Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

So this alberta dude should know that being a devout christian, you're not supposed to judge the non-believer but yet there he is judging away as the Mac man tries to make some hay. lol. The mac man.

Trump-Putin meeting: Putin doesn't deny the “pee tape” ...

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https://www.vox.com › trump-putin-pee-tape
Jul 16, 2018 — Putin was asked whether Russian intelligence has any compromising material on President Trump.

Mueller Report Shows Depth of Connections Between ...

The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › U.S. › Politics
Jan 26, 2019 — Donald J. Trump and 18 of his associates had at least 140 contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, during the ...

Vox? I'm pretty sure if there was a pee tape it'd be shown by now

Just stop you deluded fool
Evangelicals weren’t initially opposed to abortion – they considered it a ‘Catholic issue.’

In the early 70s Evangelicals were neutral concerning abortion, and certainly not political about it; indeed, in 1971 the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution calling for the legalization of abortion.

Racism was the motivating factor for the Christo-fascist right to use religion as a political weapon.

He was a Republican you worthless ankle snapping dweeb. Catch up on the entire conversation and then comment
I realize this and my point is I think most everyone realizes it.

So my question is did you think people didn't know this? Is that why you posted that Lincoln was a republican?
Evangelicals weren’t initially opposed to abortion – they considered it a ‘Catholic issue.’

In the early 70s Evangelicals were neutral concerning abortion, and certainly not political about it; indeed, in 1971 the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution calling for the legalization of abortion.

Racism was the motivating factor for the Christo-fascist right to use religion as a political weapon.

Absolutely nobody should believe your word salad

Trump gaves 3 SCOTUS Picks. We'd have them subverting the Constitution had Hilliary chose them.

Cut regulations. He was cutting red tape bs regs everywhere he could.

Tax cuts. We all saw them.

Push for more drilling. Fracking took off til the Globalist killed it with the Mail In Virus.

Border. He pushed to slow the flood across our border. Corrupt judges fighting it at every turn.

ROEs on the battlefield were reduced. He allowed a Moab hit on the Taliban.

He put Sanctions back on Iran where they should have stayed.

Ukraine. He gave lethal weapons to them Obama/ Biden did not.

It took a Pandemic to stop him from what was a very successful start. Then they used the mail in virus to steal an election.

Ill take Trump any day of Career Globalist politicians who led us to this place.
Oh my! Not "offensive"! Fucking snowflake....People get offended everyday by a myriad of things...Hell, I'm offended that this student was targeted by a woke activist parading as a teacher, indoctrinating this nations kids...But, I guess in your world it depends on WHO is the offended class....

Yes, it does. White/Straight/Cisgender males ALREADY have all the privilege, they don't get to be offended.

I am not a fan of PDA's (Public displays of affection) It's kind of a voyeuristic thing...I don't have a problem with gay couples holding hands, or anything like that, more power to em...But, just as it would be inappropriate to go to a park beside a playground and engage in 'heavy petting', that goes for anyone, gay or straight...

Absolutely, and being a "jerk" also involves pushing the gay agenda into the face of random people who are just minding their own business, to make them acquiesce to the narratives of these individuals...
Ohh, the Gay Agenda.



All I can say is Fuck you! You jerk...I am NONE of these vile labels you'd like to assign just because I don't agree with your views....You're the jerk.
I think your bigotry speaks for itself. You are just trying to cling to the last bits you can get away with. "oh, oh, can I still hate on the Trans people, pretty please?"
The only "influencer that matters.........to his gullible cult.
Send him some more $$$.
Trump's lawyers need it.

Trump Begs MAGA for Money to Pay NY AG's Suggested ...

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MeidasTouch Network
https://www.meidastouch.com › news › trump-begs-m...
Jan 5, 2024 — After NY Attorney General Letitia James announced today that her office will be seeking a $370 million fine in his NY civil fraud trial, ...
Dems using courts and bs law to steal other peoples money.

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