Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Used to be a evangelicals insisted on a moral code for the candidates they support.
Good family values, church goer, temperate in speech and actions.

Now they are willing to sell out their moral code as long as a candidate hates gays, non-Christian’s and wants to ban abortion
It's called the alternative is evil!

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

What’s it called Saint Bigreb1775 when global “strongmen” have each others’ back? aka Putin Orban & Trump

Do you agree Saint Bigreb1775 that Trump is a strongman? and Biden is a weak man?

“There’s a great man, a great leader in Europe, Viktor Orbán,” the likely GOP nominee said. “He’s the prime minister of Hungary. He’s a very great leader, a very strong man. Some people don’t like him because he’s too strong. It’s nice to have a strongman running the country.” DJT.24.01.20​

Dobbs offers states a right to impose successful white European Catholic sexual behavior on women or stay out of it.​

NotfooledbyW Oct2023 Vdosar00010: “”The liberal ideology that has underpinned Western democracy for decades is “obsolete“.” vldmrpvtvn190628” •¥•

Speaking to the FT on the eve of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, during which world leaders will discuss trade, security and other matters, Putin said “the liberal idea” had “outlived its purpose” and “come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population. “ nfbw 231004 Vdosar00010

Nikki now in 2nd place! At 15% now. This is huge​

BS Filter Dec2023 Snnis00018: “There sure was a lot more peace when Trump was President.” bsfltr 231208 Snnisp00018

NotfooledbyW Dec2023 Vnnisp00048: Putin had the greatest Russian asset he ever could’ve dreamed of having in the WH between 2015 and 2021 and was playing a global long game to destroy the same European western liberal democracies that stood with Russia in Hitler’s way seven decades earlier. •¥• It is certain that Putin knew the benefit to his push for global domination and the dissolution of NATO was in the hands of American voters in November of 2020 as a worse case scenario for Russia. •¥¥• We may never know however, how much Putin understood that his greatest asset and leader of the MAGA movement would attempt a coup of western liberal democracy in the nation that invented it and the most powerful member nation of NATO, by never accepting the reality that he lost. •¥¥¥• Putin must be astounded at what a great asset the Republican Party has become and remains after J6, The MAGA Christ-Centered GOP remains under the control of irrational white Christian superstition along with it’s MAGA unchurched voters. And this political upheaval is all still under the second Son of God who was born to return America to her original white Christian roots. •¥¥¥¥• You are kidding yourself if you think Putin would mess up his seventy million MAGA Russian agents while their authoritarian strongman leader was an occupant of the White House. •¥¥¥¥¥• nfbw 231208 Vnnisp00048 to Snnisp00018

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

Putin prefers MAGA to win US elections because MAGA is weak against him, Trump leads MAGA. That is true in the universe of facts based reality.

Figure it out.

nfbw 240124 Vpmaez00320
to bvgrvbncnnnn 240124 Spmaez00319
You got nothing but fake news otherwise known as democrat propaganda. Come back when you got something worth talking about.
It's called the alternative is evil!
It's called being stupid enough to believe that there's only one alternative. It leads to getting yourself so pumped up with fear and hatred that you'll vote for anyone, even if they are thoroughly contemptible, as long as they say they're on your "side".
You got nothing but fake news
Just reporting DJT’s words verbatim;

“There’s a great man, a great leader in Europe, Viktor Orbán,” the likely GOP nominee said. “He’s the prime minister of Hungary. He’s a very great leader, a very strong man. Some people don’t like him because he’s too strong. It’s nice to have a strongman running the country.” DJT.24.01.20
Just reporting DJT’s words verbatim;

“There’s a great man, a great leader in Europe, Viktor Orbán,” the likely GOP nominee said. “He’s the prime minister of Hungary. He’s a very great leader, a very strong man. Some people don’t like him because he’s too strong. It’s nice to have a strongman running the country.” DJT.24.01.20
Yes it's a known fact how your democrat propaganda takes Trump's word and twist them into something he didn't say
“There’s a great man, a great leader in Europe, Viktor Orbán,” the likely GOP nominee said. “He’s the prime minister of Hungary. He’s a very great leader, a very strong man. Some people don’t like him because he’s too strong. It’s nice to have a strongman running the country.” DJT.24.01.20

Yes it's a known fact how your democrat propaganda takes Trump's word and twist them into something he didn't say

Trump: There’s a great man in Europe. Viktor Orbán… He’s a very strong man. It’s nice to have a strongman running your country

Do you Saint Bigrebnc1775 want Trump to be a white Christian nationalist strongman like Orban?

