Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240210
protectionist Feb’24 Spmaez: You can present them to the US Supreme Court who will cancel all charges gainst Trump based on immunity, prtctnst 240210 Spmaez00706

The Federalist Society Isn’t Quite Sure About Democracy Anymore But now that conservatives have secured a solid majority on the Supreme Court — and voters in several red states have  soundly rejected hard-line positions on abortion — a spirited debate is underway within the Federalist Society about the wisdom of deferring to democratic majorities as a matter of principle. nfbw inserted link Vpmaez00721

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240211
Do you really believe Saint Protectionist that the USSC will reject the Constitutionality and wisdom of deferring to the potentially criminal actions of one man and his willing subordinates who outright rejected the electoral college will of the certified democratic majorities in all fifty states and attempted to take the will of the voters from them in a process that involved alleged criminal fraud. Do you think they will award Trump a permission slip to commit election fraud for his picked successor if he wins the the real Oval Office agsin?

nfbw 240211 Vpmaez00721
to Spmaez00706
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61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal! 230530
protectionist said: “The preborn person's needs (to not be killed) rank higher than the pregnant woman's needs (except in some extreme circumstances” prtctnst 230530 S6asas00513

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240211
Did the majority of the voters in Ohio have the right to amend their Constitution to affirm the right to rank the pregnant woman’s right to make a private decision higher than her fetuses right to not be killed on her authority? #722

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240210
protectionist Feb’24 Spmaez: I know what the special counsel said. I know exactly what he said. He's WRONG, and so are you.
prtctnst 240210 Spmaez00700

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240211
Did the pro-Biden majority of all the voters in Georgia Michigan and Wisconsin rank higher than Trump’s desire and J6 attempt to reject the votes in those states so he could stay in power beyond January 20, 2021? #722

nfbw 240211 Vomaez00722
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Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240210
NotfooledbyW Feb’24 Vpmaez: Jack Smith has a whole set of facts and evidence that were presented to a grand jury. •¥• Your facts are meaningless unless you present them as a rebuttal to the indictment that the grand jury agreed upon. •¥¥ • What am I supposed to do with your set of facts Saint protectionist? •¥¥¥• nfbw 240210 Vpmaez00705 to Spmaez00701

protectionist Feb’24 Spmaez: You can present them to the US Supreme Court who will cancel all charges gainst Trump based on immunity, prtctnst 240210 Spmaez00706 to •¥¥¥• Vpmaez00705

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240211
The USSC will not decide that a one term president who loses a run for a second term has immunity to disregard the Constitution in order to attempt to prevent the incoming administration from being inaugurated so the loser of the presidential election can “win” a second term by fraud.

nfbw 240211 Vpmaez00720 to Spmaez00706
I heard the recording of Trump with his two goons trying to intimidate the head of the Georgia State ballot count effort or election committee. I don't know exactly what it was called, but he was the head of the effort to count the ballots and they were trying to bully him to cheat for Trump essentially. It's 100% clear from that "shakedown" recording. The verbal exchange was something you would expect in a banana republic, a third-world country, not here in the US. It was shameful and if Trump goes to jail for that, I don't see how anyone can pretend what he did wasn't a crime. Just that alone should be enough to land him in prison.
I heard the recording of Trump with his two goons trying to intimidate the head of the Georgia State ballot count effort or election committee. I don't know exactly what it was called, but he was the head of the effort to count the ballots and they were trying to bully him to cheat for Trump essentially. It's 100% clear from that "shakedown" recording. The verbal exchange was something you would expect in a banana republic, a third-world country, not here in the US. It was shameful and if Trump goes to jail for that, I don't see how anyone can pretend what he did wasn't a crime. Just that alone should be enough to land him in prison.
In a normal time, this would be a slam dunk.

But we have just eliminated all standards for this person. I don't know how it happened, I don't know what it means, but it doesn't say anything good about this country.
I have no idea what that question means, but since you're a Trumpster, I'm sure your answer completely favors the GQP.

I don't think you understood my point, but that's okay. I would have been shocked if you had.

