Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

They do????? Since when????

Why do YOU think that the Republican House and Republican Senate passed a Resolution - 99 to 1 in the Senate, which barred the President from lifting sanctions on Russia without Congressional Consent, prior to Trump being sworn in?

This was the one and only nearly unanimous thing both Houses have passed in my lifetime.
Educate yourself numbnuts
"As I said all in coming new administration contact Russia before the new president is sworn in".

Maybe they do, except the Trump regime wasn't incoming, Trump was still a candidate.

Trump campaign's Russia contacts 'grave' threat, Senate ...

View attachment 888127
AP News
https://apnews.com › article › ap-top-news-internation...
Aug 18, 2020 — WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump campaign's interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 presidential election posed a “grave” ...
Numbnuts read the source
They'll cherry-pick the Bible to pieces, to justify their behaviors. America's jihadis.

Religion sure can be easily perverted. As we're seeing.
Liars such as yourself and that Canadian say some stupid unknowledgeable shit
There's one now.

They didn't just sell their soul to a con man, they sold their religion's soul to a con man.
Failure on your part

Show that slavery and Civil Rights were not a North/ South issue vs a political issue or STFU

I am able to back my claim with numbers and data
You fail to do so miserably
most republicans opposed civil rights because of the "government over reach" / states rights business they love to pull out when they are about to screw people over. prior to civil rights there were too few republicans in the south for a decent statistical sample.

far from being the heroes of the 1960s, republicans were irrelevant as WE, from the bottom, pulled our party and nation into the 20th century on civil rights, anti war, environment, and every other issue.

republicans love to raise the spectre of the old southern democrats, but bt 1976 people like strom thurmond and jesse helms became republican leaders, while some like byrd and jimmy carter at least gave the new reality a chance.
Do you think this is a revelation?

Who told you Lincoln was a democrat?
in 1864 lincoln and his new vp, a kentucky democrat, ran on an "american union" ticket. his congress and cabinet were full of the "radical republicans, but lincoln was clearly looking past the impending end of the war
Worth a bump;

Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed​

Mac1958 Jun2023 Vrcaez00410 inserted two quotes:

ActionJackson said: “So you ARE a Commie. Thought so!”

Vrenn said: “You just used the Magic Word. Say goodnight, gracie”

Mac1958 Jun2023 Vrcaez00410: “It's all they know.”

Mac1958 Jun2023 Vrcaez00410 inserted two images:


mvcnnnn 230628 Vrcaez00410

We can simplify politics by recognizing that there are only two types of voters:

Republican fixed and leaning voters are “faith based” regardless whether or not they have become “born again” into the Evangelical religious community. Irrationality is acceptable when faith in religious group think gives them the ability to disregard information that is grounded in objective reality because it does not comply with group faith based beliefs and truth.

Democrats fixed and leaning voters are “information based” regardless whether or not they have become “born again” into the Evangelical religious community.

Black evangelical Christians have the same “religion” as their white counterparts, however they know better what it means to be deprived of the same rights and opportunities that white evangelicals have enjoyed historically to hustle up the good life in a mostly white Christian nation.

The “mostly white” part of that is shrinking and that is what the MAGA brain surgeon in the 2nd image is afraid of.

Obama set them off and Trump has become the great white hope, even for evangelicals who should know better but they can’t overcome their fear no matter how much information the world throws at them.

nf.24.01.20 #270
bumping rcaez00410
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Worth a bump;

Mac1958 Jun2023 Vrcaez00410 inserted two quotes:

ActionJackson said: “So you ARE a Commie. Thought so!”

Vrenn said: “You just used the Magic Word. Say goodnight, gracie”

Mac1958 Jun2023 Vrcaez00410: “It's all they know.”