Orbán urges Christian nationalists in Europe and US to ‘unite forces’ at CPAC​

Hungary’s prime minister delivers opening address to American conservatives at CPAC in Texas​
David Smith in Washington 4 Aug 202​
Viktor Orbán, the autocratic leader of Hungary, has urged Christian nationalists in Europe and the US to “unite our forces” during a speech to American conservatives in Texas.​
The prime minister met the former US president Donald Trump in New Jersey earlier this week and, on Thursday, delivered the opening address at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas, Texas.​
Orbán was given a rapturous welcome despite controversy last month when he railed against Europe becoming a “mixed-race” society, comments that one of his closest aides compared to the Nazis before resigning in protest​
In his CPAC address, he sought to portray western civilization as under siege from progressives and offer a rallying cry for fighting back. He took aim at familiar targets such as illegal immigration, same-sex marriage, “leftist media” and philanthropist George Soros while quoting the Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Clint Eastwood. There were frequent cheers and applause from those present.​
“We are not the favorites of the American Democrats,” Orbán said. “They did not want me to be here and they made every effort to drive a wedge between us. They hate me and slander me and my country as they hate you and slander you and America you stand for​
“We all know how this works. Progressive liberals didn’t want me to be here because they knew what I would tell you – because I’m here to tell you that we should unite our forces because we Hungarians know how to defeat the enemies of freedom on the political battlefield.”​
Orbán’s invitation to CPAC reflects conservatives’ growing embrace of the Hungarian far-right leader whose country has implemented hardline policies against immigration and LGBTQ+ rights, and is governed by single-party rule. He addressed a special edition of CPAC in Budapest earlier this year.​
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“There’s a great man, a great leader in Europe, Viktor Orbán,” the likely GOP nominee said. “He’s the prime minister of Hungary. He’s a very great leader, a very strong man. Some people don’t like him because he’s too strong. It’s nice to have a strongman running the country.” DJT.24.01.20

Trump: Theres a great man in Europe. Viktor Orbán… He’s a very strong man. It’s nice to have a strongman running your country

Do you Saint Bigrebnc1775 want Trump to be a strongman like Orban?
Yawn democrat propaganda
Yawn democrat propaganda
Why is Trump spewing Democrat propaganda?

Trump: There’s a great man in Europe. Viktor Orbán… He’s a very strong man. It’s nice to have a strongman running your country.

Do you like Orban Saint Bigrebnc1775?
Why is Trump spewing Democrat propaganda?

Trump: There’s a great man in Europe. Viktor Orbán… He’s a very strong man. It’s nice to have a strongman running your country.

Do you like Orban Saint Bigrebnc1775?
It's a known fact democrat cult media took Trump's words and twisted them into something he never said
It's a known fact democrat cult media took Trump's words and twisted them into something he never said

What do these words
mean to you Saint Bigrebnc1775?

Trump: There’s a great man in Europe. Viktor Orbán… He’s a very strong man. It’s nice to have a strongman running your country.
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Just reporting DJT’s words verbatim;

“There’s a great man, a great leader in Europe, Viktor Orbán,” the likely GOP nominee said. “He’s the prime minister of Hungary. He’s a very great leader, a very strong man. Some people don’t like him because he’s too strong. It’s nice to have a strongman running the country.” DJT.24.01.20
You don't like strong leaders?

New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.​

ThisIsMe Nov2023 Snhsfc00005: “You mean this??”


“Also, what exactly is the definition of a “Christian nationalist”?” thssm 231110 Snhsfc00005

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

A typical white Christian Nationalist considers Jesus Christ, the supernatural desert Bible’s one and only Son of God, to be the centerpiece of all truth.That is ALL TRUTH.

Here is one white Christian nationalist
with that supernatural “desert god” worldview giving you her definition of what she believes:

Cheryl Chumley: Don’t let the left redefine this phrase.​
Christian Nationalism is all about Founding Father visions for this country — the ones that say our guiding principles are those rooted in Judeo-Christianity; the ones that say America is indeed exceptional because America was indeed blessed by God at the beginning; the ones that say this country did indeed have a covenant with God, called the Mayflower Compact; the ones that say it’s this basic beginning that led to all the greatness that America was, is and truly will be.​

Key phrase in the above is the supernatural concept of ”a covenant with God.

Can you tell me Saint ThisIsMe what the phrase ”a covenant with God.“ means to you?

#nfbw 240124 333
to Snhsfc00005
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New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.​

ThisIsMe Nov2023 Snhsfc00005: “You mean this??”

View attachment 892748
“Also, what exactly is the definition of a “Christian nationalist”?” thssm 231110 Snhsfc00005

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

A typical white Christian Nationalist considers Jesus Christ, the supernatural desert Bible’s one and only Son of God, is the centerpiece of all truth.