Maybe you didn’t understand my point. Everybody needs skin in the game with regards to the economic success of our country. Democrat’s policies perpetuate exactly the opposite, with the “rich” paying the bills and the “poor” voting for the rich to pay their bills. Personal responsibility, aka having skin in the game, is not a tenant of the current Democratic Party.

Suffering from TDS, I don’t expect you to be capable of following any logical path, particularly if that path was followed by Trump.
Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 241011
Red Front Feb’24 Vpmaez: I heard the recording of Trump with his two goons trying to intimidate the head of the Georgia State ballot count effort or election committee. I don't know exactly what it was called, but he was the head of the effort to count the ballots and they were trying to bully him to cheat for Trump essentially. It's 100% clear from that "shakedown" recording. The verbal exchange was something you would expect in a banana republic, a third-world country, not here in the US. It was shameful and if Trump goes to jail for that, I don't see how anyone can pretend what he did wasn't a crime. Just that alone should be enough to land him in prison. rvdfrvnt 241011 Vpmaez00723

Mac1958 Feb’24 Vpmaez: In a normal time, this would be a slam dunk. •¥• But we have just eliminated all standards for this person. •¥¥• I don't know how it happened, I don't know what it means, but it doesn't say anything good about this country. •¥¥¥• mvcnnnn 240211 Vomaez00724 to rvdfrvnt 241011 Vpmaez00723

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 241011 #726
Steady as she goes Sir Mac1958, worry of course, with alertness and reason. Joe Biden has the voters and truthtellers that are Making America Normal Again.


The once powerful frigate MAGA; Making America (biblically) GREAT Again has lost her main sail. Dobbs was the cannonball that broke the mast in two.

The “Saving Baby Fetus Cult” and all the Saints on board are going down with their ship - USS Donald J Trump seemingly unaware the she has been hit.

Citing rise of ‘Christian nationalism,’ Secular Democrats unveil sweeping recommendations for Biden

"Nature's God: The Heretical Origins Of The American Republic,"

NotfooledbyW May’21 Vcrocn inserted: RATH: An insult hurled at people like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. But weren't a lot of the deists regular churchgoers? •¥¥• STEWART: Yes, they did go to church. Bear in mind that religion at the time was an incredibly complex thing, and there were people of all different stripes of Christianity. And there were a fair number of quite liberal churches. In fact, Unitarianism really originates in this period. And in addition to that, the society was such that you pretty much had to go to church in order to participate in it. •¥¥¥• So, you know, George Washington participated as a vestryman in his local congregation, but that didn't really imply any particular kind of religious belief. This was necessary in order to participate in the society. But I think by virtue of that Christianity being so widespread, in the way, it was richer and more open, perhaps, then it would later become. •¥¥¥¥• RATH: You know, Jefferson, for all of his radicalism, he still admired the moral code of Jesus. So is there any harm in thinking of nature's God as the Christian God? •¥¥¥¥¥• STEWART: There's no harm at all because you can think of these things in any way you like. And, certainly, Jefferson, like all of America's founders, appreciated the tremendous value and richness of the Christian tradition and of other religious traditions. The important point, though, is that he understood that value to lie in the morality, and this morality was ultimately based on reason. •¥¥¥¥¥,¥• RATH: I think for me the biggest revelation in the book was about the founding father I knew the least about - Ethan Allen, who was just way more revolutionary and interesting than I had any idea from high school civics. nfbw 210501 Vcrocn00302

#nfbw 240211 Vpmaez00726
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Tommy Feb’24 Tainant said: It’s a poor choice for the American people. Neither candidate inspires much optimism. How did it get to this ? tmmytnnt 240210 Xtsfim00001

I love the Guardian but that headline is stupid. The Piece however is excellent because it brings up this essential point in the the last sentence :

On the other hand … oh dear. According to polling, Biden’s age and cognitive glitches are his biggest vulnerability with voters. As for his likely opponent, for my armchair diagnosis, the most terrifying thing about Donald Trump is that he is completely sane (unless you count advanced narcissism, which I suppose we have to these days). But Trump is a mere three years younger than Biden, often walks with a wobble, and himself recently confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi in a rant. So is it fair that the one should face infinitely more scrutiny on the lost-plot front than the other?