Mac1958 Jun2023 Vrcaez00410 inserted two images:
View attachment 890766

View attachment 890767
mvcnnnn 230628 Vrcaez00410

We can simplify politics by recognize that their are only two types of voters:

Republican fixed and leaning voters are “faith based” regardless whether or not they have become “born again” into the Evangelical religious community. Irrationality is acceptable when faith in religious group think gives them the ability to disregard information that is grounded in objective reality that does not comply with group faith based beliefs and truth.

Democrats fixed and leaning voters are “information based” regardless whether or not they have become “born again” into the Evangelical religious community.

Black evangelical Christians have the same “religion” as their white counterparts, however they know better what it means to be deprived of the same rights and opportunities that white evangelicals have enjoyed historically to hustle up the good life in a mostly white Christian nation.

The “mostly white” part of that is shrinking and that is what the MAGA brain surgeon in the 2nd image is afraid of.

Obama set them off and Trump has become the great white hope, even for evangelicals who should know better but they can’t overcome their fear no matter how much information the world throws at them.

bumping rcaez00410
The dems are tainted by communism

They want to take the wealth of rich people and distribute it among their voter base

“From each according to ability, to each according to need”

Dems embrace government as the solution to every problem and thats communist
Worth a bump;

Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed​

Mac1958 Jun2023 Vrcaez00410 inserted two quotes:

ActionJackson said: “So you ARE a Commie. Thought so!”

Vrenn said: “You just used the Magic Word. Say goodnight, gracie”

Mac1958 Jun2023 Vrcaez00410: “It's all they know.”

Mac1958 Jun2023 Vrcaez00410 inserted two images:
View attachment 890766

View attachment 890767
mvcnnnn 230628 Vrcaez00410

We can simplify politics by recognizing that there are only two types of voters:

Republican fixed and leaning voters are “faith based” regardless whether or not they have become “born again” into the Evangelical religious community. Irrationality is acceptable when faith in religious group think gives them the ability to disregard information that is grounded in objective reality because it does not comply with group faith based beliefs and truth.

Democrats fixed and leaning voters are “information based” regardless whether or not they have become “born again” into the Evangelical religious community.

Black evangelical Christians have the same “religion” as their white counterparts, however they know better what it means to be deprived of the same rights and opportunities that white evangelicals have enjoyed historically to hustle up the good life in a mostly white Christian nation.

The “mostly white” part of that is shrinking and that is what the MAGA brain surgeon in the 2nd image is afraid of.

Obama set them off and Trump has become the great white hope, even for evangelicals who should know better but they can’t overcome their fear no matter how much information the world throws at them.

nf.24.01.20 #270
bumping rcaez00410
You're an idiot

Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed​

Mac1958 Jun2023 Vrcaez00410 inserted two images:

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Abortion is a states right issue numbnuts
Is deciding in private to terminate an unwanted pregnancy an act that is harmful to civil order in any way if a supernatural creator being is out of the question?

btw I am cognizant Saint Bigrebnc1775 of your beyond creepy authoritarianism.

nf.24.01.20 Vpmaez Post00279
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Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

The dems are tainted by communism

Mac-7 Jan2024 Spmoez00271: The dems are tainted by communism •¥• They want to take the wealth of rich people and distribute it among their voter base •¥¥• mvc-n 240120 Spmoez00271

What ideology is it when the Republican Party robs the pittance of income in the middle to bottom half and distribute it to the richest in the top twenty percent.

Obama's Legacy: richest got richer and poorest got poorer faster than under Bush/Republicans​

NotfooledbyW inserted: That is just unsubstantiated partisan speculation.​
From 1979-2007 (Reagan & GW. Bush) after-tax household income changed per Cong. Budget Office:​
* Top 1% income increased from 8% to 17%​
* Top 20% income increased from 43% to 53%​
* Middle 60% income down 2-3%​
* Lowest 20% income down from 7% to 5%​

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

I’ll just call it the white Christian nationalist and the saving baby fetus movement that began in the mid seventies. ( see nfbw 230927 00011 ) Now, MAGA for short MAGA dreaming about going back to the FIFTIES.

nf.24.01.20 2Vomaez280
to Spmoez00271
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