Here is one white Christian nationalist
with that supernatural “desert god” worldview giving you her definition of what she believes:

Cheryl Chumley: Don’t let the left redefine this phrase.​
Christian Nationalism is all about Founding Father visions for this country — the ones that say our guiding principles are those rooted in Judeo-Christianity; the ones that say America is indeed exceptional because America was indeed blessed by God at the beginning; the ones that say this country did indeed have a covenant with God, called the Mayflower Compact; the ones that say it’s this basic beginning that led to all the greatness that America was, is and truly will be.​

Key phrase in the above is the supernatural concept of ”a covenant with God.

Can you tell me Saint ThisIsMe what the phrase ”a covenant with God.“ means to you?

#nfbw 240124 333
to Snhsfc00005
Hello again Botmaster 5000!

I’m no saint…so you can drop all that nonsense.

A covenant with God? I would say that is defined as an agreement? A pact? That’s how I would define a covenant.

What does the words of Cheryl Chumley have to do with me, or the flag hanging outside Mike Johnson’s office?

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:​

ThisIsMe Nov2023 Srftma00037: Dobbs had nothing to do with restricting abortions, it was putting the power correctly, in the hands of the states. thssm 231121 Srftma00037

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

ThisIsMe Jan2024 Spmaez: “I’m no saint…so you can drop all that nonsense.” thssm 240124 Somaez00334

You are either Non-churched MAGA or Churched MAGA, but you post and vote white evangelical Christian churched MAGA.

You are a Saint for the record (on USMB) in the MAGA church because you are in favor of granting white Christian nationalist run states the authority to force full term gestation on every state resident who becomes pregnant, You stated your position in Somaez00334

nfbw 240124 Vmaez00335
to Somaez00334
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Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

ThisIsMe Jan2024 Spmaez00334: What does the words of Cheryl Chumley have to do with me… thssm 240124 Spmaez00334

You asked this question;

New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.​

ThisIsMe Nov2023 Snhsfc00005: “… what exactly is the definition of a “Christian nationalist”?” thssm 231110 Snhsfc00005

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

So because you vote MAGA I thought it would be much more credible for you to get a definition from a white Christian Nationalist straight from a saint’s “saved by Jesus” mouth.

Is there a problem? May I continue?

nfbw 240125 Vpmaez00336
to Spmaez00334
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Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

You don't like strong leaders?
Trump didn’t say “strong leader” he said “strongman” Hitler was a “strong man”
Yawn democrat propaganda

Trump: Viktor Orbán… It’s nice to have a strongman running your country. nfbw 240124 Vpmaez00329

Do you like Orban Saint Bigrebnc1775?
nfbw 240124 Vpmaez00329

Christian nationalism | Definition, History, United States, & Facts

In 2010 the political party of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán won two-thirds of the seats in the National Assembly, allowing the party to pass a new constitution in 2011. That constitution included recognition of “the role of Christianity in preserving nationhood” and a need for “spiritual and intellectualrenewal.” During the Syrian refugee crisis, Orbán’s government opposed the resettlement of asylum seekers in Europe, in part on the basis of religion, writing in a 2015 op-ed in Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper, “Most [refugees] are not Christian, but Muslim.” In December 2020 an anti-LGBTQ+ amendment to the Hungarian constitution was passed that restricted adoptions to heterosexual couples and mandated that children be raised with “values based on our Christian culture.”

Just reporting DJT’s words verbatim;

“There’s a great man, a great leader in Europe, Viktor Orbán,” the likely GOP nominee said. “He’s the prime minister of Hungary. He’s a very great leader, a very strong man. Some people don’t like him because he’s too strong. It’s nice to have a strongman running the country.” DJT.24.01.20

Crepitus said:

First and foremost it's anti-American.

Here's the definition for ya.


Christian nationalism | Definition, History, United States, & Facts

New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.​

ThisIsMe Nov2024 Snhsfc00149: “Oh…Christian’s want America to be a Christian nation…that’s not news” thssm 241111 Snhsfc00149

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

Normal Christians are Americanized, law abiding and hardworking and they know the US Constitution is not a white Christian protecting and favoring document established by and for some kind of supernatural covenant between the Mayflower settlers and Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

No mention of such a covenant in the US Constitution.

Without White Christian Nationalists (WCN’s) voting for The Donald the Strongman (TDTS) you as an individual
billionaire whether wannabe or real, you do not have a GOP duped voter base to reduce your taxes and gut regulations in environment, workplace, securities and exchange, no deregulation in the insurance and finance industries.

You Saint Thisisme don’t have any of your fsvorite culture war issues to vote for.

#nfbw 240125 Vpmaez00339 to Snhsfc00149
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