If Joe had started his presidency with a vibrant recovered full participation working class economy, with all things being the same on the lost-plot front; and having vanquished an anti-democratic, anti-American, criminally indicted conspiracy leading sore loser; the losers in this country would not see it and keep on keepin’ themselves in the fantasy world that they were cheated out of their white grievance superhero in power for four more years of smashing the libs.

Being needy for optimism about the future from a president is a perversion of the American spirit.

We are supposed to have that frontier spirit embedded in our souls that began with the Declaration of Independence under the authority of “Natures God”

To figure out what dampens The American Spirit under a universal Nature’s God, you have to start by getting to know Thomas Paine. The Evangelicals began to bury the man of reason who inspired the greatest revolution of all mankind at Cane Ridge Kentucky in 1801, and from then on thereabouts the Biblical Triple God of the Desert took over.

Revival at Cane Ridge | Christian History Magazine
  • On a trip to Tennessee in 1794, Methodist bishop Francis Asbury wrote anxiously about frontier settlers, “When I reflect that not one in a hundred came here to get religion, but rather to get plenty of good land, I think it will be well if some or many do not eventually lose their souls.”
  • Andrew Fulton, a Presbyterian missionary from Scotland, discovered in Nashville and in “all the newly formed towns in this western colony, there are few religious people.”
  • The minutes of the frontier Transylvania Presbytery reveal deep concern about the “prevalence of vice & infidelity, the great apparent declension of true vital religion in too many places.” Rampant alcoholism and avaricious land-grabbing were matched by the increasing popularity of both universalism (the doctrine that all will be saved) and deism (the belief that God is uninvolved in the world).
  • Methodist James Smith, traveling near Lexington in the autumn of 1795 feared that “the universalists, joining with the Deists, had given Christianity a deadly stab hereabouts.”
nfbw 240211 Vpmaez00727
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Who are the Maga's 240211
buttercup Feb’24 Swatmz: “I am not a Trump supporter.” bttrcp 240211 Swatmz00056

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240211
What does not being a Trump Supporter mean to you Saint buttercup ?

If he is on the ballot in November will you vote for his leading opponent to make sure he does not win with your vote?

nfbw 240211 Vwatmz00728 to Swatmz00056

No. I don't participate in the Duopoly anymore. I've stated my thoughts on this numerous times around here, so I don't want to go through it all again. Suffice it to say, unless there's a candidate who I trust and respect and agree with on the important issues, I'm not going to play the games they've manipulated us all to play.
No. I don't participate in the Duopoly anymore. I've stated my thoughts on this numerous times around here, so I don't want to go through it all again. Suffice it to say, unless there's a candidate who I trust and respect and agree with on the important issues, I'm not going to play the games they've manipulated us all to play.
I feel exactly the same way.
Trump inherited an economy that was close to full recovery, after eight years of Obama raising the economy from near collapse. On illegal immigration, Obama was known as the "Deporter & Chief" because he deported more illegal immigrants than any other president in the last 100 years. These mindless MAGA hats believe whatever their cult leader feeds them
1. Obama's first 6 years were post-recession bounce. ANYBODY would have had a good 6 years. Strike 1.

2. Obama's last 2 years (when he was on his own) were a total disaster, with 2 consecutive recessions. Strike 2.

3. Obama deported NOBODY. These mindless liberal suckers don't even know that the Obama adminstration & THEIR leftwing media defines every summons to appear in court, as a "deportation". But with Obama's "Catch & Release system, nobody left the country. They just threw away their summonses, and melted into the US population, never to be heard from again.
Airhead leftists dont know how ignorant they are.
Strike 3. :rolleyes:
1. Obama's first 6 years were post-recession bounce. ANYBODY would have had a good 6 years. Strike 1.

