense, because he is not bound by biblical teachings, not bound by biblical virtues, he is free to fight for them in ways that no good Christian ever would".


Or believe any of the fairy tales making up the foundation of christianity.
I think religion has value. It provides answers, strength, hope, guidance, comfort. Those are all good things in general. There are a lot of good, decent people who need those things.

But when it becomes organized, and people start leveraging it and weaponizing it, that's when it becomes twisted, and something different.

Many ask how Evangelical Christians – who are supposed to be the epitome of virtuous morality – can support the likes of Trump, an immoral womanizer, degenerate, and rapist?

The answer is they use a classic double-standard.

According to Evangelical dogma, ‘god’ created men to be immoral, unfaithful, and prone to engaged in all manner of sexual debauchery.

And because this is how ‘god’ created men, they can’t help but be immoral womanizing degenerates and are allowed to sin with impunity – needless to say, this doesn’t apply to women, who are expected to be pure and virginal.

It’s yet another manifestation of the Christian right’s dishonest hypocrisy.
Many ask how Evangelical Christians – who are supposed to be the epitome of virtuous morality – can support the likes of Trump, an immoral womanizer, degenerate, and rapist?

The answer is they use a classic double-standard.

According to Evangelical dogma, ‘god’ created men to be immoral, unfaithful, and prone to engaged in all manner of sexual debauchery.

And because this is how ‘god’ created men, they can’t help but be immoral womanizing degenerates and are allowed to sin with impunity – needless to say, this doesn’t apply to women, who are expected to be pure and virginal.

It’s yet another manifestation of the Christian right’s dishonest hypocrisy.

That was dumb . You pull crap outta your hole and nobody believes you

What's your problem Jones? Seriously
The indoctrination is clear, and stories about it occur everyday....That you do your best to gaslight and say it's not there, we can see...Here's just the latest example...

"A history teacher at a Seattle high school who previously came under fire for lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity allegedly told students that identifying as "straight" is offensive.

Ian Golash, who is the social studies department chair at Chief Sealth International High School, also told some male students they are a "product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care," according to a parent who filed a complaint with school officials. "

Again, there is no ‘indoctrination’ – that’s a lie.
So exactly WTF does Lincoln have to do with the civil rights act of the 1960's. Lemme help because you are a MAGAGATARD and logic is tough for you, NOT A DAMN THING!!!!

I never connected Lincoln to the Civil Rights Act.

Are you always this fuckin stupid? Take your strawman and stick it, dumbass

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