2. Obama's last 2 years (when he was on his own) were a total disaster, with 2 consecutive recessions. Strike 2.

3. Obama deported NOBODY. These mindless liberal suckers don't even know that the Obama adminstration & THEIR leftwing media defines every summons to appear in court, as a "deportation". But with Obama's "Catch & Release system, nobody left the country. They just threw away their summonses, and melted into the US population, never to be heard from again.
Airhead leftists dont know how ignorant they are.
Strike 3. :rolleyes:
Yeah right, "post-recession bounce", whatever nonsense you're saying doesn't take away from the fact that the economy was already growing when Trump became president. Obama deported more people than Trump in his first four years in office, he was known for that. You can pretend otherwise, but the facts don't lie.
Yeah right, "post-recession bounce", whatever nonsense you're saying doesn't take away from the fact that the economy was already growing when Trump became president. Obama deported more people than Trump in his first four years in office, he was known for that. You can pretend otherwise, but the facts don't lie.
You are efficiently establishing yourself here as a fool.

the economy was not growing when trump became president. It was doing just the opposite, it was SHRINKING and SINKING, with 2 consecutive recessions in 2015.

In Obama's ;ast 2 yeara, Obama was on his own, and we got to clearly see the difference between an economics idiot (Obama) "community organizer", and a professional, billionaire businessman (Trump), with the SINKING ship of Obama GDPs in 2015/2016, then RESCUED by the RISING GDP's Of Trump in 2017/2018/2019.

Before Trump took over, we were an unsteady nation, run by a political/economic airhead, with GDP rates steadily SINKING down in 2 consecutive RECESSIONS (3.6...2.5...1.6...0.7)

Trump immediately took charge and GDPs ROSE sharply (2...2.3...3.2...4.6) This is the famous V-GRAPH. Famous on conservative TV shows, that is. Never seen on liberal TV. Always Hidden.


I heard the recording of Trump with his two goons trying to intimidate the head of the Georgia State ballot count effort or election committee. I don't know exactly what it was called, but he was the head of the effort to count the ballots and they were trying to bully him to cheat for Trump essentially. It's 100% clear from that "shakedown" recording. The verbal exchange was something you would expect in a banana republic, a third-world country, not here in the US. It was shameful and if Trump goes to jail for that, I don't see how anyone can pretend what he did wasn't a crime. Just that alone should be enough to land him in prison.
So we should we just tke your word for it ? In this forum you need to provide substance, rookie. You got a link to what you heard, or are only you going to hear it, and not us ?
Yeah right, "post-recession bounce", whatever nonsense you're saying doesn't take away from the fact that the economy was already growing when Trump became president. Obama deported more people than Trump in his first four years in office, he was known for that. You can pretend otherwise, but the facts don't lie.
Are you blind ? I jus refuted your dum dum suckered post about deportations, in Post # 731.

They only thing you did was establish how DUPED you are.
You are efficiently establishing yourself here as a fool.

the economy was not growing when trump became president. It was doing just the opposite, it was SHRINKING and SINKING, with 2 consecutive recessions in 2015.

In Obama's ;ast 2 yeara, Obama was on his own, and we got to clearly see the difference between an economics idiot (Obama) "community organizer", and a professional, billionaire businessman (Trump), with the SINKING ship of Obama GDPs in 2015/2016, then RESCUED by the RISING GDP's Of Trump in 2017/2018/2019.

Before Trump took over, we were an unsteady nation, run by a political/economic airhead, with GDP rates steadily SINKING down in 2 consecutive RECESSIONS (3.6...2.5...1.6...0.7)

Trump immediately took charge and GDPs ROSE sharply (2...2.3...3.2...4.6) This is the famous V-GRAPH. Famous on conservative TV shows, that is. Never seen on liberal TV. Always Hidden.

View attachment 900943

View attachment 900944

Again, you're ignoring the fact that Obama took us out of the great recession.


In general, Democrats perform better than Republicans on the economy:

Again the facts don't lie. Republicans only think about short-term profits, placing all of the nation's resources in the hands of a few wealthy elites